
Rich rewards and upgrades

(Congratulations you get island expansion to 1000 Hectares)

(Congratulations on getting 300 soldiers level 1)

(Congratulations on getting a population of 500 people)

(Congratulations you got the middle castle)

(Congratulations on getting the 10 M stone city wall)

(Congratulations on getting the fire magic talent)

(Congratulations on getting supplies for 1000 people for 1 year)

(Congratulations you are now 50 years old)

( Friends channel / / trade channel / / race channel has been opened)

The long line of gifts immediately made Danis astonished by what he received.

Moreover, in some of the prizes he saw something very special, so Danis got a little more information out of these prizes. About this Nuswantoro world, because as it is well known that the system will only answer general questions and will not take the initiative to notify, unless the host asks himself what answer will be accepted, whether it is satisfactory or not is not something the system needs to do.

So of course now Danis who saw this prize had another chance to ask the system, the system explained one by one about the prize I received.

(The first prize for expanding the island which was originally 100 hectares has now increased to 1000 hectares)

"Has anything else changed in that respect?" Ask Danis again.

(The beast and gifts as before will be refreshed, apart from the host's living area in this case the area inside the fortress, then within 500M everything is updated) the system ended its answer.

" Wowww...means I can get another treasure chest???" asked Danis quickly.

(Can depend on the luck of the host, note the treasure box prize will be more difficult to get, but it is of better quality than before) the system explained again.

"Good...good...with this there will be additional good things" said Danis enthusiastically.

"Next" command Danis back to the system.

(Get 300 soldiers level 1 which contains 100 swordsmen/ 100 archers/ and 100 horsemen) system explains.

Hearing that he got the horse troops, Danis was surprised and happy at the same time.

" Haaaa!!!! Are there 100 horsemen???" Danis quickly asked the system back.

(Yes there are 100 level 1 cavalrymen in the 300 extra troop pack that the host received) the system answer came back.

"Good....this is very good.....hahahahah" Danis laughed very happily, because in the end he didn't have to bother to walk around the island, especially with the expansion of the island which became 1000 hectares which equals 10 km² which is quite a large area, moreover this area is not all flat terrain, there will be forests, rivers, highlands and lowlands, so if normally Danis had to walk around the island it would obviously take quite a long time and be tiring.

"Ok, continue the 3rd prize" Danis said again asking the system to continue explaining the prize he received.

(Get an additional 500 residents who have 70% loyalty to the host, with some residents having certain talents and skills, the host is asked to figure out the rest on their own) replied the system.

"Is that just like that?? Obviously this is not in accordance with the usual system?" Ask Danis again.


"Ok, if you don't want to answer, then let another question arise, to what extent can the population be dissatisfied with the authorities and what are the consequences if the residents are dissatisfied? Is there a way to increase the loyalty of the residents?" Asked Danis again.

(The lowest level of satisfaction from the population is at the 40% level if it is more than that then there is a possibility that the population will run away from the host, and if it reaches the 20% level the population will rebel and if it reaches 10% the population will kill the host) the system answers and then continues again .

(Treating the people well, providing for their basic needs such as housing, food and clothing) the system was re-added.

" Ok.... this is an alarm for myself, and this is the rhythm to become a just and wise ruler"" commented danis on what the system said.

" Next!!" Danis again asked the system to explain.

(Host gets castle upgrade from small to medium size according to island level 1)

"Ohhhh....this is something interesting" Danis said with a smile.

"How big is the area of ​​a medium castle?" Ask Danis again.

( Castle will increase to 10,000 M ²) system reply.

"2 X isn't anything bad, but earlier you told the system that this area corresponds to the level of island 1, what do you mean?" Danis asked again, feeling there was something he needed to clarify.

(The large and small size of a lord's castle, has different standards between island levels, for example the area of ​​a large castle at level 1 will not be the same or even smaller than the area of ​​a small castle at level 2, so in other words the current size castles belonging to lords will not have the same broadly the same area of ​​castles and buildings at different levels) the system explains further.

"Okay let's skip that and move on to the next thing" Danis said again.

(The city wall made of stone with a height of 10 M can withstand the attack of level 2 soldiers with a maximum of 5000 soldiers attacking the wall) the system said again.

"In other words if there are more than 5000 level two warriors, then the wall will collapse?" Ask Danis again.

(Correct) answered the system.

"Ok this is good, because currently the majority are level 1 warriors so Danis feels more relieved, but he also realizes that this is only temporary and must be changed when he can get further." Danis made his own conclusion after he heard what the system said .

"Next" Danis again asked the system to continue his explanation.

(Host has a talent for fire magic, in other words host can learn magic in Nuswantoro world with fire avinity) said the system explained briefly to Danis.

" Wowwwww!!?? Fire magic talent, amazing!!!!!! I can finally become a magician!!!" Danis said excitedly.

"How do I learn fire magic?" Ask Danis again.

(Host can learn from magic book, magic teacher, or magic university for the rest please search further) system answered question from Danis again.

"Only Rias is all I can rely on for this matter, moreover the magic avinity is the same"

"Ok continue again !!" Danis said back.

(Provision of supplies for 1000 adults for 1 year, which includes not only food, but includes clothes, a little medicine, cooking spices, and some simple cooking utensils with a limited number) reply to the system again.

"Hahahah....I thought there was only food, it turns out that these supplies are true to their name, namely providing supplies that include, food, clothing, medicine, and cooking utensils, very helpful!!!!" Danis said happily and gratefully.

"Then added age to 50 years, is this the life limit given to me on this level 1 island?" Danis asked the system.

(Yes, the host is correct, an additional age of 50 years is the age the host is given to be able to live for that period of time, with a note that the host will not die from disease, but this does not apply if the host has an external injury) system explained.

"Ok, the age limit is 50 years, you will not die from illness, except for external injuries in this case it means getting an external wound and then becoming sick because it is not treated, then you die.

This is the first point, then the age limit is 50 years. The question is if I go up to level 2 of the island, will my age increase? And if he increases by how many years?" Danis asked again to the system.

(Yes, it increases, the value cannot be known unless the host finds out itself) replied the system.

"Ok that's more than enough, let time tell the rest".

"Next explore the friend channel, trading, and interracial channels" Danis again asked the system for more explanation about things outside of the reward he got.

(Friends channel, allows the host to search for the host's acquaintances in the previous world, but only limited to name, for the trade channel is a platform specially reserved for island lords who pass the first test, can sell and buy and exchange materials between hosts, with a value goods and nominal have been determined by the system.

Next for interracial chat, is the channel opened for interracial conversation in the world of Nuswantoro , in this case it is limited to the race at the level where the host is) the system ends the explanation.

" Ok I see, with these few things clear, it is intended for the further development of each host to further develop the strengths they have before the second test comes" Danis analyzed the intention of opening the three channels.

After feeling enough to receive an explanation of all the prizes and also the additional information he got, Danis is now walking back to his castle to realize what he got from the prize.

While walking, Danis who sees many soldiers and residents repairing damage to the island, has another picture of being a ruler.

At first he just everything wasn't so real, but now when he saw the reactions of the soldiers and citizens laughing and crying Danis realized that they weren't npc but real living beings like him, so right now an invisible bond that inside Danis broke.

Next chapter