
Mateo is related with Aman

The scenery in the Giri City was quite eye-catching. The city was famous for its Greenery. It's flora and fauna were quite famous and people usually came to this city to spend a few days in the bosom of nature. People of this city usually spend their days in peace and they do not believe in disturbing anyone.

The forests around it were lush green. In those silent yet curvy roads of the city two people were walking side by side. However they were not saying a word to one another. The silence between them was not awkward but not comfortable either.

Galen looked at Aman's back and sighed. His baby was probably contemplating Mei Wei's confession.

Honestly speaking, Galen was not actually surprised by Mei Wei's confession. Even though he has only spent a few days with this boy he could tell what type of person he is. After all, after seeing different kinds of people for so many years, he could just guess people's real intentions in just a glance.

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