
The Time When I got summoned to a fantasy world

This is a story about a person who got summoned to another world but unlike other legendry tales of summoned hero adventures, our Main Character is an emotionless character who doesn’t want to do anything with Emperor or the Gods, but things never go the way you expect them to be! Let’s see what holds for this person.

Fcatilizer · Fantasy
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23 Chs

CHAPTER 7 – Journey IV

CHAPTER 7 – Journey IV

After staying up the whole night. In the Morning once everyone woke up, we decided to get on moving as soon as possible.

well, It's not only last night that I stayed up.

Somehow, in this journey each and every night. I stayed awake the whole night, Unable to sleep.

Since the day I came into this world, I haven't slept a bit...

Phew, whatever... As we keep on traveling

Throughout this journey, we keep on traveling every single day and once it started to get dark, we set up a camp as usual and rest for the night.

There were sometimes when I joined Nick for Hunting when we run out of supplies. Honestly, I'm really glad that we didn't get into any serious fights. I don't have any weapon at the moment,

Only if I had tried to keep my magic output in control…


Aside from that, sometimes Cho – Hee helps Sakura in learning English. Sakura is really a genius, she can now do basic conversation without a problem. It's really is embarrassing even I tried my best to learn Japanese but my progress is nothing compared to her.

As we travel, looks like Garter still tries his best to interact less with us. How is he a merchant if he avoids interacting with other people?

On the 7th day of our journey, we reached the capital city of the dawn empire. The Ariel City, which is also known as the 'Elder City' of the empire. I really want to find out why it is called Elder City.

As we were entering the city gate, we were stopped,

"Please show me your ID." The city guard stopped us as we reach the city gate.

"ID?" Emma got confused as we were asked. She probably doesn't realize that Adventurer Guild Card is our ID.

"Here, my ID!" I handed over my Adventurer Guild Card to the guard. After looking at my action, the girls also showed their guild cards.

Once he verified our card, He also checked our carriage.

"You can now enter, welcome to Ariel City."

We entered the city and waited for Nick's team to enter as well.

"Alvin, you already knew that we will need an ID soon, right?" Cho – Hee asked the question with a serious face.

"Well, I just guessed that we might need it.", Why is she acting all serious?

Sometimes I really don't understand her…

Well as for guild cards, of course, we will need an ID so that we can travel between cities. That's why I insisted everyone to register as an adventurer on our second day here in this world.

And I am glad I was right…

As I climbed out of the carriage, I notice I need to also take care of it.

"Wait here, I will be back after selling the carriage." I need to sell the carriage here if I don't want to carry it around everywhere.

There are so many people constantly at the city gate. This place is really busy,

"What a huge crowd just to sell and buy carriages!"

"Boy are you selling this carriage?", A random merchant approached me.

Boy? is this how you talk?

This guy is just asking for it...

"Yes, you can buy this carriage with both horses for only a single gold coin",

There is no way he will buy at this price!

"Alright, here will be your one gold coin. I will be taking this carriage now!"

Heh? Did he buy it just like that? Wai- aren't you going to negotiate?

Was he in hurry? I feel like I just scammed that guy.

Ah… Let's just forget about it.

I need to go back, I don't want to make everyone wait.

As I keep on walking I looked in the sky,

The weather is quite nice, A clear sky...

The capital is huge and lively. I can see different types of people everywhere.

"Did you already sell the carriages?", Cho – Hee suddenly asks me as soon as I came back.

What now? Why does this sound like she is doubting me?

Whatever, "Yes. Where are the others?"

"We are over here buddy!", Nick called out with his hand up.

Why is he… wait did he just call me buddy?

What's with this sudden change of words?

"We got the completion letter from the Garter. Let's go the guild and collect our reward."

Oh, he was talking to the Garter, I guess we have completed our request.

Let's move toward the Adventurer Guild,

The guild building wasn't that far from the city gate. It's in between a city central square and the city gate.

Wow, The Adventurer guild here is even larger than the port city.

"There are a lot of people here, as expected of the capital city." Looks like, Cho – Hee isn't that surprised.

"Let's first collect our reward and find an inn nearby."

I and Nick went to the reception together, Let's see…


"We are here to inform our completion of our request and collect our reward."

"Please show the completion letter.", Receptionist is carefully looking at the completion letter.

Is she trying to verify?

"Okay, here is your reward. You guys are now ready to take another request anytime."

Well, our reward is four silver coins, Somehow, It's doesn't feel like a lot of coins.

Maybe, I should take more requests after we found somewhere to stay in this city.

Should I take on solo requests? It might be a good idea.

"Let's meet again later Alvin!", Nick left with his party member.

"Let's go, we need to find Inn"

As we keep on walking on the streets, we found it again.

The Sunshine Inn… Do they have branches all over the empire or something?

Uh… well, I guess their service isn't bad.

"Hello, how may I help you!", A woman in her twenties greeted us.

"We are here searching for rooms."

"Yes, we have two rooms available at the moment."

No… Not again! Come on why every time there are only two rooms available?

I take it back... they have weird service, not bad nor good. It's basically weird. Come on is this a coincidence?

Cho – Hee sighs a bit and then she says, "Wow, here we go again!"

Girl, were you expecting this to happen?

I guess it can't be helped,

"I would like to book both rooms for the next 10 days."

"Sure, that will be two gold coins."

I think booking for the next 10 days is enough for now. well, I'll extend later when it's necessary.

"Here are the keys for both rooms. Please enjoy your stay!"

After that, I'm back with a roommate. Looks like Cho – Hee doesn't mind being my roommate again, Maybe I shouldn't complain too much either.


"Cho – Hee, I will be going outside to look around for a while."

"Alright I will be also going to the Emma and Sakura room."

Hmm... All Girls talk??

Okay, Let's get out and explore this capital and if I remember, I also need to buy a sword, then maybe let's start searching with a weaponsmith first.