
The First Date

The spell hit, and the girl moved into my personal space and fluttered her eyes at me. Korra smiled in a dopey tomboy sort of way and grabbed my hand in both of hers.

"Yea, let's go together; it will be fun. But, um, where are you from, and do you have a job?" Korra said.

She was infatuated, and Korra probably wanted to see if I was boyfriend material or more by that last question. Lust touch was just a tier 1 spell without any power modifiers. I concluded it gave me an excellent first impression. How I moved next would determine our relationship.

"Far away, and you could say my job is to handle difficult situations. Law enforcement basically, it paid well, and I got to fight some interesting people." I said.

"You sure you don't seem like a martial artist."

I stomped the ground and formed a crater. "That's without any bending."

Korra stared at the crater I made, then swallowed and raised an eyebrow. Her crystal blue eyes looked me over, reevaluating my worth.

"Did you swim out here?"

"I jumped; it's much faster than swimming or running most of the time. Not being a bender makes running on water a little more challenging." I said.

Korra seemed to be stuck in her thoughts before offering her hand. "Well, it may not be as fast, but Naga is a great swimmer."

"Keep close to me; the water is cold, and you're not dressed for it."

I hopped on and rode behind her. Naga ran and jumped in the water, and we were off. I wrapped my arms around Korra's waist as her dog polar bear paddled through the water. Korra smelled like the ocean and soft leather. Despite her words, not a bit of heat escaped her clothes, and the harsh wind combined with cool seawater might have killed an average person.

The second we hit the coast, Korra turned to me. "Let's get something to eat, then I need to go to the air temple. I'm sure Tenzin can help you find a job as well."

A car nearly ran into Naga, only for the driver to swerve at the last minute. "Hey, watch it."

Korra led the way to a food stall. "We'll take one of everything, please," Korra said.

The man at the counter stared at us, then back at his supplies. "That will be 20 yuans, please."

"I don't have any money," Korra said.

"Then what good are you to me?" The vender said.

I made a system transfer and pulled the yuans from my inventory. "I knew I save you for a reason." Korra cheered.

We made our way to the park, where Naga and Korra dug into their food.

Just when I started enjoying my food, a communist began his rant. "Are you tired of living under the tyranny of bender? Then join the Equalists! For too long, the bending elite of this city has forced non-benders to live as lower-class citizens. Join Amon, and together we will tear down the bending establishment!"

Korra broke under their rhetoric before I did. "What are you talking about? Bending is the coolest thing in the world."

I walked with her, confident that this could only end badly. "Oh yeah? Let me guess you're a bender."

An intervention was the only thing I could do. "I'm not, and I'm proud of it. But that doesn't mean I want to overthrow the government and join a terrorist because I can't throw fireballs around or manipulate water. I live in the real world, and joining a group that just wants to use me won't help my situation. Sure, I'm lower-class, but that doesn't mean I can't get a job and make something of myself. Trading one master for another won't help any of us." I said.

"You're a shill, a slave to the bender oligarchy. What did they pay you to come here?"

"Nothing, he's here with me, the Avatar. I'm trying to help him find a job because we're friends." Korra said proudly.

"See, he's a slave to the most privileged bender of all the Avatar." The man said.

I turned to Korra. "This is why speech inciting class, sex, and race warfare should be illegal."

She blinked at me in utter confusion, and I knew my words went over her head. "They want to silence me."

"Personally, I couldn't care less. If I had my way, I would take some bamboo and beat your ass with it on stage and hand you off to the police for some questioning. You better hope I don't meet this Amon guy, or I'll do the same to him." I said.

"Yeah, right, like you could, Amon is more powerful than you can imagine; he's blessed by the spirits to get rid of bending."

"He is only human." So I said and joined Korra to explore more of the city.

We walked into a general store. "How do I get to the Air Temple Island from here?" Korra asked.

I turned my attention to the three men entering the store; the leader wore a pointy hat and a gold chain. The two other men had their collars popped. "Mr. Chung, please tell me that you have my money, or I can't guarantee I can protect your fine establishment."

"Beat it, or I'll crush you," I said and punched the air in front of the man's face. The brim of his hat flitted up, threatening to blow off his head.

"Was that air bending?"

"No, it wasn't; that was me punching the air really hard. Listen, I recently had to deal with one of those annoying equalist recruiters, so I'm not in the best mood. So come back with your protection racket bullshit another time."

"Your bluffing no one is that strong." I took the man's hat, returned to my position, and held it out. To the gangsters, it looked like I had just snatched the hat off his head from the other side of the room. The gangster slowly raised his hand to his head and shivered.

"I am running out of patience. Are you forcing me to kill you?" I asked.

"Mr. Chun, your protection money is coming due. You'll need to pay us in a week or two." The gangster said, and I tossed him his hat back. When they left, the tension in the room eased.

I turned to the store owner. "You said down this street, right," I asked.

"Yes, of course, and thank you, young man."

We left down the street towards Air Temple Island.

"I could have handled that," Korra said.

"What type of date would this be if I didn't beat up some street toughs and defend your honor?" I asked.

"So, this is a date then. Tenzin would say you're a little old for me. And I'm the Avatar; it's my job to keep the peace." Korra said.

"What would you have done differently?" I asked.

"I would have fought them and showed them they didn't know who they were messing with," Korra said.

"That would have been fun to watch; maybe you can handle it next time. But I wasn't in the mood; that equalist guy really did piss me off. If those gangsters didn't back down, I might have beat them up a little." I said.

Korra relaxed a little. "So, you weren't actually going to kill them."

"No, they were nowhere near strong enough to force me to do that."

A sky bison appeared overhead with an irate-looking air bender in orange robes looking down on us.

Check out my other work on this site Challenge Series.


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