

The wind was cold to my skin, Beijing was nothing like Brooklyn, and the breeze blew harshly against the trees nearby. I could hear the voices of wind in my ears, as it howled every second and flowed through my clothes, I panted, feeling the sweet sensation flow through my torso, I could feel my cheeks get flushed with excitement, having bad freaky thoughts about some Alpha banging me.

It's been so long since I had intimacy with someone, I just handle everything myself.

My body screams for an Alpha's hand all over my body, I'm in my heat and I am human with needs, not a robot and just the deliberation of entering that solitary apartment sends shivers down my spine.

All of a sudden, I felt so cold, goosebumps pumped out of my skin, even though I was wearing a big white jacket, blue jeans and a black long-sleeve, it wasn't helping and if I wasn't struggling enough to walk, it would have blown me off too.

I was quite a lightweight, trying to keep my scent at bay to prevent Alphas from coming at me because of my scent, I fought to walk fast so I could get inside my apartment and take my suppressants.

My blonde hair flew all over my face, my pointed nose began itching, my flushed face was full of tears streaming down my dark amber eyes, my little dimple cheeks hurt, my white pale skin was full of goosebumps, my feets hurt from the cold, despite the black pointy boots I was putting on, my numb red lips were cold as ice, I had to give it a little bite to feel my lips.

I was nearly six feet tall, my cute short feet couldn't even fit in my boots properly, do I care?


I got to my apartment, out of breath, my heat was getting to me, I began ripping off my clothes but managed to open the door to my apartment and shut it behind me. I don't want to be caught by my neighbors calling the cops and tagging me for being a rapist or pervert, whatever it is, I will be arrested for, before they come for me.

Work was hectic.

My cold hand grabbed my phone, I dialed my boyfriend's number, Takumi Liu, he is the love of my life, Half-Japanese and Half-chinese. His mother is from Tokyo, while his father is from Shanghai, so I heard.

I miss him.

The call rang a few times before he answered.

"Hello, Love," I whispered, hoping that I'm not disturbing his work. I am in my heat after all and he needed to know.

There was silence.

"Hello," I said again. "Takumi."

"I can hear you, Yukio Chen." He said sarcastically over the phone, I didn't mind his tone nor did I want to get offended by it. He must be stressed, I thought and needed a lot of rest, that's why he is talking to me that way, it was not his fault.

"How are you?" I smiled, even though he wasn't seeing me.

"What is it, are you in your heat, because you don't call me at this time of the night just to tell me how I am doing." He stated.

He was right. I don't call him by this time of the night, well, I do call him every day, in the morning, afternoon and night but he insisted that I should only text him, because he is so busy and he can't reply to me at work, he's the director at the firm he's working on. Unless I wanted him to get fired for slacking off, so I respected his wishes and only texted him.

Yet, this was urgent and I wanted to tell him over the phone, at least hear his voice, not through a message.

"It seemed important, that's why I called."

"Go straight to the point, Yukio." He wasn't in the mood to listen to me.

He doesn't even call me "Love" anymore, he says my name "Yukio" which sounds hilarious.

"I'm in my heat, I need you, Takumi.' I hastily said every word to not hesitate or else, I will end up not saying it and hanging up out of embarrassment.

With an instant reply. "I'm busy."

"I know, it's just that the apartment is lonely without you," I confessed. "Coming back from work every day to this apartment is lonely, I miss you very much, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"If you are so deserted, you can stay with my parents for a while or yours if you want." He suggested and I could tell, he was yawning.

"It's only you I want, not them." I insisted.

"I can't come right now, I'm pretty busy, do it yourself, take some suppressants to ease the pain," Takumi stated harshly over the phone, I clenched the phone tighter and smiled sadly.

"Takumi, I haven't seen you for a year, all I need is you, my heat is getting worse." I shivered in pain, silently begging, stifling my feelings, my crotch was so hard it hurts so much as I lay on the bed naked with only my long sleeve on my upper body, the pain was so much, tears streamed down my cheeks, yet, I feigned, to not let him know I was in great pain since my heat, my body wants him, it needs my Alpha to come back home.

"Listen, Yukio, I'm really busy, okay, take some suppressants, it will help reduce the pain, if it's not working, I will introduce you to another one." He implied.

"Another one." I wanted to burst. "I don't want to take another one, Takumi, it's too much for me." I silently begged.

"You have to endure it." He persisted with annoyance.

He is always telling me to bear with it, does he know how hard this is for me, other Alphas go on to meet their spouses, but Takumi keeps insisting it's work which is keeping him and how busy he is and yet at the same time I don't want to sound or act clingy.

He loathes it.

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