
A Quest to Learn the Common Sense of the World

I could only listen to the sorrowful voice of the renowned Demon Lord conversing inside my mind. It is also possible that I'm inside my dream world clinging to the slightest faint of hope to see my deceased family once more.

This is why my wife would always scold me from reading multiple books about magic and the like. If she would probably be here right now, I may receive a hefty beating from her fist of fury of my beloved wife…

My wife…


And our daughter, Lixia.

How I wish I can spend the rest of my life here in this reverie.

Even so, what if…

Just think about it, myself. What if alternate universe is a real thing amongst the vast universe? What if that this 'Demon Lord' can help me achieve my dream?

However, I can only listen to the voices reverberating inside this very realm.

"It seems that you are not capable to converse with me? You are indeed a peculiar man, Grey Turner"

No no no. You're the odd ball here. I resigned myself from my 'world' and here I am talking to a 'Demon Lord' like you.

"I am the honourable Demon Lord, who reigns the Demons of the world we call Terra—one of the brightest planet in the whole galaxy"

"How is this possible? I cannot speak nor move a finger from my own body that is why up until now I am can only talk to you using the thoughts produced inside my mind" I was bewildered from the fact that my thoughts have been hijacked by some sort of magic trick done by the mysterious caller.

Moreover, according to my knowledge, Bode's Galaxy is 12 mega light years away, and also called Messier 81 (NASA).

"Young man, I cannot acknowledge your broad information about this…mega light years away. It is foreign from our kind." He said in a humble tune.

Most people would be arrogant enough to belittle or to bully a person who holds greater or lesser knowledge from the flow of the conversation.

"Among the 6 billion people residing our world, why choose me?" It was a query to attain further knowledge from this present phenomenon.

My life greatly depends on the situation in hand, and it will rather be tedious for me if I would ever regret the decision I will choose right now without hearing any sort of explanation from this unknown voice who calls himself 'Saran'.

"Very well, young man. As promised, I will guide your family's lost souls and resurrect them at a later time."

"Resurrect?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Indeed, you've heard it correct. Forgive me if I may not be able to resurrect their souls at the quickest time, for my power had been fairly drained by the former hero of Laurel" The demon lord's voice became softer as it explains the details to me.

"My time has come; and as well as yours. Hear my name, for I am the great founder, Saran, of the Demon Lord kind!" The demon lord Saran soon screeches out a foreign language in. Soon after, the dim light enveloping my drowned soul began to feel the warmth akin to my previous body when I was still alive in my previous world.


I was immediately placed under a strong spell which amplified my drowsy state and mind. The conversation from the demon lord was still freshly carved inside the memories of my head the moment I felt awaken, or rather refreshed, from the duration of my slumber.

I immediately inspect any sort of locomotion through my body. It seems that I am able to feel my upper and lower limbs attached from my physique. However, my entire muscles and power was not present whenever I order my arms and legs to move when I wished them to. Moreover, my different senses: such as taste, hearing, touch, sight, smell, and pain was slightly voided from my body. Even so, with this the Demon Lord's power was truly exceptional for a higher being such as the King Saran itself.



Soon after, my ears were greeted by an anonymous sounds akin to the chant from the Demon Lord from before. However, this time their words were solely expressed for their common conversation rather than transporting someone from a distant world.

It seems that I am not able to perceive the language which was supposed to be commonly attached once a person would be transferred in a fantasy story similar from what I have undergone. With that in mind, I will be willing to study and discern more the different languages offered in this foreign land.

Now for my sight. It'll be quite troublesome that I would be transferred in this world without seeing anything from my surroundings. Although I can still feel my pupils rolling around at the corner of my eyes, I am completely baffled from my inability to open them wide.

Just as I was about to feel thoroughly dejected from the unaccountable actions that is absent from my body, my eyes suddenly began to pry over to the colourful surroundings available in the setting.

Judging from the furniture and other items found in this room, I could safely guess that I was conceive inside this very chamber and awoken from the two individuals playing at my tender fingers.


Soft and small fingers?

Since when did I have these overwhelming characteristics? The last time I've checked my appearance thoroughly, my moustache was overgrowing with dark and furry hair of an old man like the amazon rain forest found in Brazil! However, examining the weak power held within my hands, I was indeed incapable of grabbing, throwing, or even punch from the muscles of this new-born body of mine.

These two people seems to be my biological parents who had brought me into this world. Despite being incapable of listening their mother tongue at the moment, I could easily discern with the eyes glued with excitement and merriness the moment I was born in this world. It kinda reminded me when I first saw our baby little girl, Lixia, arriving in the white walls of the hospital.

The demon lord did say that he'll be able to convert my family's soul and transfer them here in the new world where I had resided. Since his words must've been absolute, then finding any information portraying for my lost family members will be my utmost priority!

In the meantime, I can't wait to grow taller so I can easily move around in this…baby body.

Eventually, I was carried away by another person, which seems to be the caretaker of my mother, and soon placed me on my 'mother's' chest. I was forced to suck the areola of this…stranger, which is technically my mum.

"A baby's gonna grow. I'm sorry, Tris. This is quite inevitable"

It isn't cheating when an overgrown man becomes a baby and was required to suck on milk in a different world now, am I? AM I?!

I guess not.

I brush my hideous thoughts aside and carefully suck…digested all of the nutrients provided by my mother's breast. It seems that my appetite grew extremely large due to the minuscule proportions of this immature body.

All of a sudden, my mind grew tired and soon long for sleep despite not being emotionally ready to sleep. However, I was reminded for the fact that…*yawns*…I was reborn as a baby after all.

5 months has successfully passed as I continuously focused myself on the art of crawling on the crib that my mother had bought for me.

My room was filled with dark and shady hues that was akin to…the holidays of Halloween where you get a chance to decorate the whole house with spider nets and gorish decorations placed everywhere in every room. Although there are numerous toys (?)…nope, I'm genuinely confused about the entertainment that this world has. Even the toy (?) in question seems like a voodoo doll produced by witches back in my world.

Anyhow, guess what?


I've never felt so satisfied in my life upon achieving something difficult through the past few months trying to learn this arduous yet common skill.

When both of my parents aren't around, I would carefully sneak beside the window and stare thoroughly on the world outside this wooden walls. The scenery of the night sky was enough for to be enthralled from its majestic stars clustered across the night. Strangely enough, they have 4 moons moving at a cross-like direction similar from the four direction seen from the portable compass: North, South, East, and West.

It was a heavenly enough to be able to perceive the clean sky without the towering skyscrapers blocking the wonderful view.

"Aaah~" I could only voice out few letters of the English alphabet (not the language here in this world) like 'p', 'b', and more. My parents were both delighted upon hearing these few words that I was able to speak, however they cannot understand any word I had said. It's too bad that I wanted to make them proud and call them both my 'mama' and 'papa' just as I was a small baby boy back from the good old days.

It's quite nice, really, that I am spending my life here inside the warm and comfy crib, eating, sleeping; well I occasionally poop once in a while accidentally in my diapers, but nevertheless this life is surely a smooth ride compared from the part-time job I've had when I was still in college and the endless amount of documents and work that was needed to be accomplished at the next day without taking any breaks at all. You know, I'm starting to feel a sudden urge to obtain the secret power of the baby-forever-syndrome inside my head.

Yet, I still miss them. My beloved Tris and my precious daughter, Lixia. How I wish to hold them close in my arms and…see them smile.

Eventually, two months passed exceedingly fast and

BABY~ I AM NOW ABLE TO WALK FREELY ON THE GROUND, if you wouldn't count the occasional trip and fall while continuously practising this awesome skill~

I have achieved two best abilities in a younger age than most of my peers. I am a genius, truly. If you want to flutter me now then you have you are more than ever welcomed to do so~

Kidding aside, both of my parents were shocked to see their baby boy who's able to stand on his own at a very young age. Don't worry champs, I too was bewildered as well.

With this, I am able to visit the miniature library inside the guests room.

Through the past few months, my mother will introduce me these foreign words that seems to be their common tongue here in this world. Eventually, I was able to slowly understand the letters and words provided from the books and stories that my mum and dad usually tell them before bed. Their stories are all about the great Demon Lord, Saran, who had successfully freed the Demon kind and govern the bountiful land, which was later known as the "Vell", the demon's very own continent.

Gazing closely to my parents, they resemble the famous creatures known as the succubus in my previous world. They have horns, pointy looking tail, and colourful scarlet red eyes that any normal human being would say "HEY, THAT LOOKS LIKE A DEMON" or so it seems.

My mother would usually bring me a mirror and reveal my entire body through the glass shard as she caress me with delight. It wasn't that bad to be doted by these kind parents, however…I would prefer them to act more, you know, rational talking to a 40 year old man like I. Ah, I forgot, I was a baby to begin with.

Every day, I would visit the books stored in the shelf and read all of the documents and papers bought by my family. The books per se are few compared from the personal books contained by a regular family from Earth. It's safe to say that selling papers and books are items that are fairly costly from this world. The idea of mass producing papers and printers are still far off from this world evident from the scribbles done from every written text found from the books.

Well, beggars can't be choosey, I'd say, thus I resumed my daily routine of reading, pooping, eating, and….

"The art of magic…a book written by Saran, the Demon Lord himself"

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