
The shop

As the train comes to a stop, john walks out of the compartment and walks out of the train, "finally." John said As he stretched his body, "A' ight everybody, 4 on ech boat" Hagrid said, as John steps into a boat with some people in it, and the boats start to leave for hogwarts.

John's boat finally stops as it reached hogwarts, john walks with everybody else to the doors of hogwarts amd wait for it to open, not to long, ghost started to appear at the entrance, "look at these little ones." a female ghost said "thought they would be taller." A male ghost said, most of the kids screamed and he chuckled slightly at their fright, but when a ghost passed through him, he shivered and felt annoyed by the ghost, 'hey system, how can I hit a ghost.' John thought.

[You embue magic into your hand, to embue magic yourself, you have to strain your hand and feel the magic move into your hand]

John strains his hand and trys to feel the magic, he feels something move through his veins and into his hand, "time to bitch slap ghosts." John said

[New skill: enhance]

The doors suddenly and McGonagall walked out, "Hello students, welcome to hogwarts, you shall follow me to the great hall to be sorted into your respective houses." McGonagall says, the students start to follow her through the halls as they see many moving paintings and armor sneezing, as McGonagall reaches some big doors, she pushes them open and walk in with the students nervously walking, the other students sit at the tables whispering to each other, McGonagall walks to the podium and places the sorting hat on the stool, as it began to sing, john thinks 'if the Gryffindor sword is in the hat, what else is in the hat?', 'can I buy a Winchester in the shop?', 'do they have pokemon in the shop?', john keeps thinking about what is in the shop till the hat stops singing, "now, when I say your name, you will sit on the stool and I will place the hat on your head." McGonagall said.

"Hannah Abbott"

"Hufflepuff!" The hat yells and the sound of cheers from the Hufflepuff table. John starts to go into deep thinking again till he hears Harry's name being called out.

"Gryffindor!" The hat yells and the Gryffindor table goes crazy, and one of the Weasley twins say "WE GOT POTTER, WE GOT POTTER."

And finally, John's name was called out, so he went to the stool and sat down, and when the hat was put on his head, time stopped and the screen appeared saying.

[Quest| Choose a house:

Slytherin: bloodline change

Gryffindor: New skill [Fools bravery]

Ravenclaw: new skill [Quick Learner]

Hufflepuff: new skill [loyal aura]

Choose your house]

"What do all of these Rewards do?"

[Bloodline change makes you a pureblood and help cast spells faster, [Fools bravery] makes you brave but a fool at times, [Quick Learner] helps you learn stuff faster, and [loyal aura] makes people trust you a bit]

"Then I choose Ravenclaw." John said

[New skill: |Quick learner| acquired]

Time starts to move again and the hat yells,

"RAVENCLAW!", the Ravenclaw table cheers for me as I walk to the table and sit down.

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