
The Thread Nicker (PJO OC/SI)

Waking up in a dark room is never a good thing, especially when the last thing you remember was it being day outside. Dive into the world of Percy Jackson with an original character that has been reincarnated, with a system??? What mischief can this new demigod bring to the table? Support: patreon.com/user?u=74488456 Go check out the perks!

JustTiller · Book&Literature
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29 Chs

Meeting at Olympus

King's eyes fluttered open. Once he adjusted to the room, he was now in he sat up removing his head from Chastiefol which was now in pillow form. He used what strength he could muster and stood up. The room was relatively dark and had lines of cots in it with multiple cabinets and shelves. He looked around and finally made his way to the door. Before he could open the door, a voice stopped him. "You really shouldn't be out of bed yet." Out of impulse he swung around and summoned Chastiefol to his hand in its blade form and pointed the weapon and the speaker's neck. "Well now! Young man, I'm going to have to ask you to remove your blade from my neck! Or there will be serious issues." King finally got a good look at the person in front of him.

[Chiron, Legendary Trainer, Level-?]

"Apologize Chiron, I was startled." King snapped his fingers and Chastiefol transformed into a pillow and floated away from an intrigued Chiron. "My, my what and interesting weapon. I can honestly say in my many years have not seen anything like that. Also, it is nice to see that you recall me from our previous interaction months ago. Well young Harlequin, your traveling party made quite the noise coming to our little camp." "Well yes Chiron when fighting a beast such as the Nemean Lion things can get a little loud." King replied with a small smirk on his face. He noticed an animal skin and what seemed to be a set of fangs in Chiron's hand. ~The system must have left that reward out in the open because monsters drop items when killed. But what about the fang that was not a part of the rewards was the actual drop or bonus?~ Chiron saw King's eyes on the skin and fang and answered his unspoken question. "These were brought in by Grover while your father carried you in. It seems you are an incredibly lucky young man, not only did you survive an encounter from an unruly monster you also seemed to get a skin from the Nemean Lion and a set of its fangs. Quite the haul if you asked me." King nodded, taking the objects that Chiron handed him. Observe

[Pelt Of the Lion- S Crafting Ingredient

A Pelt from the Nemean Lion can be crafted into anything and is indestructible as clothing can be added to existing items to increase strength. Needs Crafting level 25 for 100% success!

Fang of the Lion- S Crafting Ingredient

A Fang from the Nemean Lion can be crafted into one short sword or multiple daggers. Needs Blacksmithing level 25 for 100% success!]

~Hmm, two skills I do not have yet.~ King mused ~Could I add the Lion pelt to Chastiefol and increase Guardians power it does say I can add to existing items.~ James walked into the room and snapped King out of his thinking and wrapped him in a hug. "Son, I am so glad you are okay! What in Hades name were you thinking! Charging at that cat like that is insane! Don't answer that I already know you are. I swear if you do something like that again I will ground you until you die!" James lectured his son. King just chuckled at his father's actions. " I'm sorry dad, I just could not let you die. I honestly did not think it would work ,but I prayed to Grandfather, and he listened." King trailed off and then explained the whole thing to James. "Well, the plan to stop the bleeding was a plan worthy of Athena and I think Ares would even smile about your fight. I mean what six-year-old kills the Nemean lion!"

Chiron walked over to the pair and coughed to grab their attention "As lovely as this is we should go see Mr. D I am afraid your arrival cause quite the issues on Olympus there are some individuals that were distressed over the light show you produced at such a small age." "I don't like to point fingers Chiron, but that lightshow was mainly because of my grandfather and his blessing in the fight he told me to use the sun it wouldn't harm me." Chiron Peaked an eyebrow at King's response and ushered him toward The Big House to see Mr. D, King looked at the copious amounts of notifications from the system.

[Quest(s) Complete! (3)

Make it to Camp, Defeat the Cat! Sun Shining Brightly!"

Allocating awards.... Tutorial Complete Update to System Now in Progress 5% Complete!]

Wow an Update now I should have seen this coming at least I will have a butt load of rewards its done. King said analyzing what he could still do with the system which was nothing but see his health and mana points.

The walk towards The Big House was full of whispers and stares. King only caught a few words of what the kids were talking about however it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they were talking about him. James, Chiron, King and Grover, who followed when he saw them walking, all walked into The Big House King was given on piece of advice, " Now young Harlequin please do mind your manner with Mr. D he is very testy since his father made him come to Camp to be a role model for the youth. And if he gets your name wrong do not take it personally." Chiron told King as he opened the door. King was greeted by the smell of wine grapes and they walked up to a table. A man with purple eyes and black hair wearing a cheetah printed jacket and lounging around clothes. King walked up to the table with the rest of the group. Once the man turned to look at the group King bowed and said " It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Lord Dionysus." " Ah! Finally a brat that shows respect and has a brain cell. However how did you know who I was brat." Mr.D said, looking intensely at the King. "I smelled the grapes when I walked in the room. Also when I was a baby I was delivered by Lord Hermes and I was able to fill out his aura that he gave off and you give off familiar auras. Thinking about it I could probably guess who demigods and demigoddess are if I have felt their parents aura before hand." King replied not realizing that he said the last part out loud which got Chiron's attention. " You can guess peoples heritage?" "Yes, I mean it's just a theory. Lord Dionysus and Lord Hermes share a familiar aura due to them sharing the same father. So as long as I get a sense of some godly aura then I could figure out their parentage. If you and Lord Dionysus would allow I could attempt and experiment to guess." King answered. "Okay brat put your money where your mouth is let us see if you are good." Dionysus replied highly and uncharacteristically interested. King sat in a lotus position on the floor and allowed his sense to extend to the camp. Meditation and aura sensing together should allow him to reach the span of the camp and keep track of all the campers.

After a few minutes of meditating he opened his eyes and looked at Chiron and Dionysus. "There are 2 Dionysus campers either they are smaller children or they are legacies because their aura is not overpowering. As for lord Apollo there are about 18 of them spread throughout the camp not including my father of course. Lord Hermes has maybe 21 campers I may be off there are a lot of other auras in the same location as the Hermes campers throwing off the count." Dionysus and Chiron were Shocked at the young boy in front of them. " Well the brat isn't all talk after all. What is your name and parent? I like this one Chiron does train him well it would be a shame to see him dead soon." King was actually surprised that Dionysus was impressed with him; he usually was stuck up with everyone else. "My name is Harlequin Liones sir but my father calls me King for short. I am not claimed yet but my for sure heritage is legacy of Lord Apollo I actually have heard him once in my head." Chiron was baffled at the exchange that had occurred going on but King could tell the wheels were turning about something. "Well King I can say with confidence that you will make this Camp a lot more interesting." Chiron told King. James and Grover both were shocked about the situation that had occurred. " King! Even though I like you you have caused quite the stir up on Mt Olympus and it seems you put father in a poor mood. So if you would accommodate me and come to Olympus willing that would be , oh how do you humans say ah yes awesome, awesome." King looked like a little star stuck. Not only did Dionysus say his name correctly he also got to go to Olympus, the realm of the gods. King reeled in his fanboy activities remembering Zeus' paranoid tendencies. "Of course Lord Dionysus. I will not cause you any issues. Do I need to find my own way there? Or will you bring me there? Also may my father come with me I am only 6 after all my lord." Dionysus looked at King and his father and nodded. "Yes come along King and Jimmy was it?" James sighed and said "It's James Mr.D '' Mr. D shrugged and placed his hands on each of their shoulders and flashed away leaving behind the smell of grapes and a confused centaur and satyr.

{Location Change- Mt. Olympus}

"Woah! This place is amazing!" King said in awe. "Yes son it sure is something to behold. It appears Old Mr.D placed us outside of the throne room until the big man in charge let us in." King was only half listening as he looked around in awe. He jumped on Chastiefol and floated around waiting to be called inside.

"Enter!" A loud voice was heard and the twin doors opened up. King floated in with James by his side. They entered a grand throne room with twelve massive chairs 20 feet tall. The chairs were full and King took the moment to activate his aura sense ability. He figured it would be best to get a feel of all the Gods and Goddesses auras once he did this he was affected by a headache. "King, are you alright?" His father called out to him. "Yeah dad the auras just caused an overflow of information so it caused my head to hurt." King replied as he jumped off Chastiefol he heard no longer hurting. King instantly hit his knee and bowed with James following his lead. "Lord Zeus, Lady Hera, and to all the other Lords and Ladies of Mt.Olympus it is an honor to be in your presence." Zeus puffed out his chest in pride a little at being announced first and getting the respect he felt he deserved. All the other gods and goddesses have either impartial or bored faces. "Dionysus, would you have me believe that this child was the cause of the disturbance at the camp's borders and the power surge? A child not even in his pubescent years!! Blasphemous!" Zeus bellowed at his son. "Well father believe it or not Harlequin was the one who did it. That pillow of his has the spoils of war from the beast he fought." Dionysus replied nonchalantly. "What beast would that be exactly?" An auburn hair with Silver eyes, the 17 year old spoke as she glared at King. " Milady it was a Nemean Lion, he seemed to be lounging around and then he caught the scent of my father, the satyr, and myself. After he thought he caught us off guard he attacked." The Woman looked at the boy and sneered. "As if a child like you could have defeated such a formidable beast! You are but a small boy." She spoke the last word with venom. " Ah you must be The lady of the hunt Lady Artemis." King replied, looking at the goddess in a young woman's body. "Why yes I am boy seems you do have a brain now use it and speak the truth." Now it was James that spoke. "Lady Artemis my name is James son of Apollo and Harlequin's Father. He is telling the truth milady. As my father is the god of truth he can testify th-"

" Silence!" Zeus bellowed, causing all eyes to go on him. "I do not know what games you are playing child or why someone would bring this floating pillow into my throne room but you will answer us probably!!" King bowed his head and spoke. "My lord Chastiefol is not just a pillow it is also what allowed me to defeat the beast." This time it was Hephaestus who spoke with a now interested Ares and Athena paying attention as well. "A pillow killing the beast. How... Wait I recognize that pillow it bonded with a child before he left here to his father. That is the same one. Boy you figured out how this weapon and I use that term loosely works." King shifted his body language to the blacksmith and straightened up. "Yes Lord Hephaestus this is the same pillow and I am that same child. I figured out how to use this weapon once I got in touch with my demigod prowess. Then I felt a tug and I just knew what to say." Athena, Ares, Hephaestus and now Demeter were all interested; the first 3 were interested in the weapon, the last was interested in the child himself. "And how did you do that runt." A gruff voice said King shifted to Ares. "Well Lord Ares I can not in good mind reveal a weapon here without the permission of the lord of the house's permission." King said motioning towards Zeus. "I do not believe this child's claim so I'll allow it. Show us this weapon of yours." King nodded "As you wish my lord. Spirit Sword Chastiefol First Configuration: Chastiefol!" In a flash where a pillow once floated now rested Chastiefol in its sword form. Athena and Hephaestus' eyes widened at the sight while Ares just seemed giddy. "Amazing. How does it work?" One of the other Females in the room said this time it was the one with stormy gray eyes and blond hair. "Well Milady I am not sure myself. I just know it has 8 different configurations or different modes not counting the amazingly comfortable pillow." The blonde woman was in awe at the prospect of something new . "It could be draining to using all the forms but I can shift through them all so you can see them if you'd like." King flung Chastiefol up in the air with a gesture of his hand and then called out. " Second Configuration: Guardian!" The moss bear came to life this time it had a ton of stitches in it and some tears still. "Why does it look so torn apart child?" The curious lady asked. "Well Lady Athena it seems Chastiefol has not recovered from our fight against the Nemean Lion." Athena raised her brow once her name was mentioned. "How did you know my name?" "Well Milady you were very curious about my weapon which would fall under knowledge so I simply made an educated guess." King explained. Athena nodded seeing his logic. " Hmm well you are not one of my brain children, they all have gray stormy eyes, and blond hair like mine so that begs the question whose child are you?" King looked down for a bit trying to stop himself from looking at Demeter. "I am not a claimed child at the camp. However I am a legacy of -''Whatever runt how you kill the Lion I doubt a pillow, that sword or your teddy could kill the Lion! Especially since your just a child." King looked at Ares. "Well Lord Ares I just used one of Chastiefol's other configurations." "Stop beating around the bush boy and show us how." Zeus spoke, interrupting the proceedings. King nodded and motioned Guardian towards an empty section of the room making everyone's eyes move toward it he spoke once again. " Spirit Sword Chastiefol Forth Configuration: Sunflower! Bloom!" As it was spoken a massive sunflower bloomed in the room just 5 feet short of the shortest of the Goddess in the room. "What is this monstrosity in my throne room!!" Zeus yelled. King hit his knee as a sign of submission. "This my lord is how I killed the Lion. With the added power of my grandfather's blessing strengthening it." King replied. "Who is this Grandfather you speak of!"

"It is me father." Apollo Spoke standing up. "This child is my legacy, the son of my child James Liones. I am surprised his mother has not stepped up and claimed him as well. But besides that looking into this boys abilities it seems he has inherited the ability to manipulate Solar energy as well as a form of seeing the future but I can sense it is in a short burst." Apollo stated. Demeter looked a little down at the comment about her and then she finally stood up and stood at Harlequin's side and pulled him into a hug. "It is good to see you, my son. I am glad you are in good health." Demeter said. "Hello Lady Demeter." King said. Demeter looked at King sadly. "Harlequin you can call me mom or mother you do not have to be so formal." Demeter said to King. "I think of a manner in which I am being questioned about an issue. So I prefer to be more formal I am sorry if this causes you distress." King replied emotionlessly. Demeter flashed back to her seat and took back her godly size. "Well runt mommy issues a side this flower does not look like much so as to be a toothpick for one of us at full size. "Well Lord Ares if you would be so kind as to summon a creature I could show you what it does exactly ." King replied with a small smirk. James tried to interject. " King this does not seem appropriate. You know the only reason it worked was because Lord Apollo boosted its strength. Even so it created a mess." "Leave the boy alone." Zeus said to James. "Well boy I guess we can summon a hellhound and you can show us what this does especially if Apollo meddling helped you kill it." King lowered his head. "Yes Milord however Lord Apollo only interfered because I prayed out for help." Zeus paid no mind to King and just snapped his fingers and a hellhound was summoned from the floor and attempted to lunge at King. "Sunflower ! Beam!" A massive beam hit the hellhound leaving it on its last legs. A snap of King's fingers and spoke, " Chastiefol Fifth Configuration: Increase! Bumblebee!" Daggers flew around the hound and finished it off. The collective bunch of the Olympians were in awe of the power. "Sunflower can only bloom once every 12 hours and it drains me quite a bit." King explained falling to a knee. Demeter and Apollo were both at his side quickly. "Quite the light show spark plug." Apollo said as he healed King with a million watt smile. "Thanks Lord Apollo." "Well I think we have seen all that we need to see. Harlequin Liones you are free to go however we will be keeping our eye on you child. Do not think of crossing us. And Apollo we will talk about your meddling later. Meeting dismissed!" Zeus bellowed as he and a few other of the Olympians flashed away.

The only people remaining in the throne room with the father son duo were Apollo, Demeter, Athena, and Hephaestus. Athena and Hephaestus walked up to King. Athena was the first to speak. "Harlequin that was quite the interesting demonstration that you showed us all today. I look forward to your growth." With that she flashed away. Hephaestus looked at the pillow Chastiefol as King sat on it. "Well this was a mighty fine weapon to see you use. If you ever need any advice about this thing let me know I'll try to figure it out. The damned thing is still kind of a mystery to me which makes me so mad being the Blacksmithing god." Before he flashed away, King asked him a question. "Lord Hephaestus I have a question. I actually acquired some fangs for the Nemean Lion as well as a pelt I was wondering if you would mind making me a set of daggers with the fangs and then sending me the scraps for a mento of the kill if not do you think you or one of your children could teach me in how to doing this myself?" "Well since you showed me this beautiful sword of yours I'll grant your request." With a snap of his fingers the fangs were crafted into a set of a dozen daggers. There was also a bracelet and necklace with pieces of the tooth used as decoration. "There ya go Harlequin 12 beautiful daggers and a matching bracelet and necklace. Make sure to show my kids that weapon you'll be sure to get some favors with them if you do. Also if you figure out anything else it can do let me know." Hephaestus flashed away.

"Well, well, what a cute little thing you are ." The smell of expensive perfume invaded King's nose. He turned around to see a tall woman with a kaleidoscope for eyes and slowly changing hair color. Nothing he could see would stay the same. King then bow his head and said "Lady Aphrodite it's a pleasure to meet you." Aphrodite's eyes seemed to beam. "My what a gentleman as well. How did you know it was me sweetheart." Aphrodite flirted with King. " Well Milady your eyes are changing colors rapidly trying to match my favorite color and your hair is doing the same thing so I could make you pink haired and molten gold eyes, purple hair and yellow eyes. It's actually quite fun seeing your features change." As King explained, chuckling at the last part. Aphrodite's appearance changed to his suggestions as he spoke. Aphrodite giggled at King's childish mannerisms. "My my your one smart cookie and such a cutie your going to be a lady killer when your older." "Well Milady that is high praise coming from you however I am only 6 and aren't you married if Mythology is correct." Aphrodite pouted at this. " Well young King. My relationship status is actually open. And gods and goddesses can be whatever age they want, especially me." In a flash Aphrodite became a 6 year old girl a tad shorter than King with dirty blond hair board-line brown and bright blue eyes. King was now sporting a dusting of pink on his cheeks. " I must confess you do look very cute like this Lady Aphro-''Please hun call me Dite after all your grandfather does so why not you." King was getting redder as Aphrodite got closer to him. Apollo started laughing at King's predicament while Demeter just scowled. "Okay Dite I think that's enough teasing him he is too young for a relationship." Apollo said. "Yes Aphrodite please get off my son." Demeter supported Apollo's words. Huffing and pouting Aphrodite stopped her approach and King was slowly getting his normal skin tone back. "Humph you guys take all the fun out of things. Well Harlequin if you like the fact that my eyes change color my children can do the same just not at the same rapid pace. Anyways by cutie I'll see you when your older." With a wink and flash of pink Aphrodite flashed away." King looked at his family that were left. To his amusement James was a drooling mess, Apollo was still laughing at the child, while Demeter had finally lost her scowl. King laughed at his father and he had a mischievous grin. " I wonder if dad is thinking about some ex-girlfriend or maybe he is seeing Mom." King smirked as his father became a stuttering, blushing mess denying everything. Demeter had a matching blush, needless to say King was satisfied with what he had done. Apollo was rolling on the floor dying laughing and King joined in laughing at the pair. Apollo stopped his laughter and looked at King. "Well Harlequin you have made me- "Us' ' interjected a recovered Demeter. "Us very proud for defending your father and killing that cat. Hold your head high and remember the sun will never harm you and I always have your back. Become strong King and watch out for girls once you get older little lady killer." Apollo told his grandchild as he wrapped him in a hug. "Expect for the last part you actually sounded like a responsible grandparent." Demeter shook her head then she looked at King. "You have made your mother proud Harlequin. Once you go back to Camp expect our claims tonight at dinner when Dionysus announces you to the camp. Apollo and I have spoken and if you want to sit at his table at meals it will be fine after all you are his legacy. Do try to make friends with your siblings. Another thing once I claim you should awaken any abilities that you could gain from me it will most likely be plant manipulation. Some of my more powerful children can use these abilities. You have made me very, very proud of my son. Continue to grow, don't forget to eat your vegetables and take care of yourself and your siblings." Demeter told King in a motherly tone. Demeter looked at James and gave him a nod of appreciation. With a snap of her fingers King and James flashed back to camp in front of the hearth and Demeter cabin. "Son, you handled yourself very well. I am proud of you." James spoke and pulled him into a hug. "With that being said I have to make my way back home now. Don't worry about me, I'll be able to make it home after all we won't have your oppressing aura attracting monsters." After he had said his piece James let go of the hug and headed away from the cabin. He looked back at his son and spoke. "Get strong son and remember I will always love you with my pride and joy." With that James walked away leaving for home.

{Location Change- Camp}

King sat at the hearth reflecting what had happened over the last 48 hours and a flash occurred right next to him. A black pelt and a chunk of meat appeared next to him. He saw a note. "These were the spoils from the Hellhound you killed. They were just sitting in the throne room so I sent them to you- love Mom." King took the pelt and the meat and threw them into the fire in front of him. ~To lord Hermes and Lady Hestia please look after my father and allow him to reach home unharmed. I would be forever grateful if you watched over him in his travels.~ The pelt and meat burned signifying the sacrifice was made. He turned away from the fire and walked to the Big House to meet with Chiron.


Okay, that Wraps up this Chapter. And concludes James If you guys like what I wrote go ahead and leave a comment and vote on the story tell me what you think and leave suggestions. Next chapter the system will be back for King with some upgrades and the Claiming. I hope I did some justice for the throne room scene where he was getting questioned. Also if you want a pairing in these series let me know so I can start planning it out for future books. So far I already have some plans for the future of the book and the follow-up books.

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