
The Tower of mastery - John Story

the first story in the world of "The Tower of mastery" A whole world with its own laws Follow John When he tries to achieve wealth and happiness In a world that seems safe but full of hidden dangers Maybe one Chapter a week

TheNoOne · Fantasy
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17 Chs


The last three hours were like an eternity, or so they appeared to John. After hours of misfortune, his luck had finally sparked, and he had found the wall that strangers had told him about. And indeed, troops of people were walking straight through the wall, passing it without feeling a thing, as if the wall were a phantom, made of permeable smoke. Thinking that the wall would work for him the same way as it was working for others, John moved towards it. As he got closer, his pulse quickened because he was just too excited and exuberant. In his enthusiasm, he sprinted towards the wall, running as fast as his legs could carry him. The wall came closer and closer; John prepared his body to pass through unobstructed.

But that did not happen.

Upon coming into contact with the wall, John crashed into it instead of getting through. He ricocheted off the wall with great force. Luckily, the impossibility of injuries saved him. He landed on his butt, confused as to what had gone wrong. He felt dizzy and bleary-eyed, but all his attention was soon distracted from everything. A fragrance, sweeter and lovelier than anything he had ever experienced, wafted through the air and into John's nostrils. Immediately, the feeling of warmth traveled through his skull to the very tips of his toes. The sweet smell made him feel like something incredibly soft had embraced him.

"What do you think you are doing?" said a high and clear voice. To John's ears, it was like the soft and melodious chiming of wind. Mesmerized, he got up on his feet and turned to look at the source of the enchanting scent and sound.

He saw a girl who looked the same age as himself. Her entire form was a riot of aesthetic and sensual beauty. With too much to process all at once, John analyzed her beautiful form bit by bit, patch by patch. She was blond and had long cascading hair that looked like a waterfall of melted gold. The unbraided and silky hair fell all the way to the short of her back. Her eyes were large, full of life, protuberant, and purple in color, emitting a radiance of mischief and brilliance. Her rosy red lips were thin and curled into the most mischievous smile as if teasing John for his failure to get through the wall. The girl had a haughty way of carrying herself, a proud countenance that gave her the aura of mischief and decadence. She had a small and delicate nose, which perfectly suited her lovely face. The bridge of the nose curved slightly upwards. There was a piercing in her right nostril. And through this piercing, she wore a tiny nose ring hoop, made of glittering gold that sparkled and accented the glow in her eyes. Having scanned her face, John moved his eyes to the rest of her body. Wearing a tight purple shirt, too small to adequately cover her torso, she stood with her chest thrust outwards. Her bosom was incredibly disproportionate when compared to the rest of her body; it looked like the chest belonged to a fleshier and more prominent person. Despite the mismatch, her breasts were beyond impressive; they were a majestic roundness of feminine beauty. They were so tightly squeezed together that it was a wonder how the small shirt could contain them. It was like they were squished tightly together under the shirt. John had a hard time looking away from them. But continuing downward, he saw her muscular but soft and slender belly; John imagined that if he were to put his finger just below the breast, it would immediately slip along her stomach. The shirt was too small for her breasts, so that it was lifted upwards, unable to cover a good portion of her stomach. John saw the delicate belly button surrounded by sinewy flesh, a soft well decorating her beautiful stomach. She wore tight-fitting, blue short jeans that perfectly outlined her legs and buttocks from the waist below. Her feet were covered in shiny black heels, made of the finest leather, that gave her a prominent posture. John analyzed her legs and buttocks between waist and feet, which were perfectly proportional to her figure. As she walked a little way towards him, he saw that she was accustomed to walking in the heels. Her legs were perfection personified, the tight short jeans accenting their impeccable shape of roundness and slender. The thighs and calves had just the right amount of flesh, no more nor less; the girl was a walking carnival of feminine beauty. A slumbering beast, a monster, awoke inside of John upon beholding the girl. This inner beast roared at the sight of her and made his nose bleed.

"I am fine, really. There's absolutely Nothing wrong with me," said John in his utter confusion. The girl's red lips stretched further into a more giant smile; her teeth flashed with a blinding light that made John squint.

"What are you talking about, dumbass? I asked, what on earth are you doing? Are you so stupid that you didn't see the wall? Don't you know, this area is for exiting Zone Two, not for entering it?"

"But the sign over there says that this part of the wall is for entering Zone Two!" he protested, pointing to the sign hoisted on the wall.

"Good Lord, are you seriously calling me a liar? You are going to believe the stupid sign and not me?"

"No, I didn't say any of that. I just said that..."

"Do not change the subject! I know well enough what you said! You have deeply insulted me, boy," said the girl with a malicious expression, "tell you what. You seem like a nice guy, even though you said that stupid thing, so I will let you off the hook this one time. All you need to do is to buy me dinner in a nice place. That's all, and then I will probably forgive you."

"Okay," said John, not knowing what else to say, "but I have to get registered first."

"Oh, yes, that is important. But you know, food can be paid for with cash, so you don't really need any points to buy me dinner. But let me guess, you don't have much cash, do you? Of course, you don't. Perhaps we will convert the one point you get for a hundred dollars. We will go someplace nice; you can get me my meal there," she said.

"What? I will get one point only?" asked a disheartened John.

"Of course, dumbo! What else did you expect?" she said, laughing menacingly in John's face.

"No chance I can get more than just one point?" asked John in a hopeful way.

"For you, there is absolutely no chance. But some special people can. On average, you need to be one in a thousand people to get three points. One in a million to get four points! So, you think you are that special, silly boy?" she said, grinning teasingly.

"Well, I believe a man should always dream for bigger things," said John confidently. He was starting to dislike the girl's personality, despite her extraordinary physical beauty.

"How many points did you get when you registered?" asked John to change the subject. She instantly stuck out her relatively colossal bosom further so that her lean back was a perfect arch. She threw back her hair proudly before answering.

"Oh, my family has a grand house in Zone Four," she said with a smug expression, "I have never been short of cash, never!"

"But what about points?" asked John.

"Didn't you hear me? Are you deaf as well as stupid? Anyway, I think we should get you registered quickly. I don't have all day waiting for my dinner; I am a very busy person who doesn't have any time for dimwits like you! Hurry up now."

She walked towards the wall; her breasts and buttocks swung left and right as she made her way to the wall. Turning her head, she said, "We don't want to be losing any more time, chop-chop!"

With that, she sprinted forward and disappeared into the wall.

"Wait," called John as he ran after her, at the spot where she had gone through. This time, John did not bump into the wall but came to the other side into Zone Two.

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