

(Congratulations to the Human Race, Elves and Angels for successfully passing the exam, you will be sent back to your respective islands soon for rewards will be automatically given when you arrive on the island) the sound of an announcement resounded throughout the Grasslands.

"This...this...isn't...this sound from the system!!!!" Richard exclaimed in surprise.

"Right, this is system sound!!!" Danis also responded.

" Doesn't this mean we have victoryyyyy!!! " Gabriel exclaimed too.

"Hahahahaha...we did it!!!!

" We did it!!!.... shouted richard full of happiness.

"All our struggles were not in vain!!" Danis also did not want to lose shouting.

"Hahahaha...good...this is very good..." Still feeling the feeling of victory, Richard was still screaming.

It's understandable that the three of them did this, not without reason, because the current exam can be said to be very mentally draining for them.

Even though they looked relaxed, in reality, neither Danis, Richard, nor Gabriel could rest their minds with relief.

Because if they fail then they will accept death, and if that happens then who will be responsible for what they have achieved, no one wants to accept that fact.

So basically every race tries to do their best to qualify, and they try to do proper preparation in order to win.

Here in the room where Danis is he along with the elf race and the angel race become victorious by defeating the demon race, dwarves, demi human and orch.

In other places it is certainly different, the situation cannot be said to be the same because every place has a different character and different luck.

Without Danis realizing the strength of the level of luck that he has played an important role in the exam he took, because from the moment he arrived and the alliance, it can be said that everything went well and he got very strong allies, from here you can say that Danis really lucky.

"I think now is the time to say goodbye," Danis said, interrupting the victory they were currently celebrating.

Said while pointing at the time that suddenly appeared in front of them, it was in the shape of a clock with 12 digits on it, and at this time the countdown had started at 60 seconds.

"Haa...why is it so fast...couldn't they just wait!!" Richard said he was still not satisfied celebrating the victory with Danis and Gabriel.

"Okay, what can we do next time we will be able to meet again maybe !!" Gabriel said in a slightly sad tone.

It's understandable if she feels sad, this is inseparable from the fact that for the past three days the alliance they have built is very good, not to mention the personalities of Danis and Richard who really make Gabriel comfortable. It can be said that she is very grateful to be a team with them.

So when the time for parting came, then the mixed feelings came, seeing Gabriel's sad face, Danis immediately tried to cheer him up "Okay, this is a good moment for us, don't be sad like that, just remember if there is a chance we will contact each other" said Danis comforting them.

"Look in less than 30 seconds!!" Danis said again reminding them.

" Ok Danis and Gabriel nice to meet you and I hope we can meet again!!!" Richard excitedly said making a farewell between the three.

" You too...I feel so grateful to have met you!!!' Gabriel said with a somewhat sad face but on the other hand he was also happy.

" Time to say goodbye guys!!!!!... Richard and Gabriel goodbye see you later!!!!!!

The countdown 3...2...1....in that instant everything disappeared, swallowed up by the sudden light, leaving the meadow in silence.

On the other hand, Danis, along with his followers, managed to return safely to the island, more precisely, they were returned to their island's coastal area.


On the hill several soldiers were seen standing guard at a specially made post there.

"Why haven't master come back yet?" one soldier asked his colleague.

"Don't worry, master will come back" said another.

"But it's been almost 3 more days and master still haven't returned" answered the others doubtfully.

"Husss...why are you guys still gossiping, it's time to watch!!" A captain reprimands them.

"Ahhh....sorry captain, we're just worried about master condition sir" another answer.

"That's right captain, you can't mistake us!!" Another word.

"You can rest easy, earlier our leader Mr. Maximus has told you that master will be back today and tomorrow at the latest !!" Said the captain told.

" Ahhhh...good then captain...finally we know master will be back soon...." With a sigh

While they were engrossed in talking, a blinding light suddenly emanated from the beachside area, all of a sudden this made them immediately alert.

"Captain...what is that..." Suddenly a soldier pointed towards the beach.

Hearing the screams from his subordinates, the captain immediately turned his attention to the beach, only there did he realize what his subordinates meant.

" It is .....

"Ahhhh...that's master...captain...master is back!!!!" The captain's voice was interrupted again by the soldier.

But instead of being annoyed the captain was actually very happy, so he then said.

"What are you waiting for, immediately turn on the signal!!!!...the captain shouted orders and led several soldiers towards Danis.

On the city wall, more precisely in the watchtower, the soldier on guard suddenly saw a fire arrow fired from the watchtower on the cliff near the beach, seeing the sign immediately the soldier's face became happy....." Ahhhh.. ..this is a sign that master is back.....quickly report to master Maximus...loudly the soldier shouted.

" Gong.... gong.... gong....." The sound of a gong was beaten on the wall....

Which immediately aroused the attention of all the citizens and soldiers in the city....

In the barracks Maximus who was busy practicing heard the sound of a gong…immediately he became happy and excited.

"Stop practicing...!!!" Maximus's voice immediately boomed inside the barracks causing all the soldiers to stop their training.

" Master is back.....you...you...and you...follow me to go see master, and you.....go to the castle to tell Rachel that master has returned and arrange the preparations there!! ' Maximus' orders immediately made arrangements without much delay along with several cavalrymen Maximus immediately galloped towards the city gates.

"Hurry...open the door...Mr Maximus will come out..." Shouted the guard guard at the gate.

And immediately the entrance of the city made of iron opened…revealing the outside view of the city.

"Master is back.

"Yes master has come back...

"Ahh...master is back...

"Doesn't that mean master win!!!!

"Ahhh.. master win....

"Master wins!!!...

The cheers of the citizens sounded happy when they knew that their master had returned and this showed that victory had definitely been brought.

So that then causes excitement that occurs throughout the city, thinking about the strength of the city that continues to grow, the residents feel very happy and grateful, they always hope that Danis will be able to continue to do his best to lead the city brand to be even better in the future.

"Ahhhh....where is this!?" Danis' questioning voice was heard when he and Rias, zahra and the rest of the soldiers managed to return to the island.

"We have returned, sir," Zahra said, telling Danis to look behind them, where from the forest, several familiar-looking horsemen appeared.

"Yes, you're right, look at that flag with the logo of the Garuda bird," said Danis, satisfied to see a guard post on a high cliff near the beach flying a red flag with a golden Garuda bird in the center, which Danis has chosen as the symbol of his island's flag.

Soon several soldiers led by the captain of the guard arrived in front of Danis, "Greetings sir, welcome back" greeted the captain representing the others.

"Greetings, captain thank you for welcoming us" replied Danis with a smile, Danis felt very happy because he was now welcomed by his soldiers, this proved that he had a good and important position in their hearts.

After a while, the sound of horses' footsteps came from the forest again, and this time Maximus, accompanied by several horsemen, also came to greet Danis.

"Sir, welcome...sorry for being late to greet you" Maximus said in a loud voice.

"Okay Maximus, thank you for your welcome, this time we have successfully carried out the mission so you can rest easy" Danis answered then immediately replied to Maximus' greeting, he did this because from the look in Maximus's eyes that greeted him there was a feeling of joy mixed with anticipation.

And he who knew the meaning of that of course immediately made a satisfactory answer for Maximus, he didn't want to make one of his important subordinates to be worried all the time.

" Great.... master is amazing!!!!! Me and the others feel very happy!!!!!" Maximus said back excitedly after he realized that his master had successfully passed the test then next big reward must be waiting for them.

"Ok then let's go back we are quite tired" Danis said ordering the troops to immediately return to the city.

"Okay sir...lead...master to the town.

lead to the city!!!!" Maximus shouted to the front, and immediately the soldiers who had picked up Danis began to form a line in front of escorting Danis's return.

Along the way Danis started asking about what happened while he was not on the island. " Maximus how is the island while I'm not there?" Ask Danis.

"Everything is safe, sir there are no outside attacks and everything is going according to what you have instructed," replied Maximus.

"Good then I feel relieved, you have done well Maximus" said Danis praising.

"My loyalty is only to master" Maximus answered loudly.

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