
Chapter One

Natasha stayed close to the trunk of the tree as she watched her prey below. She'd been following them for several days now and her patience had finally paid off. She watched as the rogue werewolf dumped the body of an unconscious boy onto the ground. The boy groaned but apart from that, nothing.

Think before you act, the voice of her mentor ordered.

Taking a deep breath to calm her impulses, Natasha stared at the scene in front of her. The rogue was walking around the boy, like a dog watching his bone.

Knowing the rogue was going to do something perverted to the young boy, Natasha reached behind her back and grabbed the bow. Reaching into the quiver at her hip, she retrieved an arrow, the head laced with wolfsbane. It wasn't enough to kill him but rather to incapacitate him.

Just as she was about to jump down from the tree, footsteps rushed up from behind her. They came from the same direction the rogue had come originally. Frowning, Natasha stayed where she was, curling even closer to the tree. Three figures showed up at the clearing. The rogue looked up at them in surprise.

Natasha cursed as she watched the show in front of her. She'd been after this wolf because he had gone after innocents, played with them before he tortured them to death. She hated killing, but he had earned a one-way ticket to Hell.

"Release the boy," one of the newcomers ordered with an authoritative growl.

The rogue laughed. "So, the alpha couldn't come to rescue his own son? Pity. I'll just have to savour the fact that I can break such a strong man."

"He's actually tied up in his house at the moment. He would have shredded you in a heartbeat. This way, we can take you back to the compound and question you."

The rogue scoffed. "You actually expect me to believe that?"

The wolf shrugged, a deadly grin on his face. "Believe what you want. Just know that you aren't leaving this clearing on your own."

Natasha watched the encounter closely, waiting to see what the outcome was going to be. She knew that all four wolves were strong, but she could tell that the rogue wasn't a match for the leader of the newcomers.

"What's your name?" the rogue demanded nervously.

"Forgive me. My name is Dameon, beta of the Blue Rose pack. But you can call me Reaper.'

Natasha raised her eyebrows in disbelief as she watched the rogue back away in fear. The Reaper was a notorious werewolf known to kill without mercy. She was impressed that this harmless-looking man was that person.

That's why you don't judge people by their appearances, the voice in her head mocked. Natasha almost snorted before she caught herself. It would do her no good to be caught now.

"But…you're…you're just a legend," the rogue protested.

Dameon laughed darkly. "So are werewolves yet here we are. Now, how about you come along nicely, and I won't kill you. Yet."

Natasha shook her head at the goading words. She knew that the rogue wasn't going to go along without a fight. And she was not disappointed when the rogue reached into one of his pockets and threw a ball of wolfsbane at the trio. It exploded when it hit them, and they began coughing.

Natasha shook her head as she jumped down from the tree and raced after the rogue. He'd already gotten a good head start on her, but she was fast too. She followed him noting how he wasn't being careful in hiding himself.

Amateur, she snorted.

Not long after, she caught up to him in the trees that surrounded them and tackled him to the ground. She held the arrow to his throat, a deathly glare on her face. He stared up at her in horror before he noted that she was human.

"A human? What do you think you can do to me?"

Natasha gave him a dark smile. "Well, this arrow has wolfsbane on it. And I know how to kill you with just a single stab to the heart."

Realisation crossed his face. "You – you're the one who has been going after our kind. The one that's been killing us off."

She shook her head. "Actually, that's not entirely true. I'm the one who's been trying to save innocents. I've had my eye on you for a while now. Let's just say, you've been a very bad wolf."

She slid the arrow down his cheek, cutting him. The wolf hissed as he felt the wolfsbane on its tip. "So, where are the rest of your group?"

The rogue snorted. "What makes you think that I'm with others? Rogues don't move around in packs. We're loners."

Natasha sighed and stabbed the arrow into his shoulder. The rogue screamed out. "How dumb do you think I am? I've been doing this for a long time. And I can smell others on you."

Before the rogue had a chance to talk, rapid footsteps sounded behind Natasha. In a blink of an eye, she stood up and had an arrow ready to shoot almost in a single movement. The three wolves skidded to a halt before her, the boy laying weakly in the arms of the beta.

"Who the hell are you?" one of the others demanded.

Natasha glared at them. "I don't answer to the likes of you."

"You're in our territory, human."

She shrugged her shoulders as best she could. "Good to know. Now. I'll be taking this rogue with me."

The third man shook his head as he stepped forward. Natasha swung the arrow towards his heart. He held his hands up in surrender "I don't think so, human. He took our future alpha. He's ours."

She growled, "I've been after him for days. You are only interested in him for one boy. I'm after him for a lot more children."

Dameon stepped forward with a suspicious look on his face. "You're the Avenger, aren't you?"

Natasha shrugged. "I've heard that's what the supernaturals have been calling me. I'm just exacting justice for those who cannot for themselves. Just like that boy you have there," she murmured, pointing to the boy who was starting to wake properly.

Dameon looked down at the young wolf and then said, "You're coming with us as well."

Natasha gaped at him. "Um, I don't think so. There is no way in hell that I am going with you lot. I owe you nothing."

Before they could say anything, she walked over to the rogue and snatched the arrow from his shoulder, gaining another pained scream. "See ya," she mocked then raced off.

Natasha had this territory memorised, so she knew where the borders were. Luckily for her, she was close to the south border. Natasha laughed manically when she felt the wind whipping her face. A sense of freedom coursed through her. Even when the sounds of wolves huffing behind her couldn't stop the euphoria.

She just crossed the border when she felt their hot breaths on the back of her legs. She stumbled to a stop and turned around, a huge grin on her face as she stared at two wolves. Just looking at them, she could feel their anger radiating off them in waves.

"What, couldn't let a small human get away? Too bad. Here I am outside your territory."

She turned around in horror when she saw them changing back into their human form. Luckily for her, they wore tight briefs, so they weren't naked. It was still embarrassing to see men in little clothing.

"What, can't look at a man in his underwear?" one of them teased.

Natasha turned and glared at them, willing her cheeks to not blush. "Don't flatter yourselves. You're nothing special."

They both guffawed. "So, little human, why don't you tell us your name? We're Jack and Jaimie."

Jack was a tall man, with dark blond hair. His skin was dark and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Jaimie was a little shorter than Jack, his skin a shade lighter and was just as fit. They both appeared to be in their early twenties. Not much older than Natasha.

"I guess I can tell you. It's not like we're going to ever meet again. My name is Natasha."

"Wrong," a voice said behind her before her world went black.

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