
The Tome

In front of Ojero and Ryan was a small shop that looked very plain. It was made entirely of a smooth stone with a simple wooden door. There were no windows on it, and only a simple sign that said "Troy's Tomes" let Ojero know this was a store for Tomes.

Without another word, Ryan stepped forward and pushed the door in, causing a loud creaking sound to echo around. A few passerbys gave them weird looks, as Troys was often the source of ridicule for being one of the worst Tome stores in all of Everhold.

Inside, Ojero saw only a simple desk that had 3 small bookcases behind it full of Tomes, most looking very plain. There was a thick layer of dust on everything, revealing how long it went without use.

By these bookcases was another wooden door, which opened soon after they entered, and from it came a tall sickly figure. His skin was pale and sunken in, and his eyes darted everywhere. His face had patches of facial hair everywhere, making Ojero wonder if he had ever shaved properly in his life.

"Troy." Ryan stated simply, nodding his head.

The store owner, Troy, immediately snapped his head around and stared at Ryan for a few seconds more than would be polite.

"Ryan… It has been a while… I assume you here to purchase this boy his Tome, yes?" Troy asked in a suspicious voice.

Ryan simply nodded.

"Very well. Step forward boy." Troy said to Ojero, not taking his eyes off of Ryan.

Ojero carefully crept forward, partially scared of the odd man.

Suddenly snapped his eyes to Ojero, he reached out and grabbed his face before Ojero could react.

Suddenly struggling, Ojero tried to pry Troy's hands off of his face, but they remained stuck there, as a faint glow filled his eyes.

Ryan, ignoring Ojero's muffled screams and attempts to free himself, simply watched the exchange happen, smirking under his helmet as he remembered that he acted in a very similar fashion when he first came here.

'I wonder how things would have fared had I chosen another path, if I had chosen to leave and go to another store. James might still be alive… His wife might still be alive… I might have lived a more fulfilling life…'

After a few more seconds passed, Troy released Ojero's face, allowing Ojero backpedal away from him.

"Hmphf, I never expected you to bring me such a coward, Ryan." Troy said as he turned back to the bookshelf.

"He has much time to learn and grow." Ryan replied.

Troy began tracing his index finger along the spines of the Tomes on one of the bookshelves, moving along slowly.

"Then he is luckier than most." He responded softly.

"Now tell me, boy, of the main elements which is your favorite?" Troy asked as he walked.

Holding his jaw, Ojero suddenly looked up, outraged at the shop owner's audacity to grab him like that and act as if it never happened.

"You grab my face then ask me questions!? First tell me what you did!" Ojero yelled out.

"He seems to be stupid too. Answer my question boy, or you'll be out on the street." Troy responded.

Ojero turned to look at Ryan, who simply crossed his arms.

"Light. My favorite element is Light." Ojero finally said after a moment of contemplation.

"Ha, if your favorite element is Light then I am a Fire Ape!" Troy responded while chuckling.

'You seem about as smart as one…' Ojero thought.

"No… your favorite element is shadow isn't it?" Troy asked.

Ojero's eyes widened when he heard this.

"How- How did you know?" Ojero asked, bewildered at how this man knew.

"I can sense it in you boy. You were not made for the Light, even if your parents told you otherwise."

Finally stopping, the store owner pulled a thin Tome from the shelf. It was a bland shade of gray, with a thick layer of dust on its cover, similar to everything else in the store.

Troy unceremoniously dropped the Tome onto the counter, before turning to Ryan.

"You know my fee."

Without a word, Ryan held out his right hand, and in his gauntlet a large brown bag tied with a string appeared.

With the speed of a powerful Light mage, Troy grabbed the bag, before pocketing it.

Turning back to Ojero, Troy looked him in the eye.

"Go on now, touch it."

Ojero cautiously stepped forward, worried that the crazed man would try and grab him again.

When he got close enough, Ojero reached his right hand out while Ryan stepped forward to get a better look.

When he finally placed his hand on the Tome, he felt a strange energy leave him through his hand and enter the Tome.

The front of the Tome began to rapidly change, as all of the dust on it faded out of existence.

The gray cover of the book seemed to rip apart as a pitch black covering appeared in its place.

The binding of the book turned a dark red, with small spots of white dotting it. In the very center of the book, a large dark purple gem appeared. To the right of it appeared a dark green gem, and to the left of it appeared a black gem. Above it a dark red gem appeared, and below a dark blue one did too. All of these gems were slightly smaller than the purple gem, but all of them seemed to be positioned perfectly.

Ojero couldn't help but stare at the cover, baffled at how beautiful it appeared.

During the entire process, Troy could not stop staring at Ojero.

Ojero finally looked up, meeting his gaze.

"You should treasure your Tome for as long as you can. Not all are lucky enough to keep theirs."

With these words, Troy shoved the Tome off the desk, and Ojero only barely managed to catch it.

When coming back up, Ojero noticed that the strange shopkeeper was gone.

Holding the Tome, Ojero slowly opened it, wondering what he would find.

You get a chapter, and you get a chapter, and you get a chapter! Everyone gets a chapter!

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