
The turtle hermit and the monkey.

After we left off I returned to the house and went to sleep but I awoke the next day and found myself coming close to the coast.

Bulma I said stop I'm sensing an irregular heartbeat.

I turned to see that a turtle was being chased by a giant bear with a scimitar.

I ran upto the bear I landed a jump kick to it's sword hand and said leave him alone and face me I said.

The bear drew a knife and came at me I shuffled right past him grabbed his shoulder and kicked his calf sweeping his legs and turning my hip to throw him.

Come at me bro I'm ready the bear threw his knife I deflected it with a back fist and then I preformed an inazuma geri. The standing axe kick knocked the bears face into the ground.

Come on bro.

The bear got up although bleeding from a cracked skull he came at me I dashed upto him he threw a cross counter but I ducked under it and came up with a jab fallowed by a round kick I assumed the defensive cat stance and landed a front low kick fallowed by a kick to the thigh then upto the ribs and a jab then a round house kick and finished with a twenty five chain punch rush.

The bear was bleeding internally.

No more i give he said I noticed he was lying I turned around he drew his knife but I kicked him in the solar plexus with a side kick as it works best with the butt facing the opponent.the kick made a sickening crack and I knew I had killed him I walked over to the turtle changing back into my base form are you alright mister turtle.

"Thank you for helping me."he said.

hold on I have someone I want you to meet.

The turtle traveled to an island I transformed and grabbed Bulma and fallowed him I made sure to land out back and change so that the turtle hermit didn't see.

Muten roshi I want you to meet someone.

The old man came out of the house he soar a Hawaiian shirt khaki shorts and a pink turtle shell on his back he also had a staff with a knotted top and a dragon ball around his neck it was the three star ball.

Hello boy I heard you saved my turtle,funny thing I never expected you to be strong enough to kill a bear, what's your name son.

Son goku I'm the grandson of son gohan but I was adopted by him.

Hmm so your gohan's boy is that right we'll I believe I might have a gift for you,

Kintoun he called out there was a pause and a yellow cloud came flying towards the ground.

I believe this would serve you well.

Um master roshi can we have that dragon ball on your neck.

oh this old thing we'll I'll give it to you if your female friend shows me her panties.

Bulma turned to me I nodded.

She lifted her dress and showed her panties they were a white pair of panties with a pink ribbon in the middle fortunately for me I had the ability to stay on the cloud since It took more than that to turn my mind dirty.

After we got the dragonball I decided to have some fun.

Are you really a master of martial arts muten roshi.

yes boy I am. Roshi said.

Well then can I test you out.

Heheh well I guess I can give you a try.

He removed his shell and took a fighting stance similar to that of a crane.

I decided to use karate.

The kumite began.

I came at him going for a low punch and guarding with a open hand as I could tell he was going for a right beak fist but he blocked my left low punch and went for a crane strike but I thrust my hand out in a knife hand strike to the throat then flicked my thumb into his chin and pushed him in the forehead with my index and middle fingers.

then I crouched down and swept with my hand leg.

He came up from the sweep and using his finger tips he pushed up and came at me with back heel kick I decided to show my true colors and smacked is heel kick away I span around and landed a chop to his left collarbone stepped to his left and chopped his jugular stepped around and backhand chopped the nape of his neck then pushed him to the ground and landed ten straight punches starting from his solar plexus to his chest,his thyroid ,his chin ,lip ,nose, brow and finally his forehead then I hit him with a pasai U punch he came back and I hook punched him in the temple pouring all my fighting spirit into it as I let out a kiya.

The master fell back and then began using a drunken form.

I smiled and assumed the wing chun form.


it seems you have been training for a while now Son Goku but however I will win this next match.

He went through a form I recognized he raised his hands up cupped them as he circled them around. Ka-me-ha-me...Haaaaa!!!.

the energy wave came at me.

I transformed into super sayajin 4 and preformed the mawashi-uke ( circle block) then I stepped around and preformed my own ki attack the kyoku seiken Kai zuki. The extreme sacred fist aura punch.

This blow was aimed solely at his groin.


That was a severe low blow boy.he squeaked

"I'm sorry I thought we were using our deathblows."

haha sorry he said sticking his tongue out.

So is this your true self

"No this is just a sort of power up technique "

"Any way can I train under you when we come back".

"Certainly but you mustn't pull that move on me again."

after that we said goodbye to master roshi.

our next stop is a village to the east.

( next time on reincarnated as goku with super sayajin 4 goku takes on oolong for his dragon ball. And then goku fights against yamcha in the desert wasteland.)

Next chapter