
The Tale of Everlasting Heroes

This is an extremely early work I made, please check it out if you would like me to redo it and fix up plot inconsistencies and other issues that may crop up. I was like 14 when I wrote this so my writing was very choppy and not very well thought out. Please feel free to lay into me on any errors you find, everything I had written then is here, unedited, so that I can find some feedback. I keep on judging things I write harshly and not ending up publishing them, so any help is greatly appreciated. p.s. If this does get reworked, I will come up with a new title and storyline, change up characters and the power system a bit, but the skeleton of it will still be there. It will be somewhat recognizable as what it was originally. This will also stay up so that anyone can look and see how far I may end up going. In this world, there are people born with memories of their past lives, come along as our heroes unlock the power hidden within them, and grow into protectors of all existence, or the destroyers who tear everything apart.

Moonlit_Author · Fantasy
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 3: The First Meeting

At last the day of the tournament has arrived. Juan, William and Isshin have all gathered and are about to head to the arena when they are confronted by two other students. These students introduce themselves as Kevin Oliver and Adam Deemer. Kevin tells Isshin that he was the one who assisted Isshin and Juan. After thanking Kevin, Isshin, Juan and William all begin to head to the arena once more. For the first couple of rounds everyone proceeded through with no difficulty. In the final round, Kevin and Adam were set to battle Isshin, William and Juan, Juan dropped the tourney to let the match be fair.As the match is about to begin it is seen that Kevin has two scythes and Adam has two knives and something else hidden in his jacket. At first glance Adam didn't seem like much but after a closer look you could see he was ready for battle and not whimsical in the slightest. When the match began, Kevin disappeared and then appeared behind Isshin and William, throwing them off balance. Taking this opportunity, Adam did the same but instead grabbing William and throwing him to the other side of the arena. As this happened Kevin swung one of his scythes at Isshin, only to have it easily dodged. Isshin began to ask Kevin,"How the hell do you and Adam do that?" "It's called the flash-step, I'll teach you it later," was Kevin's reply. On that note Adam had been making use of the technique and was using his two knives to lock William in a small area, by throwing the knives from two different areas with the flash-step then catching and repeating the process. After about three minutes of this, Adam was beginning to slow slightly and William had taken quite a bit of damage, but at that moment William charged Adam, determined to win this fight. As he approached, William called out the name of his attack,"FAT CAT ATTACK!!" he disappeared and then appeared behind Adam, everyone looked confused and then William said "meow," and Adam collapsed after many claw marks appearing in the air around him, shortly thereafter William collapsed from exhaustion and his wounds from earlier.

As this was happening Kevin and Isshin were dueling each other with their all, with Isshin having the upper hand until Kevin jumped back making a pause. Kevin then charged Isshin, but at the last minute, threw both scythes up in the air. This action drew Isshin's attention to the sky as Kevin used a clap strengthened with yang energy to stun Isshin for half a second, but in this half second Kevin jumped into the air, grabbed the scythes, and used a special technique,"FLASH-STEP STAGE TWO, DUAL-CORE CURL!!" The scythes slicing through the air, striking Isshin harshly and as Kevin landed behind him, Isshin fell to one knee. While down Kevin told him to give up, but as he said this something happened. Isshin started steaming, and he said," I know this feeling," as everyone stared on in shock, Isshin started chanting, "From dust to dust all life takes effect, but not peace and harmony as one would expect, through carnage and rage we tear our path, with wrath and greed my power I draft, drowning in the power of the ones I've cursed, activate now, BRUTAL BURST!!!" As if on cue, Isshin's left shoulder was slowly covered in black tattoos and he rushed Kevin so fast he seemed to disappear. As Kevin was barely able to keep up using the flash step, he was soon overwhelmed by Isshin's extreme increase in speed and strength, and as Isshin struck at Kevin, the force of the attack pushed Kevin to the edge of the arena and broke Isshin's swords, at this moment Kevin was thinking of a way to still win,"thinking back to the chant, he said burst which implies that it is a limited boost, and seeing as it was activated a while ago, I might be able to win still." As the last seconds of the match dragged on, as a final attempt to win, Kevin start to charge forward, while Isshin charged forward as well. Putting all of their energy into this last attack, they collided. When the dust settled Kevin was down on one knee, and Isshin was standing tall. But after a few seconds the tattoos covering Isshin's shoulder retreated and Isshin collapsed at the same time as Kevin, and as such, the tournament was declared to have a final showdown afterwards, but in the end, Kevin forfeited stating that Isshin had won fair and square.