

The year was 2025 and 20 year old Arianna Corona was walking to her best friend's. house. She heard her phone beep. She pulled it out. She read:

New text message from Staylon:

The door's unlocked. Com'on in!

She quickly walked to the black mansion and opened the door. She went in to see a little eight year old girl with braided, red hair, wearing a dark red dress and pale skin. "Hi," She quickly breathed, catching her breath, as she closed the door. "Want to come to my room?" Staylon questioned. "Yeah!" Arianna repiled. "Can you make it up those stairs?". Staylon looked at Arianna's enlarged tummy. Arianna quickly put her hand on her stomach. She smiled as she felt something kick. "With a little help, I should be just fine." She replied as she linked arms with Staylon. She put her phone in her pocket and made her way upstairs.

After a while the three were upstairs. "Well, if it isn't the lady of the hour!" An albino woman with wavey hair wearing a white jacket and a green dress announced as she hugged Arianna. Arianna smiled. "Arianna come play Barbie with us!" A little eight year old girl with curly, black hair, pale skin, and green eyes wearing a green and purple dress begged, pulling her hand. Arianna giggled as she knelt down and picked up the Becky Barbie and set her in her wheelchair. She set her in the elevator in the dream house. Staylon snapped a picture. Arianna giggled. Little did they know, a spider was in the elevator.

Arianna felt something pinch her finger. "Ow!" She exclaimed. "Are you okay?!" Cassandra questioned. Arianna went pale and fainted. The girls began to scream.

Downstairs, Gabriella, Cassandra's mother heard the girls. "What in the world is going on up there?" She wondered aloud. "Probably just causin' a racket." Baron grumbled. "I'll check." Gabriella announced. She made her way upstairs.

Gabriella saw Arianna's lifeless body laying on the floor. "FREDERIC, SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH ARI!" Gabriella screamed. Frederic rushed upstairs. "Oh My Gosh, I'll call!" He announced as he dialed 911.

A few minutes later, after the paramedics came and took Arianna and Frederic to the hospital, Staylon was in the Gothels' preis. Baron had acted as he had no idea what happened. It turned out that the spider was his pet and he acted more sad when Gabriella smashed the spider than when Staylon walked out with her and Cassandra. Staylon was in the back seat, by Cassandra crossing her arms and legs and singing: "That's one less thing to worry about". "Talking about your dad or the spider?" Cassandra questioned. "Maybe both." Staylon repiled. Cassandra let out a small giggle. "Look, I had no idea that spider existed until a few minutes ago." Staylon explained. Cassandra hugged her. The girls remained in that position all the way home.

The next morning, Cassandra and Staylon were in Arianna's hospital room. The poor thing was bundled in blankets and was hooked up to so many tubes to keep her alive. Her ventilator was banaged on because it kept falling out. Cassandra was typing on the computer and Staylon was holding Arianna's hand. "Do you have a pic of the spider?" Cassandra asked. "I can check." Staylon replied as she took out her phone. She set Arianna's hand on the railing. Arianna screamed. Frederic could only hold her hand and look helplessly upon his struggling wife. "What's wrong? Are you in pain?" Staylon questioned, worried. Arianna continued to scream. A nurse ran into the room. She picked up Arianna's hand. Arianna gasped. The nurse set her hand on the bed. "I think the railing pinched her. The spider bite probably felt like a pinch. She was probably scared." The nurse explained. Arianna yawned. She curled up with her doll and fell asleep. "She hasn't got long.". "The only picture I have is of Arianna putting Becky on the elevator. Wait…" Staylon trailed off. She noticed the spider in the elevator. She zoomed in. "That's the spider!" She explained, pointing to it. Cassandra took the phone. She pulled out her pencil and notebook. "Black with red backside and legs.". She spoke as she wrote. She went back to typing. "Ha! It's a black baron widow spider!" She explained. She quickly wrote it down. "What should I do if I get bitten by a paste question mark?" She spoke as she typed. "Let's go to the WHO site.". She moved the mouse. "Go to the hospital immediately, the victim should die within the week, the only cure is Sundrop, which is illegal in developed regions…" Cassandra read. "Corona isn't developed!" Staylon explained.

"Everything's legal in Corona!" Both of the girls explained. "How much does it cost?" Staylon questioned. "It's made of gold… So, it's 2,0000 Corona per ounce.". "That's

more than anybody makes around here in a year!" Staylon exclaimed. "It's a flower that grows on islands." Cassandra explained. "What does it look like?" Staylon questioned. "Golden, glowing, lily with green stem.". Staylon stood up. "I saw that in my Dad's garden!" She exclaimed. Cassandra smiled. She frowned. "Isn't that illegal?" She questioned. "He's family so it isn't stealing." Staylon explained. Cassandra smiled.

That night Staylon was packing her backpack at the palace. She opened the fridge. She threw a granola bar in her backpack. Suddenly, she heard her dad's friend say, "If you take the Sundrop you will unleash an ancient curse, by removing the light you will unleash unimaginable darkness.". "Really, Weas?" She questioned as she threw her backpack around her shoulder. She jumped on the fire pole that went down to the throne room. When she got down there, Frederic, Gabriella, Lord Quririn, Cassandra, and Weasel were looking at her. "What? It was kind of an emergency this time." She explained. "We people of Corona are sovereign from the rule of one man," She started, looking at Weasel. "As your leader I can take or veto suggestions,��� Frederic continued. "Not one man alone can tell us what to do." Gabriella picked up, smiling. "At the end of the day we all must decide for ourselves." Lord Quririn picked up. "And. we are taking the Sundrop!" Cassandra explained. Weasel rolled his eyes and walked out.

Staylon and Cassandra walked outside. "Yes!" Staylon announced. "We can probably bike to the mansion from here." Cassandra announced getting on her bike. Staylon jumped on her bike. The girls rode to Baron Mansion.

Once at Baron Mansion, the girls jumped off their bikes. There was a giant wall surrounding the mansion. Cassandra looked around. "Com'on" Beckoned Staylon. She pressed on the wall and it opened up. The girls slipped in. "Nice!" Cassandra explained, quietly. Staylon smiled. Staylon saw the Sundrop flow. She picked it up. "Hey, little missy, don't touch that!" She heard her dad's voice exclaim. She heard gunshots. She and Cassandra ran out of the garden.

Staylon and Cassandra got on their bikes. Staylon set the flower in the bike basket. With gunshots ringing in the girls' ears they quickly biked down the street. "Hey, let's go in there." Cassandra suggested, pointing to the small tunnel ahead. "Good idea." Staylon told her as she turned into the tunnel. Cassandra followed her. The girls rode into the tunnel. Baron tried to turn into the tiny tunnel, but he hit his head on the tunnel. He flew off his motorcycle. The girls laughed. They safely made it to the hospital.

Once at the hospital the girls got off their bikes. "You lock up our bikes and I'll go to the room." Staylon explained as she took the Sundrop out of her bike basket. Cassandra nodded. She went to the elevator. She went to the room.

Frederic was holding Arianna and Gabbi was rubbing her back. She was bundled in blankets. Cassandra walked into the room. "Do you have the flower?" Gabbi questioned. "Yes." Staylon replied as she set down the Sundrop. Gabbi took it and put it in a bottle of hot water. It melted. Frederic took it and raised up Arianna's head using a remote. "Drink. This will help you." He whispered in her ear. He put it next to her mouth. She drank the bottle. Frederic set it down. Using the remote, he reclined the bed. Arianna fell asleep. "Alright Girls, let's go." Gabbi whispered. The girls slipped out of the room.

Once back home, Staylon and Cassandra got into the house and quickly walked upstairs. They changed into pajamas and went to sleep.

The next morning Gabbi was awakened by her phone ringing. She quickly flipped her legs around and sat up. She unplugged it. She looked at it and saw that it was Frederic. She quickly answered it and put it by her ear. "Hi." She quickly breathed. "Sorry if I woke you up." Frederic apologized. "No, no, your good." Gabbi soothed. "Arianna had her baby at midnight last night. She went into labor shortly after you left! The nurse checked her and the baby's vitals and they're perfectly healthy and ready to be discharged. If you want to come by before we leave that would be great." He announced. "Okay we'll be there shortly." Gabbi told him before hanging up. She got dressed and ran upstairs to wake up the girls.

About an hour later, after everybody had gotten ready for the day the girls were in the Gothels' preis. "Where are we going?" Questioned Staylon. "Frederic and Arianna have a big surprise for you at the hospital." Gabbi explained. The girls smiled.

After the girls got to the hospital, they went inside. They went to Arianna's room. Frederic was joining her in her hospital bed. They were holding a newborn baby. Arianna looked up and saw Gabriella, Cassandra, and Staylon. She smiled. Gabriella came close to the bed. The girls followed her. Arianna passed the baby to Gabriella. "Her name is Rapunzel." She told her. Cassandra and Staylon looked at Rapunzel. She had long golden hair. "Where'd she get so much hair?" Cassandra questioned. Arianna and Frederic just giggled. "Well, that's just the way it is." Arianna explained. "Would you like to hold her?" Cassandra looked at Gabriella. Gabriella took Cassandra close to her and handed Rapunzel to her. "Now support her head," Gabriella reminded her.

That night, after Arianna, Frederic, and Rapunzel were discharged and everybody was asleep, Baron snuck into the palace. Arianna stirred in her sleep. She woke up and sat up. She listened. She heard Frederic snoring, Rapunzel breathing and… footsteps? She got out of bed. She opened the bedroom door and saw a very aged Baron. "Oh My Gosh! Fancy seeing you here." She exclaimed. Baron gruffed. "You stole my flower." He explained. "Dud, I literally fainted in your house last week.". Arianna looked at Baron tiredly. "So I have no idea what you're talking about.".

"So I'm going to steal your baby.". "NO YOU'RE NOT!" Arianna screamed. Baron raised his gun. He shot her in the shoulder. Arianna fell down. Baron picked up Rapunzel and jumped out the window.

Warnings: Spider bite, child neglect, vivid descriptions of medical emergencies, suggested abortion, gun violence, kidnapping

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