
The Tribrid System

New book out now The Shadow Monarch System Tobi died. He died and lost everything that he cared for. Those that cared for him, lost Tobi. He was gone from the world, from his place with only his memories remaining. A cruel twist of fate rebirthed him into a World as the child of a demon. Demons, the sworn destroyers of humanity lay waste to all that was in their paths and took lives without restraint. This world was not anything like the one he lived in. It was darker, bleaker and downright cruel. Tobi had to adapt or die... Painfully. He had to gain power at every step of the way, for that was the only path that would let him have this second chance; The only path that would guide him to answers he sought endlessly; The only path… that will not be of the Tobi that remained in memories. On his journey again, he learns to live. He lives a life of a demon child turned Tribrid, unparalleled amongst his peers. He paved his journey with the blood and the lives of his enemies. He had a purpose and a battle. A match… a fight against Fate itself. Edited_By Daoist_Void. ------- Important Message To New Readers! My first few chapters writing quality isn't professional nor is it bad, but I am also editing them just Incase of typos and grammar *errors. I would also like to inform every readers that this is my first novel, and of course might be full of different mistakes besides the writing quality, and the use of system elements. So please bear with me. ____ Schedule:14 - 21 Chapters/week. Chapter length:1k - 1500words. -------- Before I forget, I don't own the cover but wasn't able to find the creator either. If you know the artist, feel free to inbox me on discord: CollinX_BrainZ#8444 also here is my discord server https://discord.gg/vRAxvTN

CollinX_BrainZ · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Where it all began 2

It didn't take long before we arrived in front of the colossal gate, looking from its feet there were figures with huge wings and bright golden faces as well.

At the center of the colossal gate, I saw the being that made my vision blur. I felt like I was looking at a humongous person, despite its size being an ant in comparison to the colossal gate.

"Hmmm, now where do I start..." The being thought for a few seconds before speaking again, "Yes, Children welcome to the Crossworld" The being said, not moving its lips but its voice was miraculously enhanced and loud.

"You are here, at the transportation realm.

So, let me put it this way, this one of those scenarios where you get some wishes when you reincarnate? I chose a world that suits you, you pick some wishes and I send you children away with a merry-go-round, understand?

Use your time wisely. I hope all of you succeed in whatever world I chose and your wishes"

After the being finished speaking, he waved his hands as I grunted from a burning sensation, with his actions I heard some babies shriek as the pain was like being stamped by a hot iron.

In my palm, was a crescent Moon shaded with black and white, making my head buzz a bit.

A few seconds later, the burning sensation stopped so did the buzz. Before my ears piqued from the murmurs around me.

"Transportation realm?" Said a random fat chubby baby, his voice was audible enough but didn't sound like babble words I expected babies should use, cause I didn't hear the baby say Gugu-gaga?

So I wonder who the hell came up with that?

or was it because am also a baby?

Realizing something new, that we could all talk. I turned around to ask the other baby what he could remember before a feminine voice spoke inside our heads.

"Children, please gather around according to your world. Focus your mind on the symbol on your palm."

Though it was a strange request to a few stubborn babies, it wouldn't hurt trying right? Would it? As soon as I did so, I felt something crawl up within my body and a symbol on my palm lit up like some sort of Zuma game and showed various words on mid-air.

[Baby: Tobi]

[Male, unborn]

[World - Originals]

[Ticket - 19]

Everything appeared to be reverie and unreal no matter how much I thought about it, looking at the floating words it was like a mix of a movie baby boss and system in novels I had seen before and had always wanted. I didn't know the afterlife would be this cool, this feeling was just giving me some motivation to die again.

Getting to think about it? I wonder about my new world Originals. What ability would I get...

Thinking about it...

Gave me joy and excitement, which left me filled with anticipation. But then I felt the whole world was shuddering so fiercely as though an earthquake, the atmosphere of the babies became tensed when strange numerous pillars of white light struck down like thuds of lightning on several babies. Including myself.

It was so bright, I felt my eyes become void of light, I had gone blind!

Suddenly, some kind of compressed force slowly pushed me outward from the cramped wet space I felt I was in, and the light pillar which endowed me.

It seemed to be a slow, and yet painful process, that brought pressure on my whole body.

Sometime later, the world of darkness clouded my eyes due to the intensity of the light pillar slowly toned down, though not to the point of perfect sight clarity.

Strangely, I could hear voices speaking in an unknown language that soon became a bit familiar to me.

'Am I blind?', I thought to myself as my eyes couldn't make out anything clearly except blurry images. 'Where are the babies? Almost panicking while in my thought, I became flustered at what was touching my body, a blurred hand that seemed a bit rough yet slightly fat, lightly touched my chest.

The weirdest thing was that the hand seemed to cover my entire body, and I was sure, it wasn't those wings being.

'What the heck happened?'

My line of thought was made short, as the blurred hand turned me around to the side. As it lightly rubs my butt! For crying out loud, I felt irritated. As if that wasn't enough it slapped my butt that I felt it jiggle.

But for some reason, I felt pained from both the light slap and my heart. Cus that was the first time I had such a weird experience and feeling.

'What heck do you think you are doing?'

I said, yet what came out of my mouth was a terrified shriek.

Meanwhile, when everyone heard the shriek, the faces of everyone in the room were a bit perplexed.

"He is alive. And it a ba..by boy!" The old midwife said with a low gasped, before proceeding to rub the baby back as she gently held him in her other hand.

"Xinlloc Zniarb Charmon."