
The Universal Tree part 1

So how long is it going to take? I have been waiting for the judgement for almost two days ,yet I have seen no one here to pass the judgement.. loosely system this gods follows , if he takes so long to even pass an judgement then how long is it going to take to carry out the judgement.

I am sure that his desk is filled with files.

but what are the pictures that are popping in my mind , I have never seen them in my life. Is this the way of communication from so called god? well I need to inform him that his communication method is broken, who in the right mind will only put images that are unrelated to me .

may be its a kind of quiz that need to be solved to find a right path or may be not.

any way I will try to look into these pictures so I may find something because nothing else to do.

These picture they are not just pictures these are memories , by connecting all of them I may be able to bring these memories back. But why do I have these memories ? I am in a tree how can a tree have such complicated memories. What on the world is happening here?

Suddenly I was surrounded by a dark space , there is nothing but darkness in this dark space. but there is light around me and it is emitted from my body.Its very pure white light , the aura emitted it is too pure , it can be classified as divine . There is something looks like a house no its not a house more like a temple , there are lots of sculptures each emitting same divine aura as me, It feels like they are calling me to them .

The first Sculpture was a women of extreme beauty , her beauty was extremely divine . perfect pair of eyes, nose and lips there was no mistake in her appearance but she had a sad look on her face , there was a tear drop flowing in the Conner of her eyes. It looks like she was in pain ,extreme pain.

her hands where reaching out in front of her,her palm was open towards the sky. the Sculpture gave me feeling of sadness , a deep remorse .

I placed my palm on the Sculpture palm ,the Sculpture turned into a pure light and scattered across the place , then a women's silhouette appeared in the place of Sculpture and it looked at me her sadness disappeared ,the tear drop from her eyes landed on my palm and a smile appeared in her lips . all of sudden the silhouette merged with in my body. lots of information formed in my head..

According to the information , This is an another universe created by a supreme god known as Oxon

and the tree I am in is known as tree of Oxon . people of this universe have named this tree as universal tree . few days back the soul of this universal tree disappeared or in more simplified way the universal tree died. the last leaf of the tree was shred ,which brought great disaster to the universe, all the habitable planets which are in the universe have developed inter dimensional portals

with in them resulting in greater chaos.

The Universal Tree stands as the top authority of this universe , roots of the Universal tree has spread across all universal . Gaining access to profound mystery of all the planets in this universe .

The Universal tree has the greatest power in this universe but due to unlimited power its scope has been holy places in all the planets . These holy places consist of sub tree of the Universal tree. Within which It can exert a portion of its power via the sub trees .

Oxon the supreme God had set an rule that anyone who could reach the Universal tree will be granted an wish due to this living being across the universe have been trying to find the universal tree location , countless attempts which only ended in despair .

Baniya Understood that she has been reincarnated has a The Universal tree , the previous tree had died to some kind of powerful infection and lost the last drop of its soul and consciousness ,

with the last leaf. The death of the universal tree was full of remorse . with her soul been reincarnated an new leaf has been sprouted in the branch giving life to the universal tree but the problems arrived due to the death of previous universal tree hasn't been solved by her revival.

Universal tree revival with her soul has only reduced the intensity of the problem but there are fluctuation happening across the worlds .

She also understood that her life and death situation hasn't been ended yet , Her soul power is very weak to control the complete power of the Universal tree , thus she couldn't fix the problems arose due to the death if the universal tree . To gain the complete control of the Universal tree she has to improve her soul power. She understood that the universal tree is still in its weekend state ,so she needs to find a solution to fix the body of the universal tree.

After understanding about her current situation Baniya moved towards the next Sculpture , she couldn't even see the Sculptures appearance a bright divine light has enveloped the Sculpture preventing her from gaining any knowledge from the Sculpture . There were total of five Sculptures

in the temple . Baniya was able to access only one of the Sculpture ,her try to access the other Sculptures have only ended in vain.

There where lots of question Baniya needed answers for example how Universal tree has been created ? Where is the creator ? How such a powerful tree got infected ? Why there are restrictions in using the power of Universal tree? but she understood that all these questions needed to wait .

maybe once all the Sculptures were accessible she might have found the answers for all the questions she has in her mind.

Next chapter