
Chapter 168: Chakra cloak?

After Homura finished his training he got back to his lab, since today was Sunday he could at least spend some of his afternoons experimenting with the knowledge he acquired about medicine.

Thus in a small isolated room inside his secret bunker, Homura finished opening a series of intricate locks and finally managed to enter what seemed like a small makeshift laboratory.

To Homura this was his most important room, contrary to what he had done before, all samples he had gathered from anyone he could were inside this place except for the truly important ones.

However, he did have some samples.

Homura was more paranoid than he was careful.

Losing everything due to an accident was not something he feared but it was a possibility, thus even the makeshift lab he had created here, with some reworked or older equipment was only a part of it.

Anything he could get his hands on was being mostly stored within this small room.

The real reason as to why Homura who spent years working was incredibly low on finances at any given time.

After retrieving a white coat from a life-sized puppet, Homura put on some white gloves and approached a small glass box on the table.

Within it, a pack of mice stood there, alongside several equipment needed for their survival and entertainment.

Though, one large rodent remained separated from the others. It was a rather large rodent being isolated and almost on the verge of dying.

Homura had no longer a need for it, thus he stopped feeding it altogether. It was a sad decision for him but he had dissected animals prior but it was mostly ones meant to be disposed of, either were sick or already dead.

But this time he was the one who made sure this rodent was bred and was the one choosing to let it die.

It had an entirely different feel to it than being ordered to kill.

The dilemma of choice is an issue difficult for most ninja within Konohagakure, and ninja all over the world; who are in conflict with their nature and their status as tools for their village.

At the academy, they were slowly conditioned to accept having to make hard decisions but it was all theoretical at the end of the day; real life was a whole different endeavor.

*Poke* *Poke*

Homura poked on the glass box several times.

Homura (slightly tired)"… Quite resilient. "

He said.

Homura (slightly tired) "According to the data you should be dead by now…I guess you really do take from him…or me. "

Homura inexplicable words reflected a deeper truth to his current actions.

Homura then focused his attention towards the other glass box, it was full of several rodents and a large one. The smaller rodents had gray and white fur, very similar to a certain someone.

Homura soon picks one of them while the others seemingly run out of fear of the huge hand coming towards them.

Homura (slightly content)"… it seems that it really worked. Analysis."

C: "Understood The latest scans reveal that the current subject "rodents" have surprisingly integrated with host DNA at varying percentages, ranging from 9 to 13 percent. However, it seems that instead of creating entirely new mutations, their biology has adapted to the host DNA due to inherent biological differences. Unfortunately, these results are unsatisfactory and warrant further investigation. "

Hearing C's explanation Homura looked at the rodent on the palm of his hands, it was small and seemingly had only been born recently.

Homura: "So…you are Homur-ish and a mouse…well a bunch of mice. I will call you Homurice"

C: " "Omurice" already exists in the database, should I update the term as well?"

Homura: "It was a…joke. A bad joke...a sad joke. But I really do need to find a name for this species…my DNA will remain in this world even if I die…Is that what it feels to be a god?"

C: "Question not understood. Needs further input."

Homura: "*sigh* It doesn't matter. Is there a way to expedite the current process? "

C: "Using the matriarch as a test subject. And wait until half of the females give birth to the next generation, and introduce new foreign DNA for patterners to explore how the next batch genetic material."

Hearing C's response, Homura pondered about the next move he should take, it was more or less what he had planned except for the dissection part.

Homura: " I guess we could go with that…but is there still no way to grow or graph body parts from them?"

The true goal of Homura was not to breed rats or introduce his DNA into another species' genome, but to one day be able to grow body parts by using live animals as the main component of this goal.

Though that dream turned out to be more complicated than Homura originally thought.

C: "Current data insufficient. Current abilities to influence the genome of a foreign species lie during incubation; by introducing Host DNA as a catalyst. However, the margin of error and genetic rejection is currently too high due to the incompatibility of the 2 species' genetic markers. Host's genetic markers are adapted to foreign DNA by recreating anti-bodies and genetic sequencing of similar data. "

Homura: "…I guess creating mice with the sharingan ain't happening…I guess that was a stupid idea anyway."

Though Homura wasn't really mad about the current results he was more tired by the lack of funding and research materials he needed to progress further.

He then put back the rodent standing on his left palm inside its glass cage.

Homura: "Grr!!!! This is so frustrating! "

Finally Homura snapped.

Homura:"Ueno sensei is clearly limiting my potential! Bastard! Even though I went as far as to acknowledge him as my sensei, the research and the crap he is willing to teach me is obviously curated for me (I've managed to improve on everything he taught me and twisted it to suit my desires… but even I can't make miracles. Mysteries will remain mysteries as long as no clues are available to be explored. )"

Homura then pauses as he thinks about the future.

Homura: "There's not much time left…"

Homura knows that the test for graduation will be coming soon, thus he will no longer be able to dedicate as much of his free time to conducting experiments.

Homura: "I will have to release most of the subjects soon…"

Homura had many types of test subjects, different animals produced different test results. Though, almost every experiment that Homura conducted has been a failure. It took a lot of effort to conduct as many experiments as he had but it was mostly due to time, knowledge, and resources.

But if he were to become a genin and go on missions, he could be absent from the village for days or even weeks.

Keeping any of the bigger test subjects for long amounts of time was outright impossible unless he was to share his secret base with someone else.

But…keeping rodents and anything that small should be possible, especially since he had somehow managed to obtain new results.

Homura: "C, is there a possibility to grow organs in the future using these mices?

C: "Theoretically it is possible. However, larger organs or body parts remain impossible without enhancing the vitality of the subject, changing species, or drastic body mutation."

Homura: "I see. (So…There is a possibility.)"

Homura starts to think of his next plan of action, he then decides to close the glass box once again after refilling it with the contents for another week's worth of food and water as well as removing most of the excrement.

He then proceeded to cover the box with a cloth except for the parts where air entered. He then looked at the other glass box with the almost dead rodent.

HOMURA: "Analysis. State."

C: "Subject suffering from high dehydration and lack of food; as well as several other minor health issues due to organ failure. Estimated time of death… 20 hours."

Hearing this Homura took a scalpel and threw it towards the almost dead animal, stabbing him and skewering it in less than a second.

Homura: "What a disappointment. I hope your children are somewhat better than you."

Homura had invested so much time into making a mouse of similar status to the one in front of him and it had the best physical performance compared to its siblings but besides a healthy rodent, there wasn't much to brag about.

Homura: "There should be more powerful elements that stimulate growth within this world, it is a good idea to look for them while outside, but for that to be my priority I need to learn a real clone technique similar or the shadow clone to proceed."

For someone with the sharingan, Homura knew that it would be a piece of cake to learn a clone technique as long as it was not derived from a nature element.

However, Homura's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden feeling of unease, that made him rather confused and outright uncomfortable.

The rodent that Homura casually killed out of mercy or for purely selfish purposes started to move on again. Its legs that previously that had previously entered rigor mortis started to budge once again, but that was far from the oddest thing to happen as small red bubbles like substance started to pour out from its body.

Homura: "What the…What the hell?"

Homura watching the event unfold was both surprised and outright scared.

He had previously experienced something similar. This felt the same, but at that time he was unprepared and the scale was much more different.

Homura did not doubt that what he was seeing was the chakra of the nine-tailed fox. However. he never expected to witness it again. It was true that Homura bred this specific mouse with his Dna and injected a small amount of Naruto's blood into the body of its mother.

However besides the birth of several healthy mice not much seemed amiss, the solution contained both Naruto's blood and several other components. Homura hoped to see if he could make something with similar genetic traits to Naruto.


Nonetheless, soon the rodent started to screech then the upper part of its body seemingly imploded, leaving the entire glass box it was in; a horrific mess.

Homura watching it happen was in awe.

He remembered seeing the gruesome details quite openly.

Homura: "…."

It left him quite in a stupor for a few seconds before being brought back to his normal demeanor by C's monotone voice.

C: "Subject has ceased any vital function."

Homura: " Huh!?...No sh*t."

 He responded as soon as he got out of his trance of having that sordid scene burn into his eyes.

Seeing that gruesome sight made Homura glad and scared of the implications that it brought forth.

Homura: "(T-that…could have been me. Though, I didn't know that normal mice could potentially have chakra…much less have "this" happen to it.)"

Homura expected to see those mice develop some kind of mutation through his experiments but nothing to that sort.

He didn't even believe that animals that were incapable of talking or had higher physical attributes could potentially have chakra available to them much less use it.

There was a fuzzy line that provided a distinction between creatures that were able to use chakra or nature energy; when compared to normal everyday animals. 

If they talked or were giant size, that usually meant they had a higher intellect and strong ego or sense of self.

But what had transpired was clearly different from normal occurrences or anything to do with animals in general.

Seeing this happen for the first time brought fear to the boy who injected himself with the DNA of over 10 people already. He had played safe by only using the blood of people that he deemed genetically similar or people that were not exactly too abnormal such as Sakura and Choji which were not exactly normal people but were at least far more genetically less abnormal than himself or anyone with roots tracing back to Ootsutsuki clan or possessed a kekkei genkai.

Homura: "I see. I get it now…those mice were exposed to my blood from the embryo's and Naruto's which was evident that it could develop a chakra network even if it didn't have it."

Considering the newest batch of mice had fur similar to his hair color pattern, Homura was certain that his hypothesis was correct; especially if chakra and a chakra network can be passed down either via linking chakra the way of the sage of six paths, or directly through the bloodline as such he did with his sons.

Even if those mice were not direct descendants of Homura, they inherited some of his genetic traits due to his peculiar genetic ability to accept any transplant without rejection. That could even to some degree to animal but mostly because of slight genetic and physical compatibility the rate or success would be zero, but if cells were cultivated via C's DNA artificial slicing of Homura's cells then, the entire process acted similar to a cultivation tank.

Homura: "If this true this means that…I could make use of this."

Homura saw the possibilities being endless, even potentially crossbreeding species to get something akin to a chimera. The growing of body parts may not be technically feasible but breeding creatures that defy scientific knowledge or understanding may prove possible; even safe enough to conduct human experimentation.

Homura examined the box with a pair of gloves and several other tools taking full advantage of the trove of scientific data that could be collected.

The shape and what remained of the organs made it easy for Homura to come up with a basic conclusion.

Homura: "I see…it couldn't handle it."

As he murmured those words he stopped digging into the carcass.

Homura: "A basic case of chakra being released at once… I heard about it but it is the first time I see it in real life."

Homura was confident in his knowledge since in the past he wanted to learn the 8 gates but he was unable to become Might Gai's pupil.

Basically, the 8 gates exist to limit the amount of chakra something or someone is able to access otherwise with too much chakra being used at once the body could break apart; what had happened was similar but one thing remained clear.


The chakra Homura witnessed at the end did not come from the mouse but a bijuu, thus it was clear what happened.

Homura: "Hm…(Though it could not use the bijuu chakra within itself, it still did exist and… seemingly wanted to get out? It found a way to escape after death?… No, there's something else…Yes…the vessel is tiny it could never truly use the chakra of bijuu. If my chakra reserves amount to a gallon, then the chakra of a bijuu like the nine tails is an entire river…a flowing river…so a mice is like a pebble inside that river… scary. )"

He shivered.

Homura remembered that according to legends, the nine tails were capable of destroying the Earth, but this was the first time he truly thought that it could be not a legend but a fact.

Bijuu could be seen as powerful entities that were more akin to forces of nature, but they could be seen also as massive chakra batteries.

The nine-tailed fox is seen as the most dangerous of those batteries; ready to burst at any moment.

Though it was doubtful that the nine tails could ever control that power well enough to make it a reality.

Having the potential does not mean being able.

That was certainly something Homura knew.

Homura: "This is certainly strange…but to think that a jinchuriki's blood could have such a drastic effect…I didn't plan to add any more genetic materials to my body after Moegi anyway."

Almost each year, or between two years, Homura, spent within the academy; he would inject blood or genetic materials of those he could within his body.

The long time periods was made to reduce the strain it had on its body. It usually didn't take too long for Homura to go back to normal; but his heart rate would sometime spike up for no reason and his pulse would also act; among many other things.

Which included his chakra control becoming erratic.

Thus Homura didn't really implant too many genetic material samples within himself.

Within the academy, besides Choji, Sakura and Sasuke; the rest of his classmates were passed over by Homura.

He still collected whatever he could, such as sweat and even discarded objects like water bottles, towels they would use or even skin sample or hair follicles.

Everything was fair game, which Homura ended up having plenty of genetic materials to go around, since he had been students with the main cast of characters for years to this point, and they spent most of their short lives together.

It was easy.

However, certain DNA samples he had recovered such as the ones belonging to Hinata, Naruto and even Yakumo who wasn't their classmate…Homura, felt a sense of dread and outright danger. Somewhat deeming that those would not be safe for him.

Either it was his 6th sense or simply the lack of information,that made it impossible for the boy to use those spoils. Opting to instead go with the safer route and test those on literal lab-rats.

Homura: "Though it's too late now to start any incredibly ridiculous projects…if I had a few more…no. A single year. I would be able to make something out of this new information. "

But that was impossible.

Homura was practically on the verge of graduating; and although Homura could potentially not be part of a team as he knew was a possibility.

He needed the money.

Being alone and having to team up with random partners each time was dangerous; he may have his secrets get found out or potentially be involved in a some kind of ploy or plot.

It may not seem likely but shinobi village are full internal and external spies. Who truly knows if the person next to you is simply a wearing a disguise or a false identity.


And uncertainty was a a part of life that Homura hated; to him. either something is or is not.

Homura: "Well …going to leave that for another day."

After finishing cleaning up his mess, Homura, sat down on a chair and started to debate his situation.

Regardless of choice, both options were terrible but at least one guaranteed potential allies while the other option increased the level of threat he'd have to have to face alone.

Homura: "Well , it's both too late or too early to decide anything."

Homura left his lab and entered another room within his secret hideout, where he grabbed a chair and a notebook in order to write today's events and potential steps he would have to take next.

Next chapter