
The Beginning

There I was. Just sitting in the classroom. I always sat at the back where the outlets were, since I had a pretty crappy laptop wich always had to be on the charger. If it wasn't, it would run out within the same lesson I started it up in. Sitting next to me was, of course, the class introvert. Aka my to-be-best-friend. Of course, at that time I didn't know that would be my best friend in the future. Nor did I know anything about their life, how they were outside of school.. I didn't know anything about them really. At least, not yet. And if only I never knew.. if only it never started this way..

Well, it's too late to be saying that now, so far in the future.

Anyway, we then suddenly heard a loud crash. Our german teacher immediately turned their head towards the source of said crash. Looking through the window on the right side of our classroom, they froze for a few moments. Their facial expression going through a series of changes from shock, to worriedness, to seriousness. They quickly sprinted through the door, cursing while quickly going outside. Almost all of the students, as the curious kids we were, all quickly ran to the window.

It wasn't a very big window, only fitting about 5 students standing in a straight line shoulder-to-shoulder so some people had to stand on their toes in the far back or squeeze their way through to the front. There was also the small guy in our class that was 2 heads smaller than everyone else. Somehow he managed to get to the front of the window without anyone noticing it. Looking outside, we saw that apparently, a car had crashed onto the side of a biker.

"Whoa, look at that. That guy's flat on the ground. Is that blood on his head?" said a random classmate of mine. "that guy looks pretty handsome tho, with his black hair and biker-like clothing. It seems to be a size too small for him tho.." said another. "he also had a huge scar on his neck.."

Meanwhile, we could see the teacher from our class rushing over. There were also a few random people who happened to be walking by, together with the driver, standing at the scene. Some already had their phones in their hands, quickly calling an ambulance.

Nobody from our class reacted heavily to it tho. Except the introvert. He, together with 2 other people didn't really care much about the loud crash. Including me of course. But the moment he heard that last sentence, he suddenly began to show fear on his face. Immediately after, he rushed to the window, pushing everyone aside.. At least, he tried. He still got to the front of the indow eventually.

He a stared blankly at the person laying on the road. "Brother..". He looked as if he was just half a step away from breaking before quickly returning to reality and rushing outside. The rest of the classmates were stunned at this revelation. "That is his brother? They look nothing alike.. He must be adopted!" said someone shemelessly. Some classmates quickly glanced his way, him quickly realizing his mistake and shyly backing off from the crowd.

Meanwhile, after hearing this, I also got interested. I mean, barely anyone knows anything about this guy. It's a rare opportunity to get to know something about him. So, I also walked to the window, peeping outside. My face perplexed. Not because of the accident, nor because of his good looks despite laying flat on the ground with almost his entire forehead covered in blood. Actually, I didn't see any of these things. All I saw was an ordinary, empty street, empty except for 1 man. Floating above the middle of said street, he looked down proudly as if he just saw his child successfully riding a bike for the first time. I stared at him for a while, before he noticed me and started staring at me, too. A surprised face, then suddenly turning into fear quickly followed by a fast hand gesture and everything becoming black in front of my eyes. Like a loading screen. It felt like I fainted, but when I woke up, I was back where I started this chapter. Sitting in the back of the class, with my crappy laptop and the introvert next to me. Only, this time, something changed. After I woke up, the introvert stared at me with his eyes full of fear, as if he just witnessed the monster under his bed, dragging him from his feet deep into the abyss.