
The Tale Of Kitsuna

I am a what, and where is my little friend? No, give it back right now! What, back in a lab again? What a load of bull. Finally, I'm dying... No, I got revived again. Becoming a weapon for a kingdom? Meh, they can try and control me. Medieval weapons? I like that. Give me all of them. An Angle cult? Let's destroy that. Pure Dragons? I want one for myself. First Novel Cover made by Kumokuu Discord - https://discord.gg/h5N6ZuMSTR

TheRealSkollie · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter 163: Miss Pendragon has Arrived

"good morning. Is grumpy shaman here?" I asked politely.

"depends on who is asking." The receptionist said, narrowing her eyes at me.

"..." Staring her down, I narrowed my eye, making her start shaking.

"I don't know if he is-"

"woman, that was a yes or no question," I said, walking closer and narrowing my eyes at her.

'I just want to know if it's his real name or not.' I thought interested in the weird name.

"B-boss!" The woman shouted, running to the back.

"Ugh, this is why I hate the slums so much. Everyone reacts to my eyes," I muttered, looking to the sides and talking in the weird view of the shop.

It's precisely like steves Smith and I mean exactly the same everything is placed at the same spot the size, where everything has been set, the doors and the receptionist's desk, everything.

"Who dares!!" A dwarf came out of the same door the receptionist entered, glaring at me with his smith hammer

"Oh, mister Grumpy, you are here," I said, picking up a small dagger from a table beside me.

"And who are you?" The dwarf said, gripping his hammer.

"Oh, I wonder who I might be? You mother? Who the fuck do you think I am, you stupid dwarf." I yelled, throwing the dagger at his feet, infused with lightning.

'I wonder if my tactic will work?' I thought, busting a laugh mentally at the dwarf's confused face.

"This- I am terribly sorry, Lady Pendragon. I have sinned not recognized you, Lady Pendragon." The dwarf said, kneeling down and smashing his head on the ground, creating a crack in the wooden floor.

'Pendragon? Another reincarnation? Well, I don't know. He said it wrong anyways.' I thought, shaking my head at the unoriginal name.

"Pen-dragon, you fool," I said, infused with magic.

"I am sorry I have sinned again." The dwarf said, bowing down in fear.

"Whatever, make sure you get it right next time," I said, huffing.

"Will do that, ma'am. Ma'am, might I know where your bodyguards are." The dwarf said, looking around.

"Sigh, do I, Lady Pendragon, need something like a bodyguard," I said, annoyed, looking down at the dwarf.

"I know ma'am is a commander in the mighty federation army, but the draig territory is crawling with those disgusting black ops soldiers." The dwarf said with venom in his voice.

"let's stop with this nonsense talk and get to business," I said, annoyed, not caring about his opinions.

"yes, ma'am." 

"Now, tell me what you have been selling me?" I asked, keeping my high horse going.

"I don't quite understand what ma'am means by that." The dwarf said, looking at me confused.

"... right, blacksmiths are quite dumb. You already know we are the reason the dead forest is so up in everyone's business," I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"uh, yes?"

"Well, our operation has failed," I said, looking at him like I was blaming him for our failure.

"what! I am sorry, ma'am, I only made better and faster armour." The Dwar said, dropping his head in failure.

"That is true."

"Ma'am, this might sound arrogant but will ma'am still need the big sets of armour." The dwarf said, looking at me a bit worriedly.

"hmm." Humming, I looked at him thoughtfully.

"Sorry, ma'am." The dwarfed yelled again, slamming his head into the ground.

"They might come in useful. Show me the way then," I order sternly.

"yes, ma'am."

'I hate to act as someone else. At least I am alone. Well, mostly alone.' I thought, following behind the dumb dwarf.

"they are right behind these doors." He said, opening the double doors and revealing 2 sets of giant armour.

"When did you finish them," I asked, intrigued.

'what the fuck! They are both completely made out of Adamite.' I thought, surprised, narrowing my eyes at them.

"Both of these armours are made out of Adamite and artefacts to boost their defences when is equal. It is even lighter than normal armour." 

"I must ask. It's quite worrying knowing that you used so much, Adamite. People will start asking questions if you buy this much Adamite." I said, inspecting the armour.

"Do not worry, ma'am. I have used my contacts to get every bit of Adamite I used for these armours." the dwarf said proudly.

"hmm, these contacts sound useful. Give them to me," I demanded, holding out my hand.


"If I say to give me something, you give it to me. If you worry about compensation, you will receive it afterwards." I said, hitting him in the gut again.

'Dwarfs are so short it's so annoying to hit them.' I thought, looking at my fist, annoyed.

"yes, ma'am."

"Good, good, now go and write them down. I will continue the inspection," I said, shooing him away.

"Hey, shadow," I whispered, looking at my shadow.

"yes, ma'am?" A girl said, popping her out of my shadow.

"Don't tell anyone about my acting, okay," I said, flaring my killing intent at the girl.

"Yes, ma'am." The shadow said, saluting me.

"Good when we get at a safe distance. Make sure you get your squad to camp this place out," I said thoughtfully.

"I have already sent out the order, ma'am." The shadow said, disappearing into the shadow with her pressest.

"Oh, okay."

'I hate it when kayda or mom sticks a shadow on me. It's annoying to have a presence in your shadow the entire time.' I thought, annoyed.

Sighing, I looked at the 2 sets of armour again. Putting my hands on the armour, I sent thousands of invisible blades out, destroying the armour.

"like I thought he isn't even close to steves level," I muttered, putting everything into my storage.

"Ma'am, we have a problem." The shadow said nervously, appearing in my shadow again.

"What's wrong."

"The real pendragon is here." The shadow said, making me facepalm in annoyance.

"ah fuck, well, improvised time. Though you will have to get out without me." I said, showing her away again.

"Are you sure, ma'am?"

"yeah, just stay outside. If a fight starts, you can come and get me." I said, referring to her shadow teleporting skill.

"will do, ma'am."

"Who dares to personate me, Dea Pendragon!!!" The woman shouted, shaking the entire building.

"well, shit, cough, cough," I said, rubbing my head awkwardly.

"You!" A tiger demi human yelled, pointing her anger at me.

"My Lady Pendragon, it's been a while," I said, dropping to one knee and bowing down my head at the woman.

"Candy!? What are you doing here?" Dea asked very calmly and timidly, not like she was a moment ago.

'Candy, who the fuck?' I thought, surprised but not showing any change on my face.

"I have heard that some plans of My lady had gone astray, so I came to help my lady," I said, looking at her with a smile.

"I see, so he already knows," Dea said, shaking her head.

"yes, ma'am," I said, nodding slowly.

"Hah, I knew he would have found out anyways, so don't feel awkward about it," Dea said, waving her hands dismissively.


"hmm, oh, you already stored the armour? Good, we can go then." Dea said, looking behind me.

"I am just waiting for the dwarf to give me some extra contacts," I said respectfully.

"oh, that I already have it, don't worry," Dea said, smiling.

"... might I see it," I said, bowing down a bit with one hand outstretched.

"Of course, you are my brother's right hand." The woman said, giving me the piece of paper.

"thank you, my lady," I said, looking at the paper. I memorized the names before giving it back.

"huh? You aren't keeping it?" Dea said, surprised.

"I would leave them to you, my lady," I said, smiling at her.

"hehe, I love you, Candy. You are the best." Dea said, smiling happily at me, making me feel quite awkward.

"Lady Pendragon, we need to leave right now." A bodyguard said, running into the room.

"what's wrong?"

"candy? We are surpunded maam." The man said, not caring about my presence for more than a second.

"by who?"

"black ops shadows."

"the special squad Shadows? Fuck! Now what." De said, grinding her teeth.

'Huh, they were a special squad. Well, it makes sense.' I thought, nodding.

"candy, you have a plan," Dea said, looking at me.

"huh, yes, but not sure it will work."

"I am all ears."

"right," I said, swiping my hand at the bodyguard, changing him into kabab bits. I looked at the horrified woman before me, dropping my illusion on myself.

"Kitsuna Draig," Dea said, glaring at me, putting her hand on her sword.

"hehe, hello," I said, appearing in front of her and grabbing her face.

"you! What did you do to Candy." Dea said, struggling to get away from me.

"Nothing. I don't even know who the fuck candy is." I said, shrugging.

"but thanks for being gullible," I added, laughing at her.

"fuck you. Eeeeeh!!" The woman shouted, feeling me grabbing her tail.

"just shut up, and let's go miss shadow," I said, disappearing into the shadow a second later.