
The Temporal Warlords: The Time Wars Synopsis

Chapter One/Temporal Warlords Reign & fall

In future timelines, there were a group of individuals, powerful beings, who some called Time manipulators, others conquerors and moral inforcers, but most called them the SUPERPOWERS, who possess the abilities of time manipulation, matter manipulation and reality warping and had knowledge of the past, present and future of their timelines, they called themselves the TEMPORAL WARLORDS, they sought to conquer their own timeline and rule it as they saw fit, which they accomplished, they had benevolent motives, meaning they believed in morality, but didn't want individuals having the freedom to choose it, the good and fear them choosing its opposite hence they used malevolent methods to achieve their goals, some who opposed them fought to free their timeline from their control but ultimately failed due to the TEMPORAL WARLORDS knowledge and manipulation of the timelines, every timeline became subjected to their rule until the timelines blended into each other and this is when the TIME WARS began, each TEMPORAL WARLORD fought to protect and preserve their timeline and sought to conquer all other timelines but a warrior who was also from the future which possess the same power as them but much more created a new timeline to rescue all the innocent from the destruction caused by the effects of the TIME WARS and fought on the TEMPORAL WARLORDS themselves, they, being bewildered by this FUTURE WARRIOR'S skills and knowledge banded together to combat him. but his will was indomitable to them; his motivations was the survival of his own existence, the beings that he valued and his fear of failure, because of this, he won and managed to imprison all the TEMPORAL WARLORDS to the reality they accidently created, forever fighting each other, until one come out on top.

Chapter Two/ A new world of Order & Freedom

After the TIME WARS, the FUTURE WARRIOR established order and peace in the new timeline and taught every being living in it about the knowledge of the new timeline and the principles of goodness and there was peace and every individuals now understood the consequences of freedom and tyranny and sought to keep freedom by teaching their descendants the history of their past and this would go on for a time until some took the beliefs of the TEMPORAL WARLORDS who sought to control everything but they were defeated by the FUTURE WARRIOR and sent to the blended reality where the TEMPORAL WARLORDS were imprisoned and when they got there, they only found One TEMPORAL WARLORD there and they submitted themselves onto him and he said to them that they will have vengeance against the one who imprisoned them there and they started making plans against the FUTURE WARRIOR, awaiting for the right time to end the FUTURE WARRIOR.

Chapter 3/ The Age of Heroes

After those events of the fallen, the FUTURE WARRIOR traversed the past, present and future to train and teach a warrior from each time period about time manipulation, warfare, humility and order so that when the time comes they would be able to fight to protect their timeline and they fought for righteousness and brought order in their time periods and no evil and false teachings were found anymore in the timeline until the blended reality drew near to the new timeline and the FUTURE WARRIOR summoned his champions from the three time periods.

Chapter 4/ The fate of the Two Realities

With the impending doom approaching, the FUTURE WARRIOR and his champions made a plan to stop the calamity, they made a peculiar reality, another timeline but its flow of time was different unlike the normal flow of time which is past, present, and future, but the flow of time in this timeline was past, future and present, the reason for this was to confuse their opponents for when the battle begins and the FUTURE WARRIOR and his champions placed this timeline in the middle of the Two Realities, the blended reality and the new timeline, so rather than the blended reality colliding into the new timeline, it collided into the peculiar reality and when it happened the TEMPORAL WARLORD and his allies invaded that reality unaware of its flow of time and set out to wage war against the heroes but was confused because of the flow of time in this foreign reality they just invaded, they saw events moving differently, time moving differently, and the TEMPORAL WARLORD said "events in this reality is moving differently, it's like seeing a person planting a seed in the ground, then to see the plant last stage of growth and then seeing the plant growing." And one of the Temporal Warlord's allies said "time is moving in the past, the future and the present." And as he said that they were ambush by the FUTURE WARRIOR and his champions in the present, TEMPORAL WARLORD tried to use his time manipulation but was too late, the heroes managed to defeat them and ended their existence and annihilate the blended reality, so the Temporal Warlords would never be reborn through the timeline and the peculiar reality for there was no use for it.

Chapter 5/ Eternal Peace & The Future Warrior Isolation

The aftermath of this war left many scars on the heroes, bearing the memories of pain and destruction but they knew their actions were justified, every champion was sent back to their time periods, keeping the knowledge of what the FUTURE WARRIOR taught them and they stood as inspirations and paragons of heroism to be remembered, all the beings in the new timeline thanked and gifted many gifts to the FUTURE WARRIOR as a gratitude for saving them from annihilation. The FUTURE WARRIOR told them that they wouldn't be seeing him again after this and they asked why. He told them his purpose was complete, his duty as a protector and peacemaker were fulfilled and that he will always come back if any danger arose. After that, the FUTURE WARRIOR isolated himself in a crystallized dimension, and the new timeline was in peace for all eternity, all thanks to a hero from the future. the one whose will is unshakable and has great knowledge, the FUTURE WARRIOR.

In this storytelling of struggle it's about what we fight to have, which is freedom and fight to prevent, tyrannical control and how doctrines & beliefs shapes our choices and how we are slaves to them by our own choice, it also shapes our future and are cemented in history.

dive in this powerful and original narrative story, where there are fights of good versus evil and fights for survival of existence itself.

Quran_Franklincreators' thoughts
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