

"You will wake him up!" a voice whispered rather angrily. 

"Well it's about time he woke up, he's been asleep for a whole week." another said and Kai twisted in his sleep. His eyes fluttered slowly, facing the roof of his bed. 

He was in his room, covered by fine silk and velvet, wearing his royal garments while a few of his closest friends stood around him, looking at him as if he were some kind of rare specimen. His vision was blurry at first, his blue eyes adjusting to the light of a so-called morning in BloodBound, the red us shining through his wide-open balcony door. 

At first, he couldn't help but wonder, what was everyone doing in his room, why were they whispering, and why the moment he opened his eyes a unison gasp escaped their lips. Everyone approached him, scanning him from head to toe. 

"What is going on?" the young prince mumbled and a moment of utter silence surprised him.