2 Not Alone

Nov. 5, 2014

This is for those people out there who fight to hide how they feel everyday so no one asks, what's wrong. To those people out there that hide the bruises everyday so that they can be treated like a normal person and try and keep that life separate from the other, and to all those people that fit somewhere in between. I have a message for you guys, you ARE strong. You may not see it now, I didn't, but it takes so much strength to do what you are doing every day. To get up and say not today, today will be different, it takes a lot. I know this, please believe me, I have been there. There are thousands of everyday people out there right now that are dealing with something like this and they are hiding it because they don't want to be treated differently, or "tip toed" around. Whether it's mental and/or physical abuse. Whether it's coming from home, school, or anywhere else it's still there, always there. All of us that keep getting back up are amazing. Even if to someone else what we went or go through looks small in comparison, it still takes great strength, great will, for you not to just let go. Somewhere at some point that thought was real in our heads and we chose to stay. We CHOSE to stay! That's what makes us strong. We found a way around it, time and time again, and stayed in this world, by choice. A world that just so happens to be very messed up as this point. The bullies will never go away but those of us who, still, make that choice to stay; will never go away either. Support those around you who are still fighting. Support the strong.



Written by, Hannah Frazier

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