
Sweet Smell

I looked at the window of our little family car, the body guards are in the back and the movers in the front. I never understood the need for bodyguards but to my father it was highly needed. I looked at my mom in the front seat with manicured hand on my fathers shoulder. There mates for life. I can't wait to have something like that. My mother is nail stylist, she always let me go into her little shop and let me watch her do her clients nails. My father is CEO billionaire. He always makes time for us even on his busy days. He's a family man. He finally decided it was about time we moved, I shifted last year and have been sleeping outside in a tree lately since I didn't feel comfortable sleeping inside anymore. My father talked to the Alpha, so were able to cross to his territory to the no mans lands and claim it as ours. We would've got a nice house and move to where everyone else was. But my father decided it wasn't needed and had our house built and furnished. I watched as we pulled up to a beautiful house. My dad parked the car then we got out, I walked inside then heard from my father " Your rooms upstairs" I smiled at my dad then went up the spiral stair case, I found a door that said " Tyler" on it in white letters then went inside. It was simple and it was me . I liked it. I loved the dark colors and the view was perfect. I had lights so I was able to work. Everything was perfect. To bad I would'nt be sleeping in this room. I brushed my hand on the covers and smiled. Then I sat on the bed and felt the soft covers as I looked out at the view , hopefully I could find a decent tree to sleep in. I heard my phone go off with a soft ding. I looked to see it's a message from my mom.

( m=mom , G=Gabriel)

M: Were going to a ball tonight! I'd start getting ready were leaving in 2 hours. Love you ❤

G: Okay love you ma! ❤

I put my phone down and went to shower then once I was done, I brushed my teeth. I put some lotion on then went to get dressed. I decided on a white tight fitted t-shirt with some grey pants and tan shoes. I tucked my shirt into my pants then through on my silver watch. Once I was dressed, I popped in a mint then grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket then went downstairs where my parents were waiting for me.

At the Ball

We walked inside the gorgeous ballroom. I was actually surprised how beautiful it is.Then the Luna walked over in a pretty pink strapless gown, she hugged my parents and they chatted, the alpha walked over and pecked the Luna's cheek " Hello Gabriel" his voice was raspy and deep, but not in a bad type of way. I smiled and said " Hello" " You ready to meet your mate" " I can't wait" he smiled then said " Will you run with us?" I smiled and said " no, but thank you" then he walked away to go to the small stadium. Everyone showed there neck in submission but my tiger wouldn't allow me to. He knows that I am stronger, and he wouldn't bow to some dog. The Alpha looked at me, he nodded at me in understanding. Then he started to speak " Tonight is the night of the full moon" Everyone smiled as the top of the ballroom opened revealing the moon " Tonight we run as one. Tonight we find our other halves." Everyone shouted. Then everyone shifted there clothes shedding into piecing. I shifted as well except my clothes don't tare unlike wolves.Everyone watched as I walked outside, usually the alpha goes outside first but tigers are there own person. They don't have a leader. Everyone watched as I jumped into a tree and laid in a branch, some even glared, some were confused, others were jealous. I laid in the huge tree and watched as the Alpha shifted then headed outside before starting the run, he bowed his head toward me in respect, a lot of people always wonder why should an alpha wolf bow to a tiger. Tigers are larger. They have power. So him bowing his head shows respect toward my tiger. I nodded then he gave me a wolfy grin and started the run. As I waited for everyone to get back, I let my thoughts wonder about my mate. What would he be like? Hopefully he's not an alpha, I don't feel like having to fight for dominance with an Alpha. Hopefully he's kind. Maybe feisty. A few hours later the moon rose high in the sky and everyone came running back. I watched as the males shifted back on one side and the females on the other. Everyone was tossed some clothes because there's was shredding. Then of course a man decided to come in, a little late. I noticed him as the Beta. The guy has zero shame. I watched as he mingled with everyone else brushing his fingers through his brown hair and big smiles spread across his face. Then I looked toward his clothes , a cropped shirt with baggy pants and black and white converse. His pants held a few chains which were probably attached to his wallet. I watched as the Alpha nodded for me to come join, this is where everyone had to hide there scents. I hopped down from the tree and went to the males side , I shifted back with my clothes and grabbed a glass of white wine. I watched as the beta went to the females side and chatted with a few of the other males over there. I rested my back against the wall and the small bell went off letting everyone know they can let out the scents. I let out mine and looked into my glass twirling the liquid before taking a sip. I looked around the see everyone had there mate until a scent caught my attention. Cherries. Perfume. Vanilla. I set down my glass then went on the search for my mate. Sadly he was not found in the scatter of people. I went home with my parents, and went to go the front yard to head to bed only to hear my father yell " You start school tomorrow!" Great. I shifted and hopped into my tree then drifted off to sleep.

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