

Shen Hu woke up in the middle of the night to footsteps. They didn't sound familiar and sounded as if they were trying to be quiet. Shen Hu silently got out of bed and opened that door. He saw 2 hooded men stealing their family possessions. "What are you guys doing?"

The thieves were surprised by that fact that a 6 year old looking kid was awake. "Hey little guy listen we just came to pick up something that your father left for us."

Shen Hu doubted that since his father would have told him but he played along since he didn't want to get Hurt. "Ok i'm going to the bathroom."

The thieves didn't believe that he would tell his father since 6 year olds were all naive. They continued to steal while Shen Hu went to his parents room. He whispered loudly in their ears " Mother father there are strange men in our house."

His father woke up and got out of bed. He thought Shen Hu was lying so he played along. "Ok take me to where they are."

Shen Hu took his father by the hand and they ran as fast as he could to where they where. When they got there the thieves where almost done taking anything that seemed of value. One of the thieves noticed them and his legs quaked from fear. "SHIT RUN!"

The thieves prepared to leave but before they could they were grabbed by the neck and tossed on to the ground by Shen's father. He stepped on their chests and pressed down. He didn't allow them to escape and with his free arms he broke their arms. " you shouldn't have come."

Shen was scared seeing his father like this. He wanted to tell him to stop but his mother who came behind them noticed that he was about to say something so she stopped him. "They should have known that if they got caught they would be in big trouble. What you did was very brave my child. Thank you for telling us."

Shen Hu wasn't scared anymore after he heard his mother but then heard a scream of one that wanted to die. He saw that his father not only broke their arms but broker their fingers as well. His mother went to go get the guards so they could be arrested and before Shen's father did something bad.

After awhile the guards came and arrested the thieves. They gave Shen's father some gold coins for helping them catch the thieves. Apparently they thieves were infamous for their stealth and where able to steal things that were right under the person's nose.

After all of the ruckus the thieves had caused they went back to sleep and Shen Hu let all of the excitement slip out of him.