1 The Beginning

The Three Brothers Adventure Group started with the three sons of Luther Stone and Martha Green. Luther was a Captain in his holiness' army in the last war and served with distinction, met Martha who was a healer also part of the war efforts, fell in love and the at the end of the war took up the job of sheriff to a new town along with several other smaller jobs with Martha serving as the towns healer.

In the year 312 of his holy King Francis of the kingdom of Hakmur, Luther Stone had just arrived at the command center where he would get his new orders. Luther walked up to his commanding officer's office and knocked before entering.

"General, you wanted to speak to me?" Luther said after closing the door.

"Yes Captain Stone, with the end of the war the army is going back to standby status and most of the standing troops are going home or going out looking for a home." General Forks spoke. "With that in mind i have several options for both you and the new misses." The general was the one to marry Luther and Martha.

"Three actually, the first is at the capitol as the new head trainer for the castle guard, second is the same for many Noble Lords for their personal guard, and lastly becoming the new sheriff and head of the guard, until you can pick and train up a new head of the guard." He finished.

"With the option to serve the King there is very good monetary and political clout, but it is heavily demanding on you and any future family. Martha will not have a job there but as a healer she shouldn't have a problem. The Head of Guard and Trainer job is for a 5 year contract with optional extension. But

"The job with any one of the Noble lords
