
Chapter 7:

Early in the morning a red toad with blue markings around his eyes and on the top of his head could be seen patiently sitting on the edge of the hotel's window.

When Shizune saw the toad she walked to the toad and opened the window "Did Jiraiya-sama send you"

"Yes. I'm here to deliver a message to Tsunade-san" Kosuke the messenger toad replied.

"Tsunade-sama, There's a messenger toad" Shizune shouted.

Tsunade came out of the bathroom freshly showered with towel wrapping her wet hair.

"Oh Kosuke. It's been a while" Tsunade said.

"Yes. It's been a while Tsunade-san. I've got a message for you from Jiraiya-san. Here" Kosuke said then grabbed a note that was strapped on his back and offered it to Tsunade.

"My job here is done" Kosuke said and vanished with poofing sound and smoke.

"What's is the message Tsunade-sama" Shizune asked.

"He wants to meet with us at hot spring" Tsunade said with tick mark forming on her forehead.

"Hoooh it seems i have to kill some white haired toad" male voice said startling Shizune.

Shizune instantly pulled poisoned senbons from her sleeves and turned around then she saw Ryuu standing in the dark corner with a vicious grin.

"Ryuu-chan you scared me" Shizune said.

"Stop being so dramatic Ryuu-chan" Tsunade added.

Tsunade then wrote something on backside of letter then gave it to Ryuu and said "Ryuu-chan would you mind giving this to Jiraiya, He is at the hot spring. You can see the direction on other side of that note"

"Okay. Oh and don't wait for me for breakfast. After delivering it i will train bit more in rural area." After saying that he was vanished in front of their eyes.


In the hot spring not so far, Jiraiya could be seen waiting in anticipation with stupid grin plastered on his face. He could almost imagine naked Tsunade sitting beside him in hot water, offering him a sake.

Jiraiya didn't even notice when Ryuu shunshined near him. He was totally lost in his imaginary world, blood slowly leaking from his nose.

Ryuu seeing he was lost in his thought, he suppressed his chakra then silently squatted beside him then whispered to Jiraiya's ear.

"Are you perhaps imagining my mother Jiraiya-san?"

Jiraiya instantly jumped out of water and saw emotionless face of Ryuu

"Have you never heard about privacy brat! You almost gave me a heart attack" Jiraiya said angrily.

"Good morning to you too" Ryuu answered sarcastically. Then he threw the note at him "I'm here to deliver this."

Before he left he said to Jiraiya "By the way Jiraiya-san mom is equally thrilled to meet you according to her cracking knuckles"


After delivering the note he went to the park where he met with Naruto at night.

When he reached the park he felt Naruto. Then he thought 'Well, he is probably training rasengan.'

Ryuu shunshined near Naruto and saw struggling him trying to burst rubber ball.

"Hey Naruto what are you doing? You never saw a rubber ball before?" Ryuu asked from Naruto teasingly.

"Of course i know a rubber ball, i'm training my technique" Naruto answered

"You are going to stare at your ball till your opponents die?" Ryuu asked with laugh.

"I'm trying to burst this rubber ball with my chakra. It's one of the steps for learning Rasengan" Naruto answered.

"I'm glad you have come to terms about your situation Naruto" Ryuu said honestly.

"Why do you think so?" Naruto asked.

Ryuu said "Otherwise you wouldn't have tried to learn your father's signature technique"

"Yes, after you left yesterday Ero-sennin came and we talked all night." Naruto said.

"Since you are being mature and thoughtful i think i should teach you Shadow clone jutsu's secret" Ryuu said with smile.

"Really? There's a secret for that jutsu, awesome" Naruto shouted in excitement.

"But" Ryuu then stopped making Naruto more impatient.

"But what? Tell me dattebayo" Naruto exclaimed.

"You have to call me aniki" Ryuu said with eye smile.

"Why would i call you that" Naruto asked.

"Have you already forgot. We are family. I'm your cousin so i'm your older brother" Ryuu sweet dropped.

"Okay, okay aniki teach me please." Naruto hurried Ryuu.

This made Ryuu smile then he said " Make a shadow clone and close your eyes"

Naruto made plus sign with his fingers (AN: what this sign called?) made a clone and he closed his eyes.

As soon as Naruto closed his eyes Ryuu instantly stabbed Naruto's clone with his chakra chain dispelling it.

"Teme why did you stab me?" Naruto asked heatedly.

"What are you talking about. Your eyes were closed" Ryuu asked with innocent face.

This made Naruto more angry he shouted "My clone saw you before he died" then instant realization hit his head.

"I wonder why you didn't notice it earlier" Ryuu asked.

Naruto's previous anger instantly replaced with excitement he shouted "Awesome, i can see what my clones saw when they dispel"

"Not only you can keep your clone's memory you can train more faster with your clones." Ryuu said smugly.

"Thank you aniki" Naruto shouted. Then asked from Ryuu "Can i ask you something"

"Ask away" Ryuu said then ruffled his hair making naruto pout.

"What are those chains? I heard from ero-sennin my mother also could make those"

Ryuu manifested few chains to show Naruto then said "These are Adamantine Sealing Chains of Uzumaki clan. You can attack your enemy with it or even bind them and disturb their chakra flow, make seals"

"Wow can i learn it" Naruto asked hopefully

"I don't know Naruto. Only handful of Uzumakis awakened it. I heard they were all women." Ryuu said.

"Then how can you use it" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Back then when i was fleeing from bandits who were going to kill me it manifested by itself. I guess i'm an exception"

"Now since we are here why don't we train together" Ryuu asked


Ryuu spent quite long time talking and training with Naruto, it was almost mid noon now.

When they were sparring in a simple taijutsu spar Ryuu suddenly stopped then said "Your perverted teacher is here"

As soon as those words left Ryuu's mouth blue eyed Jiraiya appeared.

Then he spoke "Hey brat, your mother called you. It seemed urgent"

Ryuu hearing this he turned to Naruto and said "It was fun hanging around with you, see you later lil bro" then shunshined away without even glancing at Jiraiya.

When Ryuu left Jiraiya muttered "Youngsters these days"

"Ne ne ero-sennin, What happened to your eye, Did your research gone wrong" Naruto asked with smirk getting Jiraiya's attention.

"Nahh, I just slipped and hit my head on the wet floor of the hot spring" Jiraiya defended himself.

"Yeah right" Naruto said with playful smile.

"How did your meetings went with baa-chan" Naruto asked curiously.

Jiraiya answered in return with pleased smile "It actually went quite well. We will head to the Konoha tomorrow"

"Okay enough chit chat, I'm going to meet my agent, train here okay, don't go anywhere else." Jiraiya said while ruffling his hair. When he finished his word he was gone.

"Yeah yeah. Go peep on the bathhouse. Meanwhile i will learn rasengan in no time and surprise you. Since aniki taught me a secret dattebayo." Naruto said with pout.


"Mom, i'm here" Ryuu said while materializing from the corner of the room, scaring Shizune again.

"Ryuu-chan" Shizune exclaimed.

"Ryuu-chan stop scaring your sister" Tsunade reprimanded Ryuu.

"And Shizune why are you being so jumpy" Tsunade asked with frown

"It's okay Tsunade-sama, It's my fault. It seems my senses are dulled" Shizune spoke in embarrassed manner.

"Yes, you are slacking lately" Tsunade scolded Shizune.

"Scolding aside why did you call me mom, That old pervert said it was urgent?" Ryuu asked

"We decided to go to the Konoha tomorrow and i want you to find and bring Haku here" Tsunade said.

"Can't we meet him on our way to the Konoha" Ryuu asked making confused expression.

"I just thought it would be nice if you greet him personally. Since it's been a while since you two last met" Tsunade said convincingly.

"Okay, But where is he. At least give me a general direction" Ryuu said with slight frown

"Outside of the town to the south there's a forest. In his last letter he said he was there. Now go" Tsunade said.

"I'll be back soon" Ryuu said then vanished.

"You made him more suspicious Tsunade-sama" Shizune spoke.

"What do you want me to say to him then, Should i have said Ryuu-chan go take a stroll around the city. Meanwhile i'm going to kill a certain white snake." annoyed Tsunade said.

" I don't know Tsunade-sama. It's just ughhh never mind" Shizune then started packing ignoring Tsunade.


"Meanwhile Ryuu was dashing to the direction where Haku was according to Tsunade.

While dashing through the street he thought 'I've got enough time to meet Haku and go back with him. I really want to end the miserable lives of Kabuto and Orochimaru but if i kill them i will lose control of future events and get attention of Akatsuki too soon. By leaving them alive i don't have to deal with Sasuke and his yandere brother'

Deciding it would be more profitable leaving them alive he increased his speed.

He finally reached the outskirt of the forest when sun was just setting. Then he felt a fierce and powerful yet gentle chakra.

'Yep, it's definitely Haku. Time to test his progress' with that thought devious smile formed on his lips.

Haku was walking in the woods quite leisurely. He was a handsome young man, you even can say beautiful. He wore his long hair loosely, and wore a black, sleeveless kimono, decorated with small white flowers. Around his waist was a simple white obi tied in a bow, and he wore a pair of light brown sandals. He also wore a black choker around his neck.

When Ryuu saw Haku he wrapped his head with black cloth leaving only his eyes he suppressed his chakra and erased his presence then hid behind big tree.

Just as soon as Haku got near the tree he was hiding behind he attacked with kunai aiming at his neck.

Before Ryuu could reach Haku's throat Haku back flipped gracefully, while he was on the air, with inhuman speed Haku made hand signs and shot ice shards from his palm.

Even though his ice jutsu hit it's target he didn't lower his guard. He instantly formed ice senbons between his fingers then he threw them behind his back where his instincts screaming for danger.

At the same time he heard senbons tearing through the flesh and the target in front of him fell down he heard popping sounds indicating his attackers were clones.

Then he felt cold metal on his throat.

"Haku Yuki please follow me. My master wants to meet you."

When attacker spoke Haku that was standing there turned into water then another Haku came behind from the tree not so far then he said in not so amused tone "You moron, Is this how you greet your only friend after not seeing so long"

"What, what gave me away?" Ryuu asked.

"Cover your hair fully idiot, I can see red hairs sticking around. And did you think i wouldn't recognize my friend i lived with few years. At least change your voice idiot" Haku said.

When Ryuu heard him he smacked his own forehead with his palm then he instantly regretted "Oww"

Seeing this Haku laughed "Hahaha, still an idiot"

"Did you finally decide to become a woman. How many hearts did you break with your confusing appearance" Ryuu asked with laugh.

Haku laughed then said "don't ever change Ryuu"

Then haku continued "What are you doing here Ryuu? I would have met you guys in 4 to 5 five days anyways"

"About that we have a situation" Ryuu said grimly

"What happened? Something happened to Tsunade-sama and Shizune-san" Haku asked in worried tone.

"No, Nothing like that. I think they are going to do something reckless. " Ryuu said.

"Reckless? Reckless like what?" Haku asked.

In return Ryuu said "Dealing with Orochimaru"

"Then let's catch up later after we deal with that snake" Haku said in equally grim tone then they both vanished from where they were standing in unison.

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