
Evolution and Magic!

(A/N: My upload schedule is so colossally fucked up.. but I uploaded a chapter so cool.. Also, the MC will be kinda.. op for a bit until he goes to a higher class world. This world is kind of like.. a beta test for his abilities, or at least that is what I am going for.)


I totally changed the world from Naruto to RWBY, reason being: I don't want to re-watch Naruto right now.

(1/100% etc in this fic means proficiency in the skill, so for example, if you used a fire spell with 100% proficiency then it would do more damage and cost less than 1-99% effeciency. (small boosts per 1%))

[Third Person]

[You have been evolved into...]

[Cat of Duality: Dreams can either be the hopes of someone's life, or the horrors that creep in the back of their mind. Cat of Duality is a long-dead species that represent the duality of dreams and nightmares.]

[Skills Gained!]

[Dream Manipulation] [Nightmare Manipulation] [Human Transformation] [Cursed Eyes of %#$#^%#@]

[Dream Manipulation (innate): The evolution of the skill [Dream Magic]. You now have the ability to manipulate the dreams of a target. Example of usage: Put the target into an endless dream, Change the 'life goals' of someone subconsciously, etc. Restriction: Can only use when target is asleep. When host reaches the next evolution, it will evolve again.]

[Nightmare Manipulation (innate): The evolution of the skill [Nightmare Magic] (skipped, gained form evolution) . You now have the ability to manipulate the nightmares of a target. Example of usage: Create illusions only visible to those affected, gains an insight of targets deepest fears when used on somebody, etc. Restriction: Can only have up to 3 targets at a time. When host reaches the next evolution, it will evolve.]

[Human Transformation (innate) : Use a VERY minuscule portion of [Dream Materialization] too manipulate reality into making yourself a demi-human body. You will always have extra appendages like ears, tail, and other distinct marks of their race even during [Human Transformation] due to external factors, (A/N: haha funny cat-boy go brrr).]

[Cursed Eyes of %#$#%$# (gift from %$^%#%) : Classified is #%#$ %#%#@$ ^##@%# $#@#%@#%. $@#$& @$&# $&@#$&#$@# $& $&$# &$ & & @# $&@#$& *@#$& $@#*$&@#$ & &$$& @#$* &$@*#$&. Classified is %@#$@ @#%@#%@#% @$#@$% destroy #$%# %#%@#%@## %@#%@#% @#%# ## @#$#$@ $#@$ #@$ $#@$# $@ $ $@$# $^ @^@*#%@#($* %& @#%&@$*# &%@#*$&% #@*$@#%&#$*@#%& % *@#$&#%]


[You have gained an ability that you were supposed to have once you evolve again!]]

[Dreamer is advised NOT to use [Cursed Eyes] until gained sufficient strength! Recommended to cover your eyes before they go haywire from lack of control! (Cursed Eyes are only usable in [Human Form] due to [Cat Form] lacking necessary nerves.)]

'Cat of Duality? [Human Transformation]? I guess that's good... could help as well.. along with the upgraded version of [Dream Magic]. [Nightmare Manipulation] though.. that sounds... scary. I can't read most of what [Cursed Eyes of $#%#$#] says since its all blurry but it sounds.. ominous.' Samael thought to himself while getting excited at [Human Transformation]. Hopping out from the stump he was sleeping in, he walked a into the forest far enough so nobody would see him.

After making sure that nobody was there, he used [Human Transformation] next to a small pond. His bones started to expand and crack under the pressure of changing his bodies shape. Strangely though, Samael didn't feel any pain. After a few seconds of bones cracking and snapping under the change of shape, he walked over to the pond after getting used to walking on two legs again.

He looked down to see his reflection in the pond, and much to his despair, a VERY feminine looking boy was staring back at him. He had hair that came just below his eyes that was split in two separate colors. He had black and white hair that was evenly split, black on the the right and white on the left. He had two cat ears framed on top of his head, each respectively black and white just like his hair.

Samael had the body of a 10 year old child that had a small amount of muscle due to his Strength stat. A predominantly black with a white tip tail hung from the very bottom of his back. He had heterochromic eyes where one was a pale silver with a gold ouroboros sign residing in the middle on the right side of his face, the other was a pure black eye with a red ouroboros on the left side of his face.. 'So those are the [Cursed Eyes]... they look pretty chuuni.' Samael thought to himself.

(A/N: Look at cover for the picture, but instead a 10 year old version. Also.. I fucking suck at describing stuff, so good luck imagining it!)

'I look like a cute young girl..' Samael thought to himself while drawing circles in the dirt next to him with his finger in depression. Samael let out a sigh, "I hope I don't turn into a trap in the future," while trying to get himself out of those dark, dark thoughts.


[Name: Samael]

[Race: Cat of Duality]

[Level: 0/50]

[Strength: 30--> 55]

[Vitality: 100]

[Agility: 115]

[Magic: 129]

[Attribute Points: 25--> 0]


[Dream Manipulation] [Nightmare Manipulation [Magic Manipulation] [Speed Boost (minor)] [Health Boost (minor)] [Human Transformation] [Cursed Eyes of %#$&@$]

Feeling the increase in his strength, Samael smiled happily before skipping over to the road in his new human form. After he made it to the road he realized something, 'I am completely naked....' he thought to himself while running back into the forest while thanking his luck that nobody was on the road at the time. Feeling a throbbing pain rack through his eyes, Samael remembered the 'warning' that the 'System' has given him.

Turning back to a black and white cat, his eyes turned to a normal pale green with slits. Walking up to the road, he started heading into the direction of the large walls that he saw the other day. After walking for a few hours he encountered some more boars that are common through they area, he didn't gain any levels though even after killing more than 10 of them.

'Guess it gets harder every time.. maybe its not challenging enough?' he thought to himself before shrugging it off and continued walking towards the city at a leisurely pace. After a few more hours of walking, the wall was getting closer and closer to himself.

Looking up at the sky, the sun was slowly setting in the distance. Sighing to himself he continued walking a small distance away from the walled off city. Occasionally meowing out a small hum, Samael started to trot his way back to his temporary home in the stump he slept in the day before.

'I should work on some new magic before I... most likely die to some wild grimm.' Samael thought to himself while excited at the prospect of new magic.

Samael kept walking while thinking of some new magic he could, potentially, use. After mulling around on how to use magic in a similar way, Samael started coating his small cat body with mana. A grayish color started outlining his body in a similar way as aura, after a few minutes of holding it it broke down leaving him defenseless.


[New Skill Aquired!]

[Mana Skin (1/100%): Through rudimentary use of mana, you have developed [Mana Skin]. This skill is a VERY basic type of spell that through consistent usage can block physical attacks proportionate to the amount of mana used!]

'Nice.' Samael thought to himself with a small grin while letting out a satisfied purr. After flickering it off and on for a while, Samael got a slightly better grasp on how to keep it up longer than before. Skipping happily over to his makeshift home/tree stump he curled up into a small ball and went to sleep.

(A/N: Training will be fast paced because well.. its boring as hell. It will slow down a bit after though.)

A small black and white cat was creeping his way behind a much bigger wolf with bone shards jutting out from certain parts of its body with a bone mask covering its skull. Samael usually only hunts wild animals for food for the past 4 years but after 2 years of hunting them and increasing his proficiency in magic he realized he barely got any 'levels' from killing animals.

After he came to the realization, he started looking out for new targets. Although Samael is not one to only crave for power, he understands its usefulness. If he had power in his past life he wouldn't have needed to live with his uncle, who barely took care of him with a minimum amount of everything. Hell, his uncle told the government Samael was getting homeschooled by some tutors when he just tossed some school books that the government gave him and said 'Stay in your room and read those, or don't I really do not give a shit,' before closing the door. He also made sure to rub it into his face that he was making so much money for, in his words, 'taking care of an brat'.

Samael loathed his uncle, his uncle made damn sure to make Samael realize he was never wanted by him. His uncle only 'occasionally' physically abused him since social workers would notice if he went to far. Samael had a plethora of trust issues, sprouting from minimal social contact since 1 he didn't go to school, 2 his uncle only let him out of the house a couple times a year, 3 deep in his mind he knew that his Uncle was a bad person but there were PLENTY of worse people out there and he was grateful that his uncle ONLY verbally abused him with a small sprinkle of physical assault.

Mind you Samael still hated the man, he just knew some people had it worse. The only reason Samael knew of manga and anime were the old couple next door that he would occasionally sneak out to visit. They were always nice to him, they showed him new stuff all the time. Pretty much the only basic human contact he had on average with good people.

He was a mature 10 year old who very much enjoyed their company. Too bad he died.. 'maybe I can go back to my world at one point and visit? Hehe I can't wait to see the look on their faces!' Samael thought to himself while chuckling playfully in his mind. Still sneaking behind the Beowulf, Samael molded his mana and activated his old skill [Mana Skin] while charging up one of his newer spells.

[Rend] Samael whispered to himself causing blades of invisible mana to shoot towards the Beowulf. Hearing the sounds of seared flesh, he whispered [Nightmare Manipulation] to see his deepest fear. What left him almost laughing out of his nonexistent boots, 'HE'S FUCKING SCARED OF CATS?' Samael thought to himself while mentally laughing his ass off at the irony. 'Usually grimm aren't scared of shit, but when I find one that is old enough to have basic feelings its fucking scared of cats? This if so great!'

'Well I guess I don't need to use it then.' he thought to himself while running in front of the Beowulf and deactivating [Nightmare Manipulation] from creating illusions to save mana. As soon as the Beowulf saw a small black and white cat it almost ran away, if not for the large gashes preventing it from running it would have been halfway across Vale by now. Seeing the Beowulf's quaking violently in fear, made him frown a bit.

Shooting out another new spell Samael whispered [Immolate] causing flames to flicker into existence, flying towards the Beowulf incinerating him. Clumps of black ash seeped into the ground from the charred remains of anything left behind.



[Name: Samael]

[Race: Cat of Duality]

[Level 3/50] (+35 stats per level)

(A/N: +10 stats every evolution)

[Health 750/800]

[Mana: 2000/2900]

[Strength: 55--> 70]

[Vitality: 100--> 110]

[Agility: 115-->125 ]

[Magic: 130-->190]

[Attribute Points: 105--> 0]

[Innate Skills]

[Dream Manipulation] [Nightmare Manipulation] [Magic Manipulation] [Speed Boost] [Health Boost] [Cursed Eyes of #%#$#%] [*New* Strength Boost] [*New* Yin/Yang Affinity]


[Immolate (90/100%)] [Sleep (MAX)] [Rend (50/100%)] [Water Pool (5/100%)] [Mana Skin (MAX)] [Minor Creation (4/100%)] [Mana Sense (MAX)]

[Strength Boost: Gives a 1.5X boost to strength for 10 minutes or 2X for 2 minutes.]

[Yin/Yang Affinity: Allows you to have a better grasp over magic that use Yin, Yang, or both. (Partially Locked)]

[Immolate: Create a jet of fire to burn your enemies. 500 Mana Cost.]

[Sleep: Send wisps of mana into someone's body to make them sleep, kind of obvious.. Amount of mana depends on how strong user is in comparison to the person used on.]

[Rend: Send X amount of bursts of volatile mana towards an enemy to damage them. X depends on amount of mana spent, One burst= 100 Mana.]

[Water Pool: A non-combat spell used to create drinking water. 10 Mana]

[Minor Creation: Using rudimentary Yin and Yang magic you are able to create small objects! For example: Bandaids (A/N: The shitty ones that as soon as they touch water they disintegrate.), Cloth, small knives, and other stuff.]

[Mana Sense: Sends small undetectable pulses of mana in a 10-50 meter radius. Shows outlines when first used, and if mastered, can show colors and turns into a On/Off passive ability.]

Samael mewed happily while internally glad he worked on [Mana Sense] seeing as if he was to go into Human Form for long then he would have to cover his eyes since he was warned by the system to do so. He isn't one to blindly trust, but his eyes did start hurting HELLA bad once he looked around for extended periods of time with them.

Samael has gone to the city only once during the past four years to grab some clothes a couple of months ago since he wants to find a weapons teacher since he doubts he just walk up to Beacon and say, 'Oh yea.. I just use magic and shit,' and they would be ok with it.

Samael was thinking about how Beacon would be fun while his bones cracked and expanded into the body of a small 14 year old. Putting on a plain white t-shirt and some black pants, he summoned a small [Water Pool] to look at his reflection.

(A/N: Samael is a kid who literally NEVER went to school, so I think thats a good enough reason to want to experience it.)

Samael hasn't looked at his reflection in a while since he mainly hunts in his cat form since it is comfortable, so he was slightly excited at seeing himself as a human again. Dread crept into his heart as he looked at his reflection. He dropped on his knees while shouting curses to the sky.

"I look like a fucking TRAP! WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled for no one to hear. In the reflection he saw a smaller than average kid who had snow white hair on his left and pitch black on his right hanging just below eye level with his eyes looking the same as when he first transformed into a human. A medium length cat tail hung out from his baggy shirt slightly swaying side to side with a black and white cat ears framing his head on their respective sides with a heavily feminine face.

After slowly standing up he created a decent sized black cloth and tied it around eyes and the back of his head with some hair hanging over it which he swept up, as not to get caught under the blindfold. Soon after he was done skulking and his blindfold was on, he started walking to the closest city, -Vale.

'I should go look for the Main Characters that live in Vale to see what timeline I am in...' Samael hummed to himself. Turning on [Mana Sense] passively, Samael could 'see' everything in a 20 meter range around him. After an hour of walking he made it in front of the 'gate' which was more like a big door with 2 guards standing outside of it.

Walking in front of the gate Samael walked over to the guard who was half asleep, "Sir, how do I get into the city?" Samael asked politely. Both of the guards groggily opened their eyes from their half-sleep state. Waiting a couple of minutes, both of the guards were finally fully awake.

They began looking around to see who woke them up, only to see a small faunus kid (A/N:beast people are faunus in RWBY to those who don't know, and most humans don't like them.). One of them sneered at Samael while the other was acting professionally. Ignoring the sneering one, Samael walked over to the other guard who held out his hand.

Confused at the gesture he tilted his head slightly. Seeing his confuse-ment, the previously professional guard had a 180 in attitude. Long gone was the professional air around him, replaced with a similar sneering of the other guard.

Heaving a long sigh, Samael quickly sent wisps of sleep magic into their body causing them to slump instantly. Using a little [Dream Manipulation] he subconsciously changed their views on Faunus and altered their brain a little to think that Samael being there was a dream.

Skipping slightly into the city, the streets were barren. Samael understood why, it was pretty much dark out. The only people you could see were the occasional person still running around for groceries.

Samael walked into a shady alleyway and quickly cleaned a part of a corner and pretended to fall asleep, to draw in some thugs so he can take their Lien (currency in RWBY). After a few hours, Samael sensed a man on the rooftops watching him but not doing anything. Deciding not to act on it until he moves, Samael waited for around 30 minutes.

The man still sat there, quietly observing him. Sensing a few more people walking into the alleyway, from their outline Samael could see they were built like typical Thug 1-3. Smiling a little that his plan might work, he waited for the 3 of them to come over to him.

Samael heard one of the scrawny thugs sneer at him while walking towards him. The man on the rooftop seemed to tense a little at the action. Samael seeing as he was about to get some free money from borrowing was happy. As soon as the man was in range Samael leaped from his spot on the ground and kicked the man in the skull, effectively rattling his brain.

Samael frowned a bit at how easily he went down. The faces of the other two went uglier, if that was even possible, as a lanky one screamed "GET EM!" at a very bulky guy. The bulky guy immediately followed the order and started to charge at Samael. While he was charging Samael had only one thought, 'This guy is so slow!' he told himself while smiling manically.

Samael punched him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him and axe kicked his head into the ground. Samael sensed the lanky man shaking violently in fear. Deciding to end it quickly he got over to him to knock him out... only for him to pass out of fear.

'Did I scare him to much?' Samael thought to himself while picking up their wallets. After taking all of their money he started to count, 'Not bad.. but not good either,' He thought to himself while completely forgetting the man who was climbing down from the rooftop.

"Yo kid," a gruff male voice sounded out behind Samael. Samael jumped towards the direction he heard the voice and attempted a roundhouse kick into the voices direction, "You got no technique kid," the voice said again as Samael felt everything turn black.

The man heaved a sigh before flopping Samael over his shoulder and walking away. "Damn this kid better be worth it," He said with a sad smile.



Jolting awake, Samael quickly scanned his surroundings using [Mana Sense] since he had to keep his blindfold on. The same man that he spotted on the roof of the building was sitting in the corner of the room looking at him. Samael jumped off his bed while looking at him warily.

"Woah.. easy there kid, if I wanted to kill you I wouldn't have needed to take you out of that alley." He said as he walked out of the corner. Getting a better scan of his features, he was a handsome-ish looking man in his mid 40s. He had black hair and brown eyes, and his movements showed precision and caution with no room for mistakes.

"Why am I here? Who are you?" Samael asked still wary of the man in front of him. Chuckling a little to himself, "Your in my house, and my names Dale Morgan," he said like it was obvious. "What's your name runt?" he said. A little angry from his comment Samael huffed out, "Samael, and you still didn't answer my first question!"

Dale humphed and rolled his eyes, "You want to be a huntsman?" he asked. After thinking for a second Samael nodded his head, "Well ain't nobody letting you be a hunter with those paltry ass combat techniques your using. Ya you got the strength and speed, but you moved as gracefully as a rhino trying to tap dance." He snorted out a little in laughter.

Furrowing his brows a little bit, "What's it to you then?" Samael asked not as wary as before. "I've been looking for a disciple, I retired a while back and its boring as hell in this empty house of mine. Even though I know you don't use your eyes, you either got god damn good sensing skills or your reflexes are off the charts, which even without your eyes you could be a damn good hunter. Plus I would REALLY like to see the look on Ozpin's face when a greenhorn like you beats someone in a fight at his school. So you going to be my disciple runt?" He said while fiddling with his hands.

Samael smiled a little bit as his body relaxed, "I don't really trust you.. but I do want to learn. So even if its only to stake your boredom I will become your disciple. ALSO STOP CALLING ME RUNT!" Samael said while finishing out in a exasperated yell. "I am just small for my age.." Samael mumbled out loud enough for Dale to hear, causing him to break down in laughter.

After a few seconds of Dale trying to reign in his laughs, he turned serious, "There's no backing out of it kid, you sure you want to be a huntsman?" He asked in a no-nonsense type tone. Samael nodded fiercely, "I do." Samael stated with conviction.

Dale dropped the serious attitude and smiled, "Good, get some rest your going to need it," He said with a sadistic smile at the end, sending shivers down Samael's spine. He stood up and walked out of the room he was in and closed the door softly.

Samael picked up the blanket that was thrown onto the ground when he shot out of the bed and crawled back on while using sleep magic on himself.




"Alright runt! Wake up and follow me!" he said while shaking yelling into the room. Jolting awake, he groggily got up while running after where Dale walked off to. The floorboards creaked under the sudden pressure of Samael running on top of them. Dale opened a door that was in front of him, leading into a barren portion of a field that was surrounded by trees.

Dale walked into the center of the field with Samael following him, "Alright runt, we're going to work on the garbage fire you call footwork before we even TOUCH weapons. Charge at me with a kick," he said with a sadistic smile.

Dashing at him, Samael roundhouse kicked towards his upper chest trying to get a hit in, "Too many movements, knees were to stiff so you lost momentum, failed to use most of the muscles in your leg properly. KEEP CHARGING RUNT!" He said while smiling even wider.

Continuing his charge, Samael kept trying to throw punches and kicks while Dale purely blocked and pointed out all of his flaws. "Use your shoulders, stop being so stiff, don't flinch, endure the pain, your foot wasn't tilted in the right way when you jumped so you lost speed, your didn't coordinate yourself well enough so your kick was weak AND you were left wide open, and get back up!" He kept telling him everything he did wrong while Samael was panting on the floor.

Picking himself up from the ground, Samael was to tired after hours of sparing with Dale and immediately passed out once he stood up completely. Dale's smile never left, 'Damn this kid is good, his technique is fucking awful but he lasted for hours and listened to everything I said... This is going to be fun!' He thought to himself while picking up the unconscious Samael and walking back into the house.

'Everything hurts and he didn't even attack me,' Samael thought with a groan as soon as he woke up. Samael got up and stretched before he started shadowboxing while attempting to integrate all the tips Dale gave him. 'Use everything,' he thought to himself while trying to limit the necessary movements while maximizing everything else.

His body strained even more but he kept going, running purely on the intent of how to better himself. He was so focused on his movements that even with sense active showing his surroundings, he didn't notice Dale watching from the doorway with a satisfied smirk.

After an hour of shadowboxing, Samael made his way out of 'his' room in search of food. Once he walked into the living room of the house, which just had a table, T.V, kitchen, and a coach, he saw Dale cooking up some food that smelled VERY good. Especially with his enhanced nose.

Practically drooling, Samael sat down. Still drooling, Dale brought over two plates filled with food that screamed 'protein.' "Here runt, you need food to eat or else your gonna keep getting your ass kicked," he said with a smile. Samael ignored him and started to eat the food at a rapid pace, only for reality to him into the face.

While the food smelled great, "How the hell does this taste so.. bland? It's like eating plain white rice?" Samael asked out loud while in great confusion. "Haha.. yeah. I don't have much talent in the kitchen. My food always smells fucking GREAT but as soon as you eat it... heh. My wife used to cook when she tasted how bland mine was." He said while reminiscing.

"Used to?" Samael asked. "She died," Dale said while leaving an awkward silence as they were picking silently at their plates. "I-I'm sorry I didn-" Samael stammered out, "It's fine kid, some people die earlier than their supposed to." He said with a self-deprecating smile.

Dale quickly cleaned his plate before setting it into the sink and started heading back to his room leaving Samael alone at a gloomy dining table. Samael picked at his food for a minute before eating all of it quickly and setting his plate and fork into the sink. Samael depressingly walked back into his room before shadowboxing with even more determination.

Ultimately, once he got tired Samael crawled back into his sleeping position and fell asleep.


(A/N: First human contact! WHOOOOO!!!!)

P.S: This was twice as long as the previous chapter, I will probably stay with long chapters instead of short chapters because well.. I want to.

Next chapter