
[Ch'6] Alberto?

Another day has passed. Tomorrow is the day that I will leave for the academy, I've been actively trying to treat Elese nicely, but it seems like she just gets uncomfortable whenever I do so...

I'm heading to the training grounds to try using the swords for real now. I've been delaying it, but now it's time.

Arrived at the training ground, I grabbed the training sword made of wood that's laying on the rack, and headed to the center of the platform, since this is a private training ground, there's no one here except me.

Huff, the weight of the training sword seems a bit heavy for this body, but I'll try swinging the sword a couple of times and see.

I don't actually know how to use a sword properly, I'm sure there's a proper technique and I could learn that at the academy, so for now I can only follow from what I remember from watching Anime.

I raise the sword above my head with both of my hands and swung it down.




Let's try a different move. I tried many different moves, like slashing vertically 90 degrees, and slashing it at 45 degree angles. 60 degree angles. And I did a little spin with the sword like a beyblade.


But I still can't seem to understand how to use the sword.


Even after only doing a couple moves, this body was already exhausted, and I was breathing heavily.

Eden Marhemly... this guy has never exercised...

Damn it.


Using the sword at this point is pointless. I need to train my body first and increase my stamina to be able to use the sword...

Hmm... I guess I'll run around until I'm exhausted to increase my stamina.

Thus, I ran around the training grounds for a couple of laps until my lungs and legs couldn't take it anymore. And then I collapsed on the training ground.

Catching my breath more, and after resting for a bit, I stood up to get water.

By now, it's sunset, So I guess I'll just continue training at the academy.


I still give Elese sweets whenever I have the chance, but I wouldn't force it to her, because she felt uncomfortable. I guess our relationship did get better, whenever I give her sweets she was less hesitant than before to accept it. Or was it just my imagination?

I was sitting in the library looking at books about swordsmanship.

I realized swordsmanship is a lot more complex than what I initially thought, I thought swordsmanship was just about swinging your sword as hard as you can to defeat the enemy. But it was much more complex, there's a certain way to swing it, and you have to have a certain posture when swinging, you have to feel the sword...

By this time I don't understand much of the content from the book, it was talking about how you must feel the energy around the sword, you must feel the intention of the sword.

I can understand feeling the sword as it was a part of your body, I understood that much, I've imagined it a couple of times back on earth.

But energy around the sword and the sword's intention?

It's basically telling me to delude myself into thinking that the sword has an ego.

For now, I can't really understand it. But I'm sure there's a way.

I closed the book.

Come to think of it...

'Alberto hanger'

The main character of Alberto saves the world.

He studied religiously to be able to enter the academy, because his family was poor, he wanted to graduate from the academy as it will guarantee him a stable high paying job, and then he could support his family.

He got admitted to the academy because he scored really high in the written exam, he originally intended to major in administration and management.

But he met a person who sacrificed his life protecting him from the bandits while on the roads to the academy.

'Seeing the dead body of the person who saved his life'

He swore to never have a person sacrifice his life protecting him again.

Because of that feeling of not wanting to be weak, and to grow stronger, he changed his major to combat major, wishing to get stronger, so nobody has to die protecting him again.

The Academy administrator was confused when a top ranking from the written exam chose to major in combat.

Originally, they did not allow people who passed from the written exam to go to the combat major. But since he scored really high, being in the Top 10, they had to consider.

They asked the academy headmaster about this situation, and the headmaster allowed it.

So, Albert wasn't strong when he entered the academy, but he was still strong enough to beat the shit out of me, showcasing his potential talent for combat to the headmaster and the academy.


I'm really just a mob for the main character to show off.

Of course, the main character would grow stronger at a fast rate with his friends.

And it wouldn't be bad for me to be nice and get along with the main character.

Having his favor would help me a lot in the academy.

Hmm... how should I do this...

I began thinking for a way to get along with the main character.

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