
New Life

As I was dying my life flashed before my eyes and then it abruptly turned blank. It wasn't black or white; there was no heaven or hell. My conscience disappeared.

Suddenly I felt warmth and a cold breeze flowing over me. I panicked and got up, opened my eyes and saw the vast night sky. Thousands of shooting stars raining down on earth, and a beautiful purple galaxy so close yet so far. It was as beautiful as a painting yet looking at it made feel cold like ice.

I looked around me and only saw a wheat farm and a shabby house behind me. Feeling cold from the wind I head inside the shack. And there I saw a man, a women, and a small young girl. The man looked to be in his early 40s. The women looked to be late mid 20s. And the young girl looked to be 8 or 10.

After looking at them I intended to say hello yet another word or words came out of my mouth instead. Knowing that my heart skipped a beat. I was confused on why I said that and why it sounded like the right way to speak. I wanted to test it again. So this time I asked "who are you and where am I?". They looked at me confused. The man then spoke to me in a foreign language yet I was able to comprehend what he was speaking. He said "Son are you ok? You were outside for a long time. Are you sick?". After hearing him I instantly understood that there was something terribly wrong. And started having a panic attack.

I fell on my knees, pain in my heart, trying to breath. All three of them came close to me to check on me. Yet I ran I ran away from their eyes full of pity. I ran and I ran until I hit a river. There I went to drink some water to cool down. And as I reached for water; looking into the river. A teenager with brown hair and brown eyes looked back at me. I had red hair and brown eyes before I died. Remembering this I remembered that I died. And I cried.

They weren't tears of sadness they were tears of relief. I was relieved that I died. When I was being bullied I had no way to fight back. I was poor and I had no muscle strength. And if I were to kill my bullies I would've suffered even more until I died.

After I stopped panicking I got a good look at myself. I seem to be at least 6'4 or 6'5. I'm fairly tall but I have no muscles. I'm mostly bones. I decided to really take a good luck around me and saw more houses. All the houses seem to be made out of old wood planks and hay.

I returned back to the old house I ran away from. And told them that I suffered from a very painful headache and I can't remember many things. They all looked at me crying saying "It's okay Malken, our poor son. Your memories will return to you it must be the work of one of the 72 demons." Seeing them cry made me cry. I asked for their names and turns out we all start with M. The names are Mark, Malanna, and Maila. Mark being the man, Malanna being the women, and Maila being the little girl.

We have no last names and we're a family. And apparently the world"s name is called DOLD. They say that they name its name is that because since the beginning of time demons existed on this world attacking us. The acronym is Demons of Old Live Down. Yet no one has seen one in hundreds of years. And I honestly don't think they exist. But since I exist here maybe they do too.

Far deep underground in demon tongue.


I smell it Asmodeus the smell of a soul tainted by death. Get Valefar to get one of the churches people to steal the key to the gate. We're going to hunt for that soul. He may be useful when we handle our dear Lucifer.

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