

"Good morning Michelle, how was your night?" Chris asked as he approached her upon seeing her enter the building.

"Oh my night was a fine one but my morning was definitely not" She furrowed her eyebrows and almost crushed the coffee cup remembering what happened today.

"Oh slow down girlfriend. Come sit and tell me everything but first I think you need another cup of coffee as this one is already cold and the cup disfigured." He took her by the hand, led her to her seat and left to get the coffee.

"Can you believe a motorcycle driver almost run me over? That ungrateful pyscho didn't even apologize, gosh!"She started ranting when she spotted him a few booths from hers, massaging her head in the process to get rid of the impending headache.

"He even had the audacity to tell me to WATCH WHERE I WAS GOING; that douchebag" She continued ranting taking long gulps of the coffee not bothering to look anywhere until she saw the uneasiness on his face and how quiet he was.

"Spill now" She was already annoyed and knowing he kept something from her had her seething with anger.

"Ok but you might want to relax for this one" Suddenly her face morphed into one of confusion. She was anxious now.

"Erhm, Mr Johnson may or may not have asked me to tell you to take coverage and case of the SAMUELS" She dropped the coffee and stared wide eyed with mouth open. Her heart literally skipped a beat.

"What! No, I don't get it. What do you mean?" She wanted answers.

"Like stalk him at his work, events, ask him questions, you know the usual hustle."

"Oh goodness. For Pete's sake I don't like that man; even boss knows this" Her day literally got 10x worse. "Can't anything be done? Like someone could fit in?" She tried to reason and look for a way out but seems she was stuck.

"No babe, it's all on you now and you have five minutes to leave the office. " Chris said.

"I am officially doomed"


"Sir please hear us out. Is it true you broke up with Alicia King? Sir, sir sir" Urgghh I hate this.

"Sir just look here please! Ouch, hey you!!"I shouted when suddenly I was pulled to the floor by none other than MR FESTUS SAMUELS himself.

"You see what happens when you pry too much. It'll be worse next time. Be careful" He had the guts to threaten me after pushing me to the ground. I gathered all my strength and got off the floor to give him a piece of my mind.

"Now you listen up young man. You have no right to manhandle me you fool. You think I like prying in your matters huh? Well newsflash sucker, if you could keep your dick in your pants we wouldn't be here. I don't have money like you do so I have to strive and do this shitty job" everyone present was shocked at her outburst and confidence as they continued filming the whole incident.

"Now be a gentleman and take your disgraceful self out of here and better get a thread and needle to sow your mistakes and resolutions together " I continued. Whew, that felt good. I heaved out a sign of relief. The reporters started cheering me up but I just stood up from the ground, got my stuff and left the place.


"Ervin after that embarrassment, do well to make sure that information does not get out and get me every info about the girl in 5 minutes!!!" I was beyond angry. No one dared to talk to me like that. She definitely had to pay. I banged the table fiercely and scattered all the files like I was mad.

Exactly 3 minutes later Ervin entered my office with his laptop and I knew the job had been done. He placed it on my desk and moved away to allow me scrutinize everything.

" Michelle David's.

23years old.

Reporter, Johnson's Media"

" Oww this is gonna be interesting. A lowlife had the audacity to disgrace me. She has something coming"



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