
The school project begins

Hi my name is Lacey and I'm a weird girl in the love department the how to be a girl department and other types of things and I never had an interest in love but everyone else did for some reason . Then growing up with only boys around I was sometimes thought to be a boy myself. To be 100% honest I sometimes thought I was a boy too but it never bothered me to much because I had fun. Then one day my fun ended when my parents got into an argument and decided to get a divorce which caused me to dislike romance even more for the break up parts especially. Moving on my mom took me and we moved to a nice neighborhood in Japan,Tokyo which was miles away from u.s. . So now we been here for 3 years and we're getting to where it's modern time now. Now today was an important day because at school we had a major project starting in English and you may be wondering why would I be interested in our project well great question now as much as I like playing I love school too. Not to many people like it so I decided to like it so I can be odd and feel special because ever since my parents divorced I got super sad and I did something so I felt special . Doing this has made people make me do their work and I did become the most popular girl in school but the 4th most popular in our school including boys which I guess was a plus in a way but it can be annoying because it's like I'm using the restroom next thing you know I have five other girls saying like can u do my work for me pleaseeeeee I'm like super busy today. I say yes so they can go away faster but I mean can u wait till I'm done this is my one moment of peace. So since I've informed you of my life a little bit more it's now time for first period which is English. "Ok class today we have an important project which is going to be very simple" Mrs. Pancakes says. "Mrs. pancakes" Jackson replies what is this Project about exactly , it's about the rest of your high school year and your breaks too also you must work in a group of 4 that I'm going to assign . The entire class sighs when she said that I don't know why? it sounded pretty fun to me. Few moments later Mrs. Pancakes started to assign people to groups and I was in the last group assigned and once I was assigned this group I then realized why the whole class decided to sigh (to be continued)