
He took a leap of faith

[3rd POV]

"I think I am out of chakra." said Naruto, the reincarnation of Ashura, the man with the Uzumaki lineage, the sage and the jinchuriki of the nine tails.

As he said, he was getting out of chakra.


"Nonsense, you can do one more." Sasuke said nonchalantly as he unrolled a new scroll on the ground.

The scroll contained complex fuinjutsu seals and if an expert were to look at it they would be able to make out some meanings like 'store' 'preserve' 'trap' etc.

The place was dimly lit and there was nothing much except some paint brushes and shelves which contained rows and rows of books and files. At some corner there were also different ninja tools.

Sasuke and Naruto were currently inside Sasuke`s secret base and Naruto was tasked with filling out chakra storing scrolls while Sasuke was closing and putting away the scrolls Naruto had already filled.

This had been going on for some time now. Sasuke had sought out Naruto and requested a favor, he asked for chakra and it seems like he wanted a lot.

Naruto was clueless on why Sasuke needed to store this much chakra - he already had enough to blow up a village with the pure chakra alone.

"Why do you need all of these anyway?" Naruto continued with his task even though he questioned why.

He put his hands on the center of the seal and pushed out the nine tails chakra and the seal absorbed it like a sponge.

"I hope you are not planning anything bad."

Sasuke chuckled at that and said, "Don`t worry about it. It`s for something...I can`t quite disclose to you."

"Fine fine, keep your secrets." Naruto said, he was used to Sasuke being up to different things so he tried not to be too nosy about it.

His friend was always busy with missions or 'protecting the world from the shadows' as he liked to call it. He was barely ever present in Konoha and if he was, he would always hang around with Sakura.

"Just make sure to attend the wedding. Its two months from now." Naruto said.

Sasuke appeared thoughtful as he said, "I will try."

Naruto sighed, he would appreciate it if his best friend was present at his wedding but he knew how busy Sasuke was so he settled with that answer.

"It's done." Naruto fell on his butt as he released a heavy breath.

"Thank you Naruto." Sasuke picked up the scroll and closed it. The scroll shrink in size and Sasuke quickly put it away in his ninja pouch.

Sasuke was doing all this as a preparation for his travels. Dimension or time travelling required absurd amount of chakra so he needed to have access to an abundant of it.

And even though he never experienced it, Sasuke was really afraid..

Of being out of chakra.


Sasuke was finished dealing with the chakra preparation so he continued his other preparations.

He teleported to Orochimaru`s base where he met with Karin. He also informed her about the situation and unlike Sakura she simply accepted it with a smile and wished him luck.

But things also got a little spicy between them but it was nothing special as their relationship was far more physical than what Sasuke shared with Sakura.

Karin was simply a creature of sex, he would`ve never guessed. It was as if she was born to entice every masculine trait he had.

After that, he did what he was there to do. He took everything he would needed from the base which ranged from ninja tools, medicine and even poison.

Oruchimaru was not there as he was holed up in his lab for few months now. Sasuke wondered what the guy was up to, after the 4th Shinobi world war he had focused on creating a perfect human instead of truning himself into a perfect human.

He reckoned it would be easier to create one instead of changing himself into one. It had been more than once since Orochimaru asked Sasuke if he could have his sperm.

And of course Sasuke declined.

Sasuke shook away the thoughts as he entered one of the room in the secret base. The inside was dimly lit as giant test tubes and machine could be seen inside.

Sasuke walked towards one of the test tube and he found a body inside it. If one looked closely they would see that the body inside was strikingly similar to Sasuke.

It was his clone that Orochimaru had made in an attempt to create the perfect human. They had gotten into conflict when Sasuke first found out and it ended with Orochimaru promising to never do this type of thing again.

"I have found a better way to accomplish my goals anyways so I will never do it again." Orochimaru had said to him with an enlightened glint in his eyes.

Sasuke had never heard from the man since.

He moved closer to the testube and fiddle with the control panel that was beside it and the tube opened up and the body fell out.

Sasuke caught it and store the body in a scroll.

These clone bodies may be failed experiments but they were the perfect vessel for Sasuke to use the Rinnegan puppet control on.

He went to other six tubes and he only left the room after he had taken six bodies.

Then he was done with Oruchmaru`s base, he said goodbye to Karin as he went to different places to collect what he needed.


[Sasuke`s POV]

"Huuuu~ This feels more nerve wrecking than I thought." I said to myself as I stood on top of the Hokage Mountain.

It was noon and the sun was at its peak, its intense and nurturing heat shines upon the world without discrimination. It was hot but it was not humid and the wind would blow frequently to cool off the heat.

I overlooked the village of Konoha as I stood upon the ridge of the mountain. The village was full of life as people went on about their days.

Shopkeepers shouting to attract customers, small kids playing in the park, children running around in the school playground and the many civilians who were busy with their own life.

I could see them all, every corner of the village including the couple who were making out at the alley.

They lived, unaware that their lives could change at a moment notice. They are lucky to be under my protection.

I turned away from the village and walked a few paces away from the edge as I prepared myself for the dimesion/time travel.

I used my Rinnegan and using an absurd amount of chakra, I opened a purple swirling portal. I had to brute force through as this was the first time for me.

I observed the portal and saw how space was twisting along the ends. It was like a hole was punched through reality.

I was not sure where this would lead me, I just connected it with the nearest mark I felt - the mark of the Flying Thunder God I put on the Otsutsukis.

I was uncertain whether this would work at all or whether I would just be crushed by space and time or something.

How much time will pass when I return? Would I even be able to return? Too many questions I wanted the answer of, too many things out of my control.

Well, lets just hope for the best.

My mind ran through all the preparations I made, trying to figure out if I forgot anything but nothing came to mind.

I swallowed the lump of fear stuck on my throat and convinced my body to perform the action it knew was stupid.

"A leap of faith....I hate it."

I leaped through the portal and....



(Year : ???)

{Konoha : Hokage`s Office]

[3rd POV]

"What the hell do you have against flowers?! What did they do to you?" Hashirama Senju spoke with passion as his face reflects the confusion and distaste in his heart.

He sat on the Hokage`s chair and his hands slammed on the table as he spoke. The room was new and fresh with nothing much occupying the room except the Hokage`s chair and table.

Infront of him was a man with spiky long black hair and black eyes. The man was dressed in a maroon armour with numerous metal plates, forming protective guards along his chest, waist, shoulders and thighs. The clothing under the armour was a indigo long-sleeved shirt with a knee-length mantle, pants, open-toed boots, gloves.

It was Madara Uchiha.

[IMG : Hashirama and Madara]

"This is not about the flowers. If you want you can let the flowers grow in the Senju clan areas but NOT on my clan compound!!" Madara spoke with intensity as if his right was violated.

Madara had went to the four new formed Ninja villages to asses their strength and to show how much stronger Konoha was. He had done so with Tobirama who had still not returned as his job was to create bonds and treaty with the villages.

It was a strategy they had devied to maintain peace and keep the new village in check. Madara would visit newly formed villages to assert dominance and after that Tobirama would talk about treaty to them. It basically a threat, 'Make peace with us since you are going to lose anyway if we fight.'

After Madara had finished going through all the villages he had returned but to his horror he found the village covered in beautiful flowers.

Even his clan compound was not spared as red flowers like roses bloomed everywhere.

Suffice to say, Madara Uchiha was not fond of the development as he immediately came to the Hokage before even changing out of his Battle armour.

"But its to unite the village and to lessen conflict among the clans." Hasirama explained, "It has been proven that flowers make people happy."

Madara looked at his old friend with judging eyes because of the fact that he used flowers instead of his strength try to maintain order. 

Thinking back, Madrara noticed that different clans had different colours of flower, red for the Uchiha, green for Aburame, yellow for Yamanaka, white for Hyuga etc. meanwhile the village itself was a mixture between all colours and thus making it more beautiful.


Madara snapped. "You were selecting theme colours for different clans while I travelled around the continent to make peace?"

"What!?" Hasirama stood up, offended, "I did other things too." 

The two strongest shionbi in the world began bickering like children. No one would believe it if they saw them. 

It was not usually how they act but somehow they would bring this childish side out from each other whenever they were together.

"I am telling you I will burn it down if you don`t disperse the flowers." Madara spoke in finality as he folded his arms.

A gloomy aura leaked out from Hasirama at that as he hung his head low, "You hate it that much huh?"

Madara was about to respond but his body suddenly tensed up and his arms unfolded and got ready to act.

His demeanor took a serious turn as he turned around and looked towards a specific direction. 



"What an immense amount of chakra." Madara commented as he sensed the chakra fluctuation at the border of the Land of Fire.

It was not well known but Madara was a powerful sensor, he was easily able to sense the chakra of someone from countries away.

What he was sensing now was the fluctuation of chakra at the border and after that fluctuation disapppeared, a new chakra signature pop up. Whoever it was he/she had a powerful chakra and the quantity easily rivaled his.

Madara focused on this new chakra signature as his mind tried to come up with the identity. As far as he knew, there were no other people who had this kind of powerful and huge chakra except for him and Hashirama.

He should be aware of someone with this kind of power but the signature felt foreign, meaning that such powerful individual existed but he never met him/her.

"Could it be a tailed beast," Hashirama said, he

was someone who`s sensing ability should not be underestimated either. He was a sage after all.

He was not as vigilant as Madara but the moment Madara tensed up he also spread out his senses to find out what was wrong.

"Its unlikely. Its too small to be a tailed beast and too..controlled." Madara pondered for a bit before he said, "Maybe someone from the Hoshigaki clan?"

They focused on the chakra as they wonder who it could be. 



They had not taken action for now as the person was far away and did not seemed hostile but that changed as the chakra became aggressive.

One could get many information from sensing someone`s chakra, from their strength and even their affinity. Since chakra was a reflection of the spirt and the body, it also tells the nature of a person.

The chakra they had sensed was controlled so they could not tell much but now the same charka erupted out of control and they were finally able to observe it.

Both them felt it, the deep hatred that threatens to devour the world, the anger which was barely contained. They wondered how a chakra can be so dark and how someone an be so bitter.

Thats not all, as the chakra erupted it sends a message of endless bloodlust.

Madara and Hasirama`s hair stood on end when the hatred and bloodlust washed over them.

"Hasirama!!" Madara called out his friend as he immediately flashed away from his position, leaving an after image.

Hashirama followed immediately as they both rushed with great speed towards the presence they felt at the border which they now labelled as a threat.

Madara and Hasirama who are at the pinnacle of power briefly felt something which they thought they had forgotten when the chakra erupted.

Something which had stuck with them for the longest time before they finally grew out of it. It was an old friend.



It was brief but for a moment Hashirama and Madara felt fear.


Author : A new week so stones? Who knows I might update everyday if you guys did so.

