
Reviews of The Trident of Destruction


The Trident of Destruction


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



The story is pretty good. The MC is now giving me the feeling of overlord anime but it's a good book. I was amazed by the story development as well as the world created by the author. The writing quality can be improved and more time and words can be put in a situation. If the author follows these things the book can become better and more interesting

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The flowing way the chapters and books are organized makes it easy to link passages from different books in this series together. Mapping the World is a treasure box, filled with the seeds of cartography. Collect and plant them, and you soon will have the fruits of cartography, beneficial to those who want to be cartographers. Use this series to the utmost, then the fruits of mapping will be sweet for all who endeavor to succeed in cartography.


While I definitely recommend this book to other readers, I would recommend it to older teenagers, mainly because it will resonate better with them. The writing is tame enough that younger teens could also read it, but most of the characters are adults or on the verge of *****hood. Older readers would take the most from it since they can not only relate, but they may also better pick up on and appreciate the narrator's sometimes subtle humor.


It's a good book.This book was very well written. It has black and white photos along with descriptions of the photos. These photos give us a better idea of what people's lives were like. This book is suitable for 9-20 year olds. I give this book 5 stars. This book tells even if you're weak then to you can become strong just never give up on yourself