
Ordinary in every way

It was like any other day in the tropics, there was a clear blue sky, the sun was shining brilliantly. Even though it was a bustling city there were many trees on the sides with birds, chirping, feeding their new born babies. People were going about there daily routines, greeting each other and getting ready to open there business.

A young man, around 19 years of age was walking down a crowded footpath. It seemed he was worried about something. From his looks it was easy to say that he was a college student, his clothes weren't too shabby, his physique was lean but the way he was moved it could be said that he was an athlete. What could have been the problem with him? He seemed fine on the surface but his eyes where of someone who had seen a ghost. He heard a voice and turned around, it was a girl who seemed to know him.

"There you are Sid. You left without me what is up...."

She couldn't complete her sentence as she saw his face. She was confused, she had never seen him like this since the past 10 years they had known each other.

"Umm... I am not feeling well today."

He replied while trying to look her in the eyes but it seemed that he was not replying earnestly. To tell you the truth he looked like he was lost but he was trying hard to not let that show on his face.

"Can you tell me what is wrong with you? I am worried "

She could tell just by looking at him that he was hiding something but she didn't know what it was. This was making her uncomfortable and she was concerned.

'Aria will think I have gone mad if I tell her. It's better if I didn't'

"It's nothing I have headache, I will be going home now. I will take some medicine and I will be fine you don't have to worry about me."

She could tell that wasn't the case but she didn't show her dissatisfaction. She knew that Sid was a person who always steered clear of troubles as they were "annoying" so she said her farewell and went her way from the intersection.

On his way home Sid was deep into thoughts, the problem had started couple of weeks ago, he had started hearing a voice in his head, a deep husky voice which was clearly not his or of someone he knew. He couldn't tell at first if it was just his imagination or if there was really something changing inside him.

In the past 18 years of his life had never asked for anyone's help since he was good enough in anything he did. He had average grade, a small group of friends that he has know since his primary school and he even had a some talent in playing basketball. It was clear that he was at a loss here about what he should do. He couldn't talk his parents or friends about this, he could have when it started but now he knew that a they can't help his situation.

The voice started with what sound like low pitched grunts but after couple of days it had started saying words and it was trying to have a full blown conversation with him. He was ignoring the question the voice was asking because he thought it was unnecessary but something strange happened today when he woke up. He felt heavy in the abdominal area and eyes felt like they were on fire. When he say his parents for breakfast, he could see a strange blue light around them , his mother had a brighter light compared to his father's, but his was bigger in size, while his younger brother's was very dim and hardly noticeable. He thought that it was something that he was imagining and will go away when he clears his mind by taking a bath.

But when he left home he could see it on everyone, the light it was everywhere. The brightness, the area and in some cases even the colour of the light was different but it was there. He started getting anxious, it was then he heard the voice in his head giggling.

He spent his entire day just looking at people and trying to find a justification for what was happening but he failed. Over the course of the day the grew even more worried and by the time the college was over he decided to rush back home.

After meeting aria he felt a little better, she had the bright blue light around her comparable to his mother but he decided not to concern her with something that was beyond her control.

He was now at the doorstep of his house. After thinking about what he should do on his way home he now had a face full of conviction, it seemed like he was going to confront it. The voice in his head was giggling again.

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