
The obvious

"The obvious? What do you mean?" asked Lynne.

"You'll see," he replied, still smiling. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, which was vibrating.

"Wait, your mother was supposed to be calling minutes ago, why did she change her mind and call you now?"

"She didn't. She started calling me a minute after you came, but I ignored it."


Roy shook his head and answered the call, "Hello?"

Lynne looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He made his voice sound pained, as if he was just throwing up.

"NINE MISSED CALLS, ROY LEON! NINE!" came the screaming of Roy's mother from the phone.

"Sorry mom. ," he said helplessly, "I was throwing up. I couldn't answer your calls."

"Throwing up?" her voice soft now, "are you feeling okay?"

"No," he stopped and made sounds, as if he was vomiting. He looked at Lynne, who was chuckling, and winked then raised the phone up to his ear and said, "No, I don't think I am good at all."

"Okay, where are you? I'll come and pick you up."

"I don't think it is necessary, I can manage to walk."

"Okay come immediately!"

"Alright, Mom. Love you, bye." He then put the phone on the table and grinned. "The obvious."

"Right, the obvious," she said, smiling back at him. "But when you meet her, she will sense something wrong."

"Yes ,and that's why I really am going to throw up. Well, not now, I still have a phone call to make."

He stood and walked out of the café followed by Lynne. He strolled through the street until he reached a public phone. He entered the cabin and put a number down.

"Obore Hospital. How can we help you?"

"Please tell me the name of the people who serve Mr. Leon, a patient in your hospital."

"I am afraid I don't have any information about that, sir."

"Then please refer me to someone who has these information."

"As you wish, sir. Please wait a moment."

"Yes?" came the voice of a woman.

"Hello, I was transferred to you from one of the employees in your hospital."

"Yes and how can I help?"

"I need the names of the people who serve Mr. Leon."

"The ones that serve Mr. Leon are numerous, which one do you want to know about?"

"The one who will push his bed today when Mr. Leon will meet his son and wife."

"Then that would be Cain Yang. May I ask why do you need this information? And who exactly are you?"

"If your hospital wants to avoid murder today, then go and arrest Cain Yang. I believe that Mr. Leon is now in his room waiting, am I right?"


"Does Cain Yang stand with him now?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then go and search him. If you don't find any weapon on him then go ahead and search the other guards. Also, change the person who is currently guarding the room."

"How do you know all of this?"

"Just do as I say and you will prevent murder," he said, "As for who am I?"

He took a deep breath then said, "I am The Time Wanderer."

With that, he ended the call and put the phone back. He returned to Lynne who looked at him and said, "You're starting to use that term yourself."

"I like it," he replied.

Lynne smiled, "Now what?"

"Now, I have to throw up several times."

They went to a remote corner, where Roy forced himself to vomit several times. Immediately after that, his face paled and a hint of yellow could be seen.

"Now I feel sick," he said, putting his hands on his stomach.

"Do you want me to help you walk?" asked Lynne as she leaned forward to help him.

"Yes please." Lynne helped Roy to get on his feet, and then the two of them headed to Roy's apartment.

There, Mrs. Leon was waiting for her son, and when she caught sight of him, she rushed to help him. Lynne was still there, and tried her best not to look at Mrs. Leon, who had been eyeing her constantly.

They led him to sit on the stairs. Roy's mother looked at Lynne, smiled at her and said, "Thank you very much, dear, for your help."

"You are welcome, Madam," she replied, returning the smile. "It is a good thing that I ran into Roy, or else he wouldn't have been able to walk."

"Really?" she shifted her gaze to Roy, who sat there, lowering his head.

"He said he could walk."

"Perhaps he thought he could," she said, shooting a glance at him. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go. Don't forget to rest well, Roy."

"Yeah," answered Roy, not even lifting his head to look back at her. Lynne didn't say anything else and went back to the inn.

Roy's mother poked his hand and said teasingly," Who is she?"

"My friend."

"She looks prettier than your girlfriend…"

"Mom… Please, now is not the time," he interrupted.

His mother nodded and said, "As you wish. And by the way, we won't go to the hospital today."

For the first time since he got here, Roy raised his head and said, seemingly interested, "Why?"

"They found a gun in your father's possession. They also found out that two of the guards were the ones who gave them the weapon."

"How did they find out?"

"They said that a person who called himself 'The Time Wanderer' told them to check on him."

"The Time Wanderer, huh? Well, we should thank him if we ever get the chance."

"Yes, we should. Who knows what was your father thinking of. His condition is getting worse…"

"Don't worry, Mom. I am sure that Dad will be fine. What's  important is that no one got hurt."

"You are right. Now, you are to go to your bedroom and rest. Understood?"


She helped him reach the elevator where they ascended to their apartment . She led him to his room and let him rest.

The next day, Roy called his girlfriend, "Hey babe, can we meet?"

"Yeah, same restaurant?"

"Same restaurant."

"Same restaurant."

"Alright, see you."

"Bye." He put on some clothes and went to the restaurant he and his girlfriend usually went to. She was there already when he had arrived

The two of them ordered some food and ate, with his girlfriend telling him a story. However, Roy suddenly interrupted her and excused her to go to the toilet.

But after some time passed, he still hadn't returned. At that moment, she noticed a piece of paper besides Roy's plate. She leaned forward and picked it up.

It read, "I am sorry, I am breaking up with you. Why? I made a promise to someone. I left some money under the plate, take them and pay the bill. I hope that our paths will not cross again."

She ripped the paper apart angrily, but still took the money. She immediately paid the bill and left, leaving her nearly full plate behind.

After Roy left the restaurant, he called Lynne and told her to meet him in the café.

He saw her waiting for him outside. "Hey," he said after approaching her.

"Hey, how are you feeling today?" she asked as they entered the café.

"I feel amazing," he replied, a smile on his face.

They sat on the same table that they sat on yesterday. Lynne took the initiative to talk, "So I have been thinking yesterday."

"Really?" he asked, surprised.

"Quite joking. Yes I can think."

"What were you thinking about?"

"About what we did yesterday. Although we changed the past, we are still criminals. We are murderers and thieves. We can't change that."

"You're right. We can't. But we can forget, we can start a new chapter, where we will be good people. And furthermore, if we didn't go back in time, I wouldn't be doing what I am about to do right now."

"And what are you going to do?"

He extended his hand and put it warmly on her hand. She looked surprised, but didn't tell him to take it away. Slowly, a smile started to trace on her mouth.

He smiled back and said, "The exact opposite of what I have done before coming here!"

The End.

So this is the end of my short novel (10k words). I hope you guys have enjoyed it.

Love, Awada141

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