
The Crash

(If want a recap continue reading)

(If you don't go to page three)

"Hey kid lets go we shouldn't be in here" Marshal was in uniform, "Uh no, I am not missing my chance to see the V-line for myself", Marshal then ran out the back door to the trucks. "Damit" Titan grabbed the gear and quickly ran out to her, she was already in one of the trucks. The truck started up and started to drive. He ran to the truck and joined her. " you are completely insane you know that right?" Marshal chuckled " I know I've been told that many times, and do I acknowledge that? Nope not even a little. Now shush or we'll get caught"

Titan shook his head "We are so dead" Titan moved the covers from the open part of the truck to see where they were going, but by time he looked outside of them it was pitch black out and there was nothing he could see for miles. "Well no turning back now" he sighed. Marshal looked at him, "Hey don't worry we will be fine, we won't be more than a few feet from the truck then we can go back inside after I'm done seeing what I want, okay?" She tried to insure him that it will be okay. Well she hoped it would.

The truck stopped when it got to the V-line, the driver got out and went to the back and asked for someone to hand him his gun. Marshal grabbed one and handed it to him, She grabbed on herself and looked at it and gazed at its beauty. "Wow, look at this, this is a 360 V-treckliner, do you know how powerful these things are?" Titan was confused at all she had just said. "Oh right, I forgot you don't know much on this. Sorry" Titan looked at the gun, "Its okay, I guess there is always a time for learning these things though right?" Marshal smiled "Yeah there is"

When they were sitting in the truck they could hear guns firing from each direction, people screaming as well. They were not sure if it was the soldiers dying or the Phykes they were hitting. Then all of sudden someone ran in to the chamber of the truck. she was out of breath and terrified of what she had just witnessed. She had no intention of going back out there anytime soon. Titan looked at her, "Are you okay?" he asked calmly. The girl looked up at him and had tears in her eyes, "N...no..." She put her legs up to her chest and held them, she then hid her face into her knees and didn't look up or talk after that.

Marshal put her hand on the girl, "You don't have to go back out there, we aren't even going out there at all, you can stay with us if you like". The girl raised her head up from her knees and gave a tiny smile, "Thank yo..you" The girl was shaking like crazy. They wanted to know what had scared her so much but they knew that was a story for another time. Titan got up and went to the curtain, "I'm Gonna have a look outside okay" Titan moved the curtain and went outside he did not leave the site he just stood right outside of the truck so if he had to go back he could get there quickly. Titan looked over to his right and saw a group of guys huddling in a bush, they where trying to catch on of the Phykes that was right in front of them, they all sprung out at the same time and BAM! They got the Phyke a lot faster then he intended them to. It looked easy to him when he watched the Grey Legion, but when he looked over at the new comers from a week ago he saw how hard and dangerous it was. They were trying to catch a Phyke but every time they got close enough to catch it, it either tried to bit them or Hurt them in any way possible. Marshal moved to the end of the set that was near the curtain and opened it just a tad, "Hey would you get back in here" Titan turned around and got in. Titan sat down in the back of the chamber. "Okay I think we should all introduce ourselves, since we have got some times on our hands. So who wants to go first?" He looked at the girls. "I guess ill go than, My name is Titan Mackey". Marshal looked at him, "I'm Marshal Summers".The girl on the floor looked at them both and then sat next to Marshal, "My name is Amanda Bennett" she stated to feel more safe then she has all day. Mostly because this time she was not going through this thing alone.

Marshal and Titan looked at her, then looked at the curtain and heard something rustling in the woods. "What was that?" Amanda asked. Titan looked at her then back at the curtain "I don't know and I really don't want to know" So he crawled up through the tiny window that went to the drivers seat "I suggest we move up here, you know the place with windows and locked door." Both Amanda and Marshal moved to the font of the truck. All of a sudden a bomb in the background went off everything behind them blew into pieces, then they heard yelling saying "FALL BACK! FALL BACK!" Once they heard that they knew they had to get out of there. So Titan started the truck and dove off as fast as he could,he was going so fast to the point where he couldn't see anything or tell where he was. Titan finally figured out how the lights on the truck worked, he turned them on and next thing he knew there was a gigantic tree right in front of him. He tried to slow down but the next thing they knew is that they came face to face with a tree and totaled the entire truck. Everyone in the truck was out like a ight, no movement no sign of tenses or breathing. Everything was peaceful and silent.

Three days later (Read in SpongeBob narrator voice)

It was Morning, the sun had just risen and everything seemed to be okay. Titan woke up and held his head, he could still hear ringing after the accident. Titan finally opened his eye and looked around, he had no clue where they where. he had never seen this place before, " We are definitely not in the truck anymore" he said to himself. Titan got up from the ground and started to walk around a bit, he had a slight limp from the accident, his foot was once dislocated but it had seemed to be put back in place some how. He looked around to see where Amanda and Marshal were, but did not have any luck finding them. So he sat down on one of the chairs he had saw when he first came to.

Amanda woke up she was leaning against a wall, her head was pounding. She tried to open hers eyes but it was too bright for her, she felt her surroundings for a moment the covered her eyes a bit to see where she was. Amanda was in shock to know that she was no longer in the truck and was alone once again, she began to cry. She thought to herself "Is this the end, is this how I will die, I die alone after a car crash, the crash that both my new friend and I were in???". She was really scared, scared to the point where she did not move from where she was sitting at.

Marshal was lying on the ground, she was holding her stomach. It was still hurting after the impact with the trees, she had hit the dash of the truck when they hit the tree. Luckily she did not feel any cuts on her stomach, she had a few on her face but that was because of the glass that had flown through the air. She tried to sit up but it hurt a little too much to move so she stayed out and waited until she heard someone moving in the room weather it was alive or not.

To be Continued....

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