
Nurses office

" Zelda! You'll be late for school " my mother said from downstairs as my eyes widen trying to go fast and get my clothing on. I think in my mind for a moment knowing she wouldn't accept what I said. I get dressed running down the stairs. My mother glared at me as she sighed turning back to the food she had made for me placing it on the table. My mother replied " take it with you.. Your van is here ". My mom grabbed her purse lying her phone inside and opening the door waiting for me. I grab my backpack that was laying on the chair of the table. I sprint over to the door going outside while my mother follows me outside before closing and locking the door. " Bye mom! " i say before running off to my can that was parked. I open the door sitting down and buckling my seatbelt as the van drove off to the school. After we got to the tall building of the school I get out of the car running over to the school and entering. Before.. Bumping into someone. " S- sorry.. " I say before feeling of being pushed down onto the ground. A tear falls down my cheek as I look up at them noticing it was the schools popular boy as he punched me until I fainted. I was brought to the nurses office while slowly opening my eyes. The nurse frowns and looks down at me while I lay down on the bed. " You should stay on the bed.. I'll have a parent pick you up if you would like my dear " the nurse says calmly. I look around as my eyes widen looking up at her. " N- No.. I'll be alright ma'am " I say as I smile nervously. My face tried to look amusing though it was only a frown and a murmured moan. I sigh getting up as the nurse looked worried though she hadn't done anything. I felt dizzy as I stood up walking out. I look around the school with a miserable face on me. I walk over to my classroom door opening it as the teacher Mrs. Cassidy greets me with a small smile. I step in with my books while I sit over in my seat that was in the back away from everyone else. I grab my diary writing down in it " I wonder why my life had been like this ever since I've joined this small school. Even though it's private can't it be any better than.. A mean jerkish school? Being bullied isn't gladly even though they feel like they can power over me! I don't think i'll be able to stop this even if I tell it to a counselor! I mean.. I've already tried that it's not like i'll do anything better. My parents are on a business trip.. And I have a dorm! I've been in the nurses office already and she acted as if I had a concussion or something.. People are stubborn here if I do have to say myself. Do they think i'm immortal?! Ugh.. Their pretty stupid either way. I should focus on my studies but without a tutor " I finish off what I had written sighing and doing the rest of my work until the bell had rung.