
: Gratsudale Kingdom

~3 weeks later~

"Now strike!"


I slice the dummy clean in half.

"Very good. Very good. Now let's eat I'm craving some nice soup and tea."

"Soup and tea? We're all the way out here so how can we even get that?"

"Because we are going to be heading to the Kingdom of Gratsudale. Besides you need some new clothes and a good sword."

(The Kingdom. I'm already familiar with it but there might be some changes.)

"Alright let's go. The faster we get there. The faster I can eat.", he says while grabbing his bag.


~2 hours later~

"Well here we are. The great kingdom of Gratsudale. It's pretty nice ain't it?"

I look up to see a giant gate.

(Still as big as I remember.)

There are 10 people standing in front of the gate and next to them is a very large line of people. People of all different kinds of races to Demi-Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and of course Humans.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice."

"Wait here while I'll go speak to the guards to let us in."

He walks over to the guard and they start talking. The guard makes a shocked expression and then runs over to the other guards. They all open the gate and Jincheng motions for me to come on.

"What was that about?"

"I know some people here."


We both walk into the kingdom filled with people bustling about.

"Alright. Before we go out and explore everything, let's go get some food and get you some clothes and a new sword."

We both walk around until we see a tea shop. We head in and take a seat. I look around to see a lot of older people. Some are even playing some odd looking board game. A couple of minutes later, a waitress comes up to us and asks for our order.

"I'll take a nice green tea and your best soup."

"I guess I'll get the same soup he's having."

"Coming right up!"

The waitress smiles before heading to the back.

"Hey, she was pretty cute huh? I saw the way you were lookin at her. Love at first sight?"

"Of course not."

"Oh really now? Come on, I bet you guys would look good together. You saw the way she smiled at you?"

"No we wouldn't."

"Don't worry. If you're too much a wimp to talk to her, I'll do it for ya."

"Please don't. I would very much like for you not to do that."

The waitress comes back over with the soup and tea and places it down on our table. Luckily someone from the back calls for her and she hurries over.

"Thank the heavens."

"Hahaha! You should've seen the look on your face!"

"Very funny."

He calms down and we both eat and leave the place after leaving some coins on the table.

"Alright! Time to get you some new clothes. I know a guy who sells some pretty fine clothing."

We both walk for a couple of minutes before reaching a shop that's built in to some other ones. We both walk in and a man greets us.

"Oh Jincheng! What's up man! It's been a while!", the guy behind the counter says.

He's a burly man who has dark skin. He's bald and looks like he does a lot of work outside.

"Sure has been Ghilard! I'm here to get some new clothes for Ryuki here."


He observes me for a moment.

"I know something that will definitely fit his size and it will look good on him. Let me get it."

He goes to back and comes out with a dark brown, leather jacket and some brown pants.

(Not bad.)

"These are embedded with magic defense too!"

"We'll take it."

"Alright that'll be two gold pieces. I threw in a discount since you're my bud."

Jincheng puts two gold pieces on the counter and hand me the clothes.

"Wasn't that expensive?"

"Haha! I don't know what that word means, my boy! Here, go try them on in the changing room."

"Yeah sure. Thanks for the clothes."

"No problem."

I take the clothes and head into the changing room. I put on the clothes and then walk out. I take a look in the mirror to see how I look.

(The outfit suits me just well. And it's embedded in magic too? Impressive.)

"This is pretty good."

"Well of course it is. My wife made it after all. I'll tell her you like it."

"Thank you sir.", I say while bowing.

"It's no problem kid."

"See ya later Ghilard. Tell Navia I said hello, will ya?"

"Will do. Take care you two!"

The shopkeeper waves and we both exit the store.

"Alright now time to get you a nice sword. I know a someone who sells some of the best weapons in Gratsudale."

"Who don't you know?"

"Haha! You can say I've met a lot of people."

We both arrive at a small shop in a quiet part of the town.

(Seems pretty shady but Jincheng said it had the best swords.)

We both walk in and he greets the shopkeeper. She looks to be in her 40's.

"Hey there Mei. Long time no see."

"Jincheng! It's so good to see you again."

She walks up to him and they both hug.

"It's been so long. I was starting to worry you wouldn't come back. But who's this young man?"

"This is Ryuki. Ryuki meet the beautiful shopkeeper of this kingdoms greatest weapons shop, Mei Iradale."

"Nice to meet you mam. Ryuki Tetsuyo.", I say as I politely bow.

"Oh my! Such lovely manners. Unlike someone here."

"Hey now, I can be civilized too! Sometimes."

"Well anyways, I'm assuming you guys came here for a weapon? So what would you like?"

"The best sword you have."

"Alright! I have just the sword for you Ryuki."

She heads to the back. While she's back there another door to the left opens.

"Is that you Mr. Jincheng?!"

A girl who is a spitting image of the shopkeeper just younger looking pops out.

"The one and only!"

She runs over and hugs him.

"It's been so long since I've seen you! How have you been?"

"I have been well. Ryuki meet Mei's daughter, Mitsumi. Mitsumi meet Ryuki."

(It looks like she's my age. Wait… is that name Japanese? Now that I think about it, the shopkeeper had a Japanese name too.)

"Nice to meet you."

"Yes nice to meet you too.", she says shaking my hand while smiling.

"So, are you guys here to get a weapon?"

"Oh yes. Well it's just him getting a new sword."

"We have the best swords in town! So you will most certainly be satisfied Ryuki!", she says proudly.

"For the best weapon shop in town it seems pretty quiet in here. Wouldn't there be like some adventurers or some people in here?"

"Well that's because people usually judge the place because of how small the shop is."

"I see. Makes sense."

AMei comes out holding a sword inside of a black and white tinted sheath with a sort of dragon design on it. She walks over to me and then hands it over. The sword feels light in my hands. I take it out of the sheath and take a good look at it. The sword seems to be made of a type of different material than normal ore like iron. The shape of the sword is even more amazing. The edge is sharp and it looks like it can cut armor like butter if I apply a bit of enhancing magic. It is also shiny and I can see my reflection through it.

"Wow, this is amazing."

"Well thank you. My husband forged this sword. It was the last one he made before he passed away."

"I'm sorry for your lost. I will make sure to cherish this weapon and put it to good use since you entrusted me with it.", I say while bowing.

"Haha thank you. You're good kid. I'm surprised you're hang around someone like him."

"Hey! I'm not that bad!"

They all laugh until someone barges in almost knocking the door off it's hinges.

"Give me all of the weapons in this shop now if you don't want this place blown to smithereens! I've already set up magic traps around this building! If you try to do anything, so help me God, I will set them off immediately! Now get to it old hag and give me everything!"

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