

He found himself in a thick forest, after exploring the forest for an hour he found a stone path. Thinking to himself "This must be an important road if it's made of stone bricks, and I found it in a place like this".

If he was to make it to somewhere where civilization is, he would need to follow a road like this. His logical brain did that much and he decided to follow the road.

After hours of walking on what seemed to be an endless road he finally encountered someone. It was a carriage being drawn by two horses and a somewhat young man was its master.

Tired and almost dehydrated Ethan walked up to the carriage and asked the man "Do you have any water good sir? I am very thirsty I have been walking for hours and it seems I am lost."

The man functioning the carriage looked Ethan up and down as if he was inspecting him and thought to himself "Yet another beggar peasant".

The man replied to Ethan and said "I have some water I can give you" reluctantly throwing a flask full of water to Ethan.

The state that Ethan was in equaled that of a homeless man, his clothes were ripped up and very dirty from all that happened in the cave, he stank of sweat and generally looked unapproachable.

Ethan caught the flask in his hand and hurriedly started drinking as if his life depended on it, and in fact, it did, he truly was dehydrated.

While drinking the water Ethan noticed that the carriage driver was probably a very wealthy individual. The carriage driver even though young looking carried himself with a very confident aura, dressed in fancy clothes rivaling the fashion back on earth; except a Ferrari, he was on an old town road driving a carriage.

Ethan realized that he was penniless and in a strange world, he needed to do whatever is necessary to survive in this new world, and a good start without being penniless is only going to make it easier. At this moment he decided he would rob this man of all wealth he had and take his life.

A voice spoke in his head again "I have made you a master of time, it's a part of you now forever."

Ethan realized that to rob this man, he would have to use his newfound abilities, as he was weaponless and did not have the advantage of a surprise attack anymore.

The voice was indirectly suggesting to use the power of time he was blessed with; he only needed to think of what he wanted to with the time flow and it would happen as the voice finished explaining the basics, he closed his eyes and remembered how the droplets in the cave were frozen in time trying to replicate that moment, he didn't feel anything change as he was thinking of stopping time, no sounds, nothing.

He opened his eyes and to his disbelief, he saw everything was frozen in place. Smirking to himself, he confidently walked up to the carriage driver, took one of the daggers out of the carriage driver's sheat, quickly inspected it, and then stuck it in the driver's neck leaving it there.

No blood came out, there was no reaction to the stabbing, for everything was truly frozen in time.

Ethan inspected the driver's pockets and found two pouches, upon opening them he found out that both were filled to the top with coins made out of gold, they were quite heavy so he was confident that they were actually fully made out of gold and not just plated. Thinking to himself "This would be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars back in my world" He took one of the coins and inspected it.

The golden coin was rough around the edges and uneven, it has probably changed many hands through time, it had a symbol of a crown, and unfamiliar etchings all around it.

After inspecting the man for his belongings, he ended up with a dagger of fine quality and 100 gold coins, not being satisfied he continued on to the back of the carriage to inspect it and see if there's anything that might seem useful or valuable.

The back of the carriage had furniture, the carriage driver indeed was a furniture merchant. Furniture is not very useful in the middle of nowhere, and he did not pay any attention to it. Among the furniture, he found a bag that had some food in it along with a silver knife.

He took the bag and put it around him then placing everything that he found along with the coins in the bag, and then going to the carriage driver, unfreezing time.

Blood started gushing out of the driver's neck and he fell to the floor like a rag doll; soon a pool of blood forming around the body.

Ethan reached down to the carriage driver pulling out the dagger he placed in his neck, wiping the blood off of the driver's clothes, and placing it in his bag.

I understand that the morals of this chapter are kind of weird considering he was just a normal human from Earth, why would he be so amoral all of a sudden you may ask?

Well, I guess all in due time reader. :)

John_Jiterucreators' thoughts