2 Flashback To A Nightmare (Chapter 2)

1 YEAR AGO....

That stage of my life was a living hell. As you could tell I hated it, why? Well back then I was...you could say not the most attractive or even ugly. However I had never let it get to me until I entered highschool. This began MY nightmare. Before, my classmates, senior and even TEACHERS would comment or show indirect hatred, disgust or even mocking actions of my appearance. The students at my school had multiple nicknames for me, and trust me they were not good. Although teachers did not say it directly I could sense through their actions that they did not care or seem too fond of me or you could say my appearance. Now, you may say that that's perfectly normal... but I felt discriminated because they seemed to only favour the good-looking, most popular or richest (or you could say the 'most influential'). And what made it even stranger was that I wasn't even a student to be appalled at. If i'm brutally honest I received good grades and my personality wasn't bad(i think) but even if I was I wasn't as bad as those who were favoured..... so i gave in.
