
New members of the Family

4 years later

In the expanse of the Uchiha compound, there were many buildings and houses built with ancient Japanese architecture. Most large buildings were generally smithies and warehouses. The houses were relatively small and unassuming belonging to various clansmen.

But in the center of the clan compound, there was one house that stood apart from the rest.

It was significantly larger and less... plain looking but from the eyes of a modern man it might as well be a shack.

On the porch of this house, one could see a little boy with jet-black hair who looked no more than four to five years old, seated, leaning on a pillar with his legs crossed and his eyes closed looking as if he was pondering about the mysteries of the cosmos in his mental sanctuary. A common sight to the clansmen and others around.

The boy opened his eyes revealing them to be of an onyx colour. They held an air of nonchalance and maturity uncharacteristic of his age even in the war-torn shinobi world.

'It has been four years already, time sure flies'

As he was lost in his thoughts his eyes started to change their colour from onyx to bright red and a single tomoe started to spin lazily around his pupils. It was the famed sharingan, a kekkei genkai exclusive to the Uchiha clan.

'I really am grateful for the blessings of that being, if I didn't have the ability [Supreme dominion over blood] and be able to control my blood then I would have had to forget about awakening the Sharingan just a year after unlocking my chakra'.

Madara had made history by awakening the Sharingan at four years old as the entire clan started to view him as a genius who was born once in centuries. He had made no effort to hide his power and as such the entire clan knew of his achievement.

'Who knew being able to control your blood comes with the perk of being able to slightly control your biology too '

His blood manipulation did not need the aid of chakra and only needed mental power and as such he could do trivial things like control his blood pressure already at the age of two when he had nothing better to other than explore his powers.

So as soon as he unlocked his chakra at the age of three; another praiseworthy achievement, he dedicated all his time and effort to experiment and study his ocular region. And after months of painstaking research, he had finally found out how he could awaken his Sharingan without subjecting himself to emotional trauma.

But his initial endeavors weren't without their dangers as he had more than once come close to blinding himself by damaging his optic nerves but fortunately, his decently extensive knowledge of the human anatomy from his previous life and his blessing [Star Child] healed his minor injuries by absorbing sunlight and kept him from crippling himself permanently.

'The ability to absorb sunlight to heal and strengthen your body, the power of a certain alien boy scout called Superman. Hmm, what does that make me? Superninja'

While his mind was occupied by such trivial thoughts a small boy with uncanny resemblance to Madara ran towards him giddily with excitement written on his face.

"Bruddah Bruddah come quickly, fadah is calling you," said Izuna Uchiha excitedly, a boy of barely three years, stumbling upon his feet more than once while doing so.

"Careful Izuna, calm down, and don't trip on your feet. Why is father calling me? " asked Madara while chiding him gently.

"Fadah is calling you because we have new bruddhas, three new bruddhas. From now on I will also be a big bruddah like you" said Izuna jumping on his feet with so much happiness that it almost blinded Madara.

"Of course, you will Izuna. I am sure you will be a great big brother" said Madara while ruffling Izuna's hair as they started to make their way towards where their parents were.

Being an only child in his previous life, Madara had adored Izuna since the day he was born and had long since added him to his list of 'MUST PROTECT' and it seemed that three new brats were soon going to be joining that list.

'Three new brothers eh, triplets at that, father and mother must have been going at it. Also although Madara or rather I was supposed to have four brothers but only Izuna survived and if I remember correctly the other three were killed by the Senju.'

'Hmph, not like I would let that happen this time. The Senju or anyone else will be six feet under before they even touch a hair strand on them. Not to mention I will make them all much more powerful than they were originally'.

After all, if he could awaken his powers, there was no reason he could not do the same to his family.

While pondering about such thoughts they finally reached the room where their mother and brothers were, they could see Tajima Uchiha, their father with his ever-present stone-cold stoic face standing outside the room waiting for them.

"Father" Madara greeted with a slight head bow.

Slightly nodding his head, "Follow me" was all Tajima said in return.

Following their father, both of them entered the room to find their mother sleeping soundly on her bed, next to her were three baby cradles with a midwife attending to them.

"Don't wake your mother " Tajima said to no one in particular.

As they reached the cradles, Madara could barely see his brothers with his current abysmal height much to his chagrin but Izuna could not, prompting the midwife to pick him up so he could see his brothers.

'Damnit I can barely see, somebody pick me up so I could get a get bird's eye view too... or on second thought don't, I had enough of that when I was a toddler' he thought solemnly remembering all the times he was lifted in the air like a lightweight object with no way to refuse other than cry. It was too much for his adult pride and ego.

But alas Tajima was unaware of his son's internal dilemma and in a rare show of affection picked Madara up so he could see the babies too, much to Madara's embarrassment as he could not remember the last time Tajima held him in his arms. Fortunately, Izuna diverted his attention with an important question.

"What are their names fadah?" he asked in a hushed tone remembering his father's words to not wake their mother.

"This is Raiden Uchiha, this is Shogo Uchiha and the youngest Hayate Uchiha," said Tajima motioning from the left to the rightmost cradle in the room.

By the time he finished, Madara had already activated his Sharingan to etch the memories of his newborn brothers permanently in his mind.

'Welcome to the family brothers, if nothing else, we will all have glorious lives, Of that much I promise'.