
Chapter 2: The first day pt2

Darius would be sitting at the back of class alongside his two friends Samson and Alphonse. Alphonse would be as per usual listening intently while Darius and Samson sent each other messages with the use of a「Mental Link」

Alphonse knew they were doing it of course but rather than call them out on it he'd let them face the consequences. The thought of them groveling at his feet for them to take a look at his homework had always given him sadistic glee after all. Alphonse would lightly cackle to himself as he thought about this while the two continued their chat.

The teacher would then say something caused the pair to finally listen after getting deep into his lesson. "You will all be taking the level examination right after class, you cannot graduate without taking it. It will be held in the testing room across from us"

The class fell a bit silent as he said this, most students had dreaded this day as even being slightly strong would get attention from the scouts. The war was still in full swing after all they needed all the hands they could get if they were to defeat the Demi human tribes and Elven kingdoms.

The war currently being waged was terrifying to the class, having heard stories of the Eleven empire enslaving humans while the Demi human tribes often ate any troops that they had captured.

This made some of the students drop out or suppress their abilities to avoid getting taken by the scouts. There were several ways to avoid getting drafted into the war, However once a scout saw any potential in you they would draft you with or without your consent.

Darius wouldn't be afraid of the scouts in fact he welcomed them, Darius after all had a father who was part of the king's personal elite guard. Darius was more than eager to smite this country's enemies even surpassing Alphonse with this desire who was very much himself a patriot.

Samson while scared would be onboard as well, wishing to follow his two friends into this seemingly terrifying war. The two people beside himself gave him courage after all, so much so that those slaver elves and man eating Demi humans weren't so scary.

Time would pass surpassingly quickly, the students each exiting their class rooms and heading down to the testing room. Darius had a giddy smile on his face as he walked in the crowd, Alphonse also shared a similar look of confidence while Samson was sweating a little.

The line would be pretty short considering the distance from that room along with the quick and easy process. Darius heard many different numbers, a couple of fours and a few fives as well even a six. The last one surprising him as rarely any students ever got that powerful at this age.

This was normally the case with Darius being stronger than the majority of other students in the academy. The mirror used however could never go above level 70 with only the best in the land being at that level, being able to put a number on anyone who got to that level. The mirror had a silver body and a dark black glassy inside. The mirror also had several beautiful blue gems embedded in it.

Alphonse would be ahead of him along with Mash who was ahead of Alphonse by several other students. Darius had always had a bitter relationship with him even since a young age with Mash having beaten him several times when they were younger. The fights between them now were much more balanced of course with him usually overcoming the meathead with little difficulty.

Mash would put his hand on the mirror as he waited for the results, not sitting down on the seat provided for him. "Not bad Mash, level 5." The examiner would say this only to get a loud laugh from Mash who had a prideful look in his eyes. "OH I've got one last surprise, this'll definitely get me noticed by the scouts!" Mash would tense up as he said this, his skin turning a dark ashy color along with the scars underneath his shirt and the one on his face glowing bright orange. Mashes eye's would be black with yellow slit irises.

The examiner would have a shocked look on his face as the mirror read level 15."Level 15! The scouts will undoubtedly seek you out!" Mash would then snicker as he exited the state as his normal features and walked off purposely hitting Darius's shoulders who angrily grunted.

Darius himself was shocked by this as the strongest student to ever Graduate was level 20 and Mash being only 5 levels away made him jealous. Darius began to wonder how he even got this strong as he was only level 4 last year and he suddenly jumped that much in power.

Alphonse would then step into the room, sitting down onto the table and placing his hand on the mirror. The mirror would show level 11, getting a surprised gasp from Darius and Samson who was near Darius in line. "Level 11, splendid the scouts will definitely seek you out!" Alphonse would smile as he left the room leaving Darius shocked.

Darius would enter, placing his hand on the mirror and seeing level 6."Not bad, expected for an elite like you. The scouts will be visiting you as well." Darius would be frustrated yet determined after hearing this, He knew that sulking wouldn't get him what he wanted and if he wanted to not get left behind he would have to work harder.

Darius would leave the line, heading back to his classroom with Samson following quickly behind him. "I passed as well, got a level 4 on the mirror." Samson would say this sheepishly as he followed Darius who turned and gave him a friendly smile.

"Well that's more than good enough to get into the Dominion army, can't believe Alphonse and Mash are that Hi-."Suddenly a loud boom could be heard from the testing room with students being a good distance away from the entrance while also crowding around it.

Darius would head over there with Samson quickly joining him. The smoke coming from the room fogged their vision Immensely, perhaps a student went rogue and attacked one of the testers. The event was rare but everyone there doubted that the Mirror was broken.

There would be a moment of silence before a tall lone female student with long bright red hair and black highlights along with purple eyes. The girl had almost an ethereal like appearance being incredibly beautiful to the point of making most of the boys in the room drool. Her outfit was the standard girl uniform with her body type being that of an athletic woman with pale yet clean white skin.

Darius knew who she was having visited the castle with his father several times. Her name was Reina Geralt. Darius viewed her as while being easy on the eyes, Reina was far too mean and arrogant for him to ever truly take an interest.

Reina had always beaten him easily in unwarranted duels when he had visited the kings castle, flaunting her power while making fun of him. The student body seemed to love her despite Reina's obvious flaws. Reina was even worse than Mash when it came to the bullying, often making fun of how he smelled or looked.

Darius however wasn't the only one who disliked Reina as Alphonse despised her even more with him shooting her a scowl. Darius would notice this as he turned to face him. "That privileged ass didn't even have to work nearly as hard as us regular folk, that's life for ya." Alphonse would say this under his breath looking at her with jealous eyes. "Being Born human and not half godkin can be a real pain." Alphonse and Darius would suddenly feel a hand on each of their shoulders after he spoke that.

"You know I heard that." Alphonse and Darius would quickly turn seeing her behind them with an angered look on her face. The two would only give her angry looks as they locked eyes. "You two wanna have a duel? I'm willing to bet you two could definitely give me a nice warmup, you being the two 'elites' in the school.

Darius would swallow nervously as he spoke up, stuttering slightly as sweat dripped down his face. "I accept, I'll kick yer half whatever into the dirt!" He would let a light blue aura surround himself as he locked eyes with her. The student body seemed to be booing him while Reina let out a simple Hmph before delivering a hard magically enhanced punch to his gut. Darius would black out after feeling a rush of pain.

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