


I was falling or being pushed down a flight of stairs.


He called to me, and just the vibration of his voice scared the shit out of me.

He was grabbing me trying so hard to reach or catch me. I don't remember the dream was a blur. I'm falling and falling and I saw darkness and a shadow right above my lifeless body. My body sunk into the ground, the dirt over my face and the grass began to grow.

I sat up, trying to catch my breath. My body drench in sweat. My sister laying across of me sleeping so peaceful.

"Lisa Owens!! Wake the fuck up!! You making me late for work!! " I could hear Natalie voice calling from downstairs."

My eyes wouldn't focused and all I wanted to do is stay in my comfortable bed. However, my other sister was snoring. My head was throbbing, like that moment I was falling down in my dream. I stared at the ceiling fan and turn my head towards a poster of Janis Joplin. I'd been having the same dream for the past couple of days. Each night the dream feel more real. The image of the man is a blur, but his voice was cold and harsh.

It seems so crazy! Waking up every morning sweaty and gross like I've been running. Maybe I was losing my mind, or maybe I just needed to hop in the shower. Pandora was playing the same song that was in my dream the past couple days.

" Wake your sister up! Both of you Hurry the hell up! " Natalie yelling.

I sat up in bed and pick up my slipper and through it at my sister.

"Im up! I'm up!" said Genevieve.

My sheets felt like they were soak in water, but I didn't or couldn't slept that hard. It wasn't hot last night. It was dirt in my fingernails and I had a bruised on my shoulder. I got into the shower and tried my best to forget the dream.

I came downstairs and Genevieve bomb rush me to the breakfast table. Sweet pea slid some pancakes, grits and bacon in front of me. Sweet pea is my grandmother, except she doesn't like to be called grandmother. Sweet pea raised my sisters and I, she was a very wised and smart creole woman. She made sure every morning Natalie, Genevieve, Joanna and I had a good meal before work and school. This morning Sweet pea was strangely acting weird. I look at my plate the minute I try to eat, Sweet pea gave me that look and we all know that look...

" Naw, you know betta than that girl," Sweet pea whisper. She put her hands on her hips and in two seconds we bough our heads.

"Naw, Natalie do the honors for today's blessings," Sweet pea said.

"Yes Ma'am!" Natalie clears her throat . " An Owens Woman is a strong and powerful woman! We do not beg! We do not ask! We help others who has nothing and we will give but never take! I will always protect my sisters!"

"Amen," we all said. I finished my food and smile at my sisters and Sweet pea.

"When ya'll get home tonight we need to talk." "It's about ya'll mamma."

The world stop for a second. Everyone stop eating and didn't even dare to ask Sweet pea why. We put her head down and ate in silence.

"Thank you." Joanna then stick her tongue out at me.

Sweet pea punished me with another plate of grits. Then she will always kiss me on the forehead. She was five feet tall and probably older than this little house we were living in.

" Well, don't thinking I'm gonna repeat myself. When ya'll get home we need to talk about ya'll momma."

I rolled my eyes, and my other sisters could sense something is wrong. We are not allowed to speak about our momma. I don't even know who she is. Sweetpea don't have one picture of her around the house. Natalie would tell me stories about momma but she barely knows what's the truth. Sweetpea was in one of her moods today-- her superstition and religion was all mixed up. When Sweetpea went dark, especially speaking about our momma, it was better to listen to her. It was better to keep your crystal around your neck that she made for all of us when we were children. The crystal protects us Sweetpea said, it keeps us safe.  

Sweetpea would  tell my sisters and I the locket and crystal  will keep us in the light. As I shoved all my food in my mouth, I glanced at my phone notice we were late for school. I heard a honk from outside. I grabbed my lisa frank folder and ran out the door the moment I ran outside it began to rain. Grace car, the shitter, was in our driveway, music blasting. Grace was my best friend since first grade. Joanna, Genevieve, Natalie and Sweetpea stood on the porch, shaking thier heads disapprovingly. "Turn that RAP devil music off. Don't think I won't call your PAP."

"Yes, ma'am" Grace scream. She laughed and pulled off the driveway.

"Sweetpea is going to talk to us about our mom later today."

" oh shit. Are you nervous?" said Grace.

"I don't know I'm a little excited to know who she is."

Grace placed her hand on my head. I wanted to know who my mother is and why did it take Sweetpea so long to mention her. My sister would tell me that mom came to the house only four times.