
The Genius Baniya

Looking back I have done well , Always faced my challenges with a smile and heart of lion .

I , Baniya have done well. Let me take some time to appreciate myself for all my hard work.

Finally my life is in my own hand .Having born in a poor family and losing the family in age of 11,

born in a place which is culturally suppress women in the modern world finding my way across all the struggles , I have done well.

I am one among the worlds most wanted Dendrologist, My research in Dendrology have earned me a place among the elite Dendrologist. Nicknamed as peculiarity Baniya, widely among the Dendrologist.My ways of research has always been different from the other Dendrologist.

After college , I got placed in a leading corporate company as research assistant manager and with in two years I formed my own research team, by third year my project was nominated for the best projects undertaken in the world for better future .

Now after six years since I started the project, it has come to an end .I have been awarded noble prize for outstanding contribution in botany. Biography of my life has inspired youngsters to challenge there life style. My name has turned to be a symbolic icon for young girl at my birthplace to look up-to.

Being an successful young prodigy of 21st century and an attractive female many approached me just to get rejected.A normal life never interested me . I always wanted a life full of challenges and never to be constrained by anyone. Like a free bird that fly across the sky spreading its wings ,like a star that shines above the sky and like a massive river that flows from mountains to the sea.

Now completing a conference in Mexico , I am returning to my Hometown to support an orphanage.

Its been a long time since I have been to my home town . I wonder how it is , is it till constrained by religious beliefs ? or people have changed there way of belief ? Any way let me just go to the orphanage give a check and scram away from this place as soon as possible and take a vacation to enjoys myself .

I thought of buying few gifts to the children in the orphanage before reaching the place so I found an toy shop near by the orphanage and while making my way towards the shop, a truck which was driven by an drunkard smashed me, granting my wish to fly like a bird in the sky within few seconds I landed back in the road ,So that's it my life is going to end here.When I started to accept my fate and give up on my life , I heard some one calling for an ambulance , a small glimpse of hope was formed in my heart ,I can make it if I refuse to die.I will hold on my breath so I can live. I refused to close my eyes fearing I might die.I refuse to accept the fate written for me.I refuse...

I still have the vacation that I have planned , I still have lot of ideas to develop my research and more over I want to live , you f***ing death stay away from me . I will not give up .

While I was struggling to live darkness covered me, I have to admit it I was afraid but I refuse to give up. My hope to live was pushing me to take another breath to live . My body shivered countless time, my consciousness was fading , my control over my breath hassled, I started loss feeling of my legs every part of it , it lost the feeling in my tosses and I lost the feeling ties .I struggled my ways to gain control over them , without my permission tears started to flow from my eyes , teaching me that i am weak , that death is calling me but I refused to believe in it .

I lost the feeling of my fingers and hands and tears were flowing endlessly from my eyes . I refused to scream ,I refused to accept the death .I didn't want to show my weakness to my enemy here, I was afraid it will exploit my weakness and corner me to accept it.

The sounds made by the people around me went silent , I was able to see there lips moving but why aren't they making any sound is this what death is like , no I will not give up. Why is it that the people around me are dancing in the sky? cant they see that i am dying here . Why aren't they helping me? Is this humanity ? or is it my karma that none are helping me?

Why it is dark suddenly? I cant see anything .I wanted to scream now for help but my lips , I think they are sealed I couldn't move them , Am I nearing the death, is this the end of Baniya ?? No my body is still warm so I am not dead yet , I still have hope to live . I can hear my heartbeat . Ah! I never heard my own heartbeat so clear and loud it is the proof that I am alive So I can still refuse to die .

No don't, Don't slow down pump faster pump the blood , don't give up I am placing my last hope in you my heart , push forward push harder pump the blood don't slow down .Don't ..... slo..do ...

That's good you haven't given up right? I feel proud of you my heart. but why do you sound different ? anyway it doesn't matter as long as you beat I live ,we live.

It's good I am gaining my senses back but I feel wired .Did some quack operate on me???

I am going to sue the quack that messed up my body. How dare ,How dare that quack screw up my body.

No its not it.. Something is not right . Why the hell I don't feel like a human any more? What am I??

I have branches all over my body and only one of them have a leaf . Don't say that I am turned into to tree. Now I am confused did I really die? Then Why am I alive.?? And what is this place ? Why there are no one here ?

Let me think for a while ...

After a while....

I get it now , I am in afterlife waiting for judgement . So we wait for judgement within tree ah? it feels wired from that old religious book and stories and why am I the only one waiting for judgement? it's wired . Anyway death succeed me. If I get another chance I will not loss to that son of *****.

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