
The Time When I got summoned to a fantasy world

This is a story about a person who got summoned to another world but unlike other legendry tales of summoned hero adventures, our Main Character is an emotionless character who doesn’t want to do anything with Emperor or the Gods, but things never go the way you expect them to be! Let’s see what holds for this person.

Fcatilizer · Fantasy
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23 Chs



I think I was a bit too quick on deciding whether to participate in the raid or not, but I can't ignore an opportunity to meet the Hero.

But I really want to see a cliché character. It will be a waste not to meet him when I have a perfect opportunity.

I'M COMING TO FIND YOU, HERO. At last, things finally got interesting.

Due to my decision, everyone eventually agrees to join the raiding party. I wonder if I should've dragged these girls with me in my selfish request.

"Alvin, after this raid you owe us a good meal. Understood?", Cho – Hee demands compensation now?

Well, at least she is not mad at me like last time.

"Sure, but first let's register ourselves in this raid as well."

Registering for joining the raiding party is simple but according to the request, once everyone is registered, they will be assigned to a group of eight people.


Group of eight adventurers. Is there any special reason especially the number eight?

"Hey, if it isn't Alvin.", Someone suddenly calls me, I looked to see who it was and to my surprise, it is Nick and his party members who were waving hello at us.

"We meet again, are you also going to join the raid?"

"Yes, what about you guys?"

"Same here. So, if you don't mind want to again go on together like before.", Nick initiated a handshake while he asks to team up.

This guy…

Was he also searching for party members? What a coincidence that you came to find me.

"Why not, let's take care of each other once again.", I grabbed his hand because I know it's good to be at a party where you know everyone.

As we registered together, I and Nick started to check the necessary info that we might need. While we were busy discussing here, the girls were also talking about something among them.

"Cho – Hee, I am sorry! I just wanted to help others save this city. Maybe I shouldn't have dragged everyone into this.", Sakura apologizes to Cho – Hee.

"Don't feel bad about this Sakura, you did nothing wrong. Look even Alvin decided to join the raid."

"Yeah, you are right. He did decide to help everyone.", Sakura started to show appreciation towards Alvin whereas Cho – Hee was in conflict thinking in a different way.

Did he really join the raiding party to save some innocent life or is it because Sakura asked it?

No, it's definitely not Sakura, the moment Hero's topic was bought up he decided to join without a second thought.

"Ahem, What about you Emma? You didn't say anything regards to raid.",

"Well, I said nothing because it won't be a problem for us. Our level is high, if anything I would feel bad for monsters that have to encounter monster who is in our group."

Wait, does she mean Alvin?

Sighs… Did she just brand him as a monster?

As I looked at Alvin busy with Nick, I realized Emma isn't wrong. All three of us know that our level is already considered pretty high and despite that he is almost twice our level.

Alvin, just what is your real power?

Several raids groups formed. There was a total of five groups including ours, we were later assigned as Group C.

Some veteran adventurers including guild master were in Group A.

Even the guild masters will be joining the raid personally. He really wants to make sure this raid goes well.

We started to move towards the southern forest as wasting any more time might be dangerous for the city and can cause a lot of problems.

It took us an hour and a half as we were walking on foot but as we reach near the forest. Some of the groups started to use their party formation.

Wow, they are all well prepared…

I really don't want to say this but Alvin who is going on different requests with these girls never really thought about a party formation.

Am I weird or is it because we are basically a cheat character that this doesn't cross my mind?

Anyway, I guess we should also come up with some sort of formation as well. I don't want to be called an amateur.


"Nick, should we also get in some kind of formation so that we can guard each other's backs?"

Nick glanced at groups behind as he said, "It is stupid. There is no time for something like that. Just make sure to kill every monster that is closer, and if it happens to cross you, let the rear party take care of it.",

… we don't have time. I wonder how many monsters there will be.

Suddenly, monsters get visible at the borderline of the forest as they keep gushing out of the forest in a large quantity, I realized something.

I would've never imagined this scene just by reading some novels. As I am witnessing this I have a clear picture of what a flood of monsters looks like.

"Alvin, I know you are strong so try not to die. Okay?", Nick speaks as he looked straight toward the monsters.

"Yes?", what's with this sudden concern? In his eyes am I that reckless?

Hold up… He just raised a flag, right? Is he stupid or something?

I need to change the topic, "Hey, let's treat ourselves to some good meal, don't worry it's on me tonight."

"Sweet, It will be unwise to refuse free food.", Nick faintly smiles and looks pretty composed now.

As we draw our swords for the upcoming battle. Adventurers on the frontline scream and warn everyone to be prepared.

"Let's do our best everyone. Girls, remember don't hold back no matter what.", At last advice before the fight.

Honestly, I believe they don't need it. Anyway, Let's start this flood control act.

Adventurers on the frontline started to kill as many as they can but for the monster who keeps coming in our range, Nick and I took care of a good amount of them.

But there is something that I observed as the fight keeps going on, in the middle of the battlefield even if I try to ignore it, I can still notice the real difference between our group and the others.

Even Nick is way better than the groups behind us.

"What are their levels?", It's clear that there is a huge difference between our level and other groups. Some are even struggling against small monsters.

Everyone is an adventurer so is it really that hard to level up?

Aren't you guys fighting all the time? This is a scam, I can't understand why no one is leveling up like crazy. Is this what Gaia wanted to tell me when she said no one is using the system as it should have been.


At the very least Group A is holding its ground.

If you look at these veterans' adventurers, they are in different leagues compared to other groups and I bet the guild leader must be a former S Rank.

"Look at that girl. She is taking care of several monsters at once all by herself.", Suddenly some adventurers put Cho – Hee and other girls in the spotlight as they keep killing monsters one after another.

That was expected of them.

Well, isn't it obvious Cho – Hee has a good affinity in wind elemental spells than other elements, whereas Emma and Sakura must be good in Fire and Water Elements too.

In my point of view, they are just playing with monsters at this point.

I guess there is no need to worry about them. If I let them loose, they might be good enough to take care of any high-level monsters.

Compared to them, I am just using my blade to take down monsters by normally cutting them down. I also want to use magic, but I am not sure whether my new sword will be able to handle it.

If it's possible, I don't want to lose my only weapon in the middle of a fight.

Sometimes being overpowered is also tiresome. Hmph…

"Not bad Alvin, taking down monsters that easily. Your group is also giving a good performance out there.", Nick pops out of nowhere from the sideline while I was fighting.


"Performance? You should be looking at your girl. She is smashing everything with those burning fists. Go and talk to her about performance."

"W-What d-do you mean by your g-girl? Amber and I are just friends"

"Oh, but when did I mention Amber?", I can see Nick's red ears very clearly as he is getting flustered.

Buddy, you are several years behind if you want to tease me.

I bet even everyone in his party should be aware of their relationship by now.


As things started to seem boring, I remembered why I'm actually here for. The reinforcement group from the imperial palace finally arrives with the one leading them the Hero itself.

"At last, you are finally here Hero!", I really can't keep my smile under control, I am so eager to see the power of a cliché character in every fantasy bs.

Please put a good show for me…