
The Hamburger

I snatched the keys off the coffee table in my Father's office and rushed down the stairs. My mother tried to stop me but all was to her avail. For I was going to acquire the hamburger. I hurried into the car and sped off down the dusty road slap bang in the direction of ye olde Hamburger shop. Right now you may be wondering '???? A Hamburger ????', and that is because you do not know the true excellence of a burger- a Hamburger at that. I love hamburgers and I'm sure some of you out there do as well. But, this is no ordinary story of a Hamburger but instead the story of how I became a Hamburger and my struggle for becoming the top food in the culinary industry. Anyway, let's continue-

I must have driven for about 15 minutes now and my legs are getting tired, my only perseverance being that I will acquire a Hamburger at the end of this. Everything was going to plan- I am getting the hamburger then travelling through the dense wilds of what is known as a wood and then at the old, creaky bench that must have been there for years I would sit, and happily enjoy my hamburger.

I must have been daydreaming for when I came to, a huge black truck towered over me and honks could be heard from all around. Darkness. All I can see is darkness. Suddenly the obscure figure of a man in white appeared.

'Tang San, you have died and must be reincarnated, for your death was my fault' the man muttered in a crusty voice. I was perplexed, what on Earth was going on? I tried speaking with the panicked breath I had,

'Where am I, who are you?' I asked nervously whilst looking around at the infinite expanse of darkness around me.

A shallow voice echoed from his mouth, 'You are in a place you humans may call Heaven, and I am Tokk- the god of creation. I am here to assist you on your way into another world, so, I have bestowed upon you one wish. You can have any one thing with this wish, so choose wisely what you ask for.'

I gulped, trying to take in what he just told me. 'Can I be reincarnated as a Hamburger?' I sternly asked.

'As you wish, you shall be reincarnated as a Hamburger, farewell.'


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