
Two Decades of Hatred! (Part II)

A few months later

"So the kage summit has finally been called," said a figure with a bandaged right eye. He was the new Hokage appointed for Hidden leave village named Danzo. The person with the most blood on his hands

As other kages received the scroll for the kage meeting they all prepared for their respective journeys

Far in the land hidden in Mist known as Kiri stood a lot of people many old and were probably elders of the village. One of them came forward holding a mizukage hat "Take care of Lady Mizukage" he spoke handing the hat to the Mizukage

The Mizukage was a tall lady with well-defined curves and fair skin. She had green eyes, and ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and with four bangs at the front. Two bangs are short, with one covering her right eye, and two are long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin.

She wore a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that falls just below the knees. It seems to be closed at the front with a zipper and is kept open on the front-right side from the waist down. The dress only covers up to the upper part of her arms and the underside of her breasts. Underneath, she wears a mesh armour that covers slightly more of her upper body than her dress. She also wore a skirt in the same colour as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees. Around her waist, she wore a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left along with high-heeled sandals, shin-guards reaching up over her knees, dark blue nail polish on her fingers and toes, and had purple lipstick on

She reached out her hand to grab the hat "Thank you, great elder I will deliver a speech worthy of a Mizukage" to which the elder chuckled

Another person behind the elder spoke up "

As a member of shinobi seven swordsmen protect Mizukage-sama thoroughly, Chojuro"

"R.Right...I'm sure it'll be okay... I think..." the sharp teeth man spoke unsure how to reassure everyone

"Be more confident in yourself. You're strong that's why I chose you. Right, Chojuro " the mizukage smiled

"R-Right! I'll do my best then... Probably" replying back to her with as much enthusiasm as he could muster

"Just a simple Yes Ma'am should be enough. Showing this half-hearted attitude of yours won't do you any good!" replied a man with firm voice next to mizukage who had an eye patch on him "Jeez back in my day's youngsters knew how to manage themselves"

Which brought a tick mark on the Mizukages face associating what he said with Marriage. She had developed a phobia of where every word that sounded similar to marriage would be as if thrown at her for not being able to marry which she hated.

"Chojuro, AO, let's go," she said turning around

It's been 7 years boy. You said you'll come back to me after your revenge. Has your revenge truly not been accomplished yet. I've waited for you every year. Everything about you stopped 6 years ago. Where are you and what happened to you? I hope you are well walking away her thoughts were drawn back to 7 years ago when a certain blond boy with a bone mask on his cheek helped her out. The Mizukage that Mei had become had certainly had a massive hand of his to play. For that, she was thankful and worried what the boy was up to now.

A few days later in the kage summit where the kage had started to fight Sasuke Uchiha who now had joined the Akatsuki. In a different place now far from there stood Naruto and Yamato as he made wood prison in front of Naruto and above on the roof his wood wrapped around a masked figure so he wouldn't be able to move while behind the masked man stood Kakashi with his lightning ready while showing his sharingan

"If you want peace then why do you need tailed beasts for," asked Kakashi

"To become perfect but you don't need to know that I'll meet you all next time" before he was about to leave Naruto shouted

"Wait, tell me about the boy that your members have been talking about. Absolom who used to be one of you. What did you do to him?"

"Oh, it seems my members couldn't keep their mouth shut. Well they were guilty with what we did to that boy" Madara stated

"W-What did you do to him?" Yamato asked nervously

"You have to understand. The boy was full of hate and wanted revenge. Just like Sasuke but the boy's hatred was much stronger than Sasuke ever could be. His eyes were very special. More special than Rinnegan Could ever be. His potential was simply too much. If he could grow up perhaps he'd be the strongest shinobi to have ever walked on this Nation even stronger than the father of Ninshu." they all widened their eyes at this knowledge. To think a person could have this much potential.

"The most annoying thing was his mind. Like your Nara clan the, boy was too smart for his own good. He had his own ideals at a young age and perhaps if we had left him he would have come to accept our ideal but that was a chance I was not willing to take." Madara told them

"W-What did you do to the boy though tell me" Naruto demanded not liking where this was going

"Oh you see we killed him each member contributed to it" he simply stated

"YOU BASTARD!" Naruto bellowed throwing his fist at him which went phased through him

"How could you kill a child. No matter his ideals he was a child!" Kakashi asked

"The boy was nothing more than a demon. A bastard child born through rape. He deserved every bit of it" his voice faded as he vanished

All three of them were shocked and Naruto fell down clenching his fists and tears forming in his eyes "He killed a child. I heard he was only 8 to think they'd kill him just because he had the potential to become the strongest shinobi. To even have the gall to call him a bastard. Since when do kids choose how to be born" he said failing to form any more words

Back in the kage summit as the Tsuchikage delivered the final blow go Sasuke who was saved by Obito as be appeared and what followed was him greeting everyone as Madara and explaining his project Tsukuyomi.

"We have not lost all hope," the kazekage said

"Very well then I now declare the fourth great ninja war!" Obito simply stated

"Are you mad?" the Tsuchikage asked as surprised as everyone else

Obito got up "Next time I see you will be in the battlefield" he stated just as he was about to leave

"WAIT!" Mei the Mizukage shouted

"There used to be a boy with you 7 years ago. where is he?" she asked in concern while everyone looked at her

"Oh, so you remembered him, Mei. He talked a lot about you back in the hideout. Funny he told me you considered him her little brother and he said after his revenge is done he'll come to stay with you. After all back then it was he who helped you with most of the fights against the fourth mizukage. Absalom the bringer of chaos that name derived from Kiri after all."

*Gasp* everyone shocked at the revelation. To think Mei had relations with someone from the Akatsuki

"Where is he and how is he," she asked ignoring everyone else gazes on her

"He is dead."

"W-what? How and who" founding hard to breath and losing feeling in her legs

"You don't need to act surprised. The Boy had the most special eyes even stronger than sage of six paths. His eyes with sufficient growth would probably make him the strongest shinobi alive paired with his genes and his father's clan" this brought loud gasps again and shocked faces. None could imagine someone as strong as the sage of six paths much less someone way stronger than him.

"He was an anomaly to my plans. So all us members combined killed him off" a voice without any affection told them all

"Y-You did what? How could you he was only 8 you killed a little child just because he had the potential to be the strongest" Mei screamed at him as tears formed in her eyes

No to think the person I came to respect and became friends with died just like that Chojuro thought to himself. He had been on the battlefield with Absolom many times and they'd be considered as somewhat friends.

"Be that as it is I shall take my leave now. The boy was nothing more than a bastard born through rape. There is no need to show pity" which caused him to get a few hateful gazes while others after hearing that simply didn't care for that said boy.

No matter where you went most Bastards were hated upon and if people could they would certainly remove scum like them from society. The Bastards parents were never to blame in fact they would always be considered victims. Epically the fathers. While mothers could be considered trash if they were weak but a strong kunoichi would never be blamed since she was smart enough to make her own choice.

Back in the village of Konoha with Danzo killed by Sasuke and Kakashi being prepared to be made Hokage. In a training field where all of these generations heroes gathered around

"Naruto how could you let him get away from you. You're a hero who defeated pain you could've easily gotten, Sasuke." a teen with pointy teeth and two red line marks on both side of his cheeks from the looks of it he seemed from the Inuzuka clan with the dog he had next to him. The boy was called Kiba

"Hero...No I couldn't defeat Sasuke like I am now. He stronger and defeating him like this means nothing if I can't make him see reason" Naruto told him and everyone else

"Naruto, I've been meaning to ask you. You met Madara what did he tell you about Absolom" Shikamaru spoke up

They all saw Naruto stiffen up and frozen trying hard to calm himself down. "H-He Madara H-he killed the boy" *Gasp* everyone around suddenly felt the air to be much colder

"B-Buf wasn't he part of their team once and wasn't he only a small boy. You are saying they killed an 8-year-old boy" Sakura asked as she was most familiar with the name to which Naruto clenched his fists and nodded

"To think Akatsuki would stoop so low as to kill such young kids. It makes me sick" Shikamaru muttered everyone agreeing with him

In a small house where the Tsunade had woken up and ate a massive portion of food. Next to her stood a man with look white hair and an oily headband he was the same person from 7 years ago Jiraya the Sanin

"Its good to see you healthy Lady Tsunade" a figure walked in

"Ah, Kakashi I'm doing well now. It seemed you were to become hokage" Tsunade said

"I became dangerously close to becoming one but right now we need someone like you with connections to take the seat. War is coming"

"Madara Uchiha, so he is still alive."

"We have no way to confirm it but that seems to be," Kakashi replied

"To think there would be another war. Very well I'll call in the meeting its time for us to prepare for war" Tsunade told him

Before leaving Kakashi told her another piece of news " Lady Tsunade before the war was declared me, Naruto and Yamato met Madara Uchiha." she widened her eyes to that

"As he was leaving Naruto asked about the kid Absolom. Apparently, he met the boy 7 years ago who like you and Naruto had blond hair. He told us a few things which I'm not sure are true or false. He said the boy was full of hatred and filled with revenge because his twin sister was killed by someone very close to him. Madara helped him provide strength for him" both Jiraya who had his eyes closed opened it wide and Tsunade who held a bowl dropped it down. Kakashi could even see Shizune stiffen at his words

Tsunade and jiraya looked at each other thinking it couldn't be him, could it? There is no way it's him the boy died

"T-then what happened to him Kakashi" he found Lady Tsunade's reaction very weird but answered nevertheless

"Madara said the boy had the potential to be the strongest shinobi when he grows up but he was too much of an anomaly so the members decided to kill him" silence and heavy tension was all there was as Kakashi took his leave

"Tsunade collect yourself. There is no way it's him. The boy died before that you know it. He is not alive" Jiraya softly said embracing Tsunade

"B-But what if it was him. What if all this time my child was alive and I didn't even know that." tears came out of her eyes

"You love him too much Tsunade and your guilt is what's talking. Absalom was not your boy he was just another kid. Your boy had his heart destroyed there is no way he could've survived that" it was painful to say that but he had to tell her

She froze remembering the painful memory but she knew Jiraya was right. Her child died the day she destroyed both of their hearts. "You're right I'm sorry for worrying you" which formed a tick mark as she saw Jiraya fondle her breasts.

*SMASH* and gone was jiraya straight through the roof with his nose bleeding. "Damn pervert never ceases a chance to take advantage of me"

As days went by it was Deidara turn to die as he committed suicide which caused another seal to break. With only three remaining.

Outside Amegakure a blue-haired woman was held by the throat by a masked man who looked battered and half of his mask was broken.

"You said I'm darkness, didn't you. I will make you wither. I will consume the seven coloured rainbow bridge in darkness as well!"

"Once you've told me where the rinnegan is hidden, that is" he started choking the women further

"E-even if you kill me... I probably deserve this because of what I did to the boy...know this Madara that Naruto will stop you. This time there will be someone to stop you" she said in-between each breath

"I pray that the boy never escapes when you see alive Madara. When he finds out you were the one who caused his sisters death it will be the day you'd wish you had died" her vision went dark

Drogo I'm sorry I had to do what I did. I'm sorry I couldn't meet you again and apologise. I really did consider you as my little brother. F-forgive me...little one eyes completely shut and a sad smile formed on her face

"To think women talk so much before they die. It's really getting troublesome. The boy's name still lives even after 7 years." annoyed by the fact that the boy simply doesn't stay dead even when he's not in this world. He saw Konan's seal fading away

And so only two seals remained Kisame and Obito

A month or so later

Kisame had his head and arms locked in a tightly and four people stood next to him

Naruto, Yamato, Guy a taijutsu Jonin and finally a member of Yamanaka clan

"Let me search his head for any secrets that may help us" stated the Yamanaka member putting his hand on the shark man

It was dark everything he saw was dark it seemed to be in some room. This memory was possibly something he repressed so as to never remember thought the man

You all betrayed me you all lied everything you told me was a lie. Kisame you said we would be friends. Itachi you considered me as a brother. Konan you made me your little brother you taught me everything. Was that all a LIE! *Boom* immense amount of hate was given out from the boy who was screaming while the person saw everyone in the memory flinch

You all lied to me you betrayed me. I hate I hate this shinobi world. For what you did to me I'll have my revenge the world of shinobi I will personally burn it all to the ground. I CURSE YOU ALL FOR ETERNITY! And then he was thrown back coming out of his mind. The man had been sweating heavily

"What did you see what happened to you," Yamato asked in concern

"Y-you w-what did you do.... who was that child you betrayed. Just what did you do to a child for him to have more malice than even the Nine-tailed fox? His eyes were full of hatred. What the fuck did you do to such a small kid?" the man screamed at him which caused all of them to widen their eyes

Naruto quickly spoke up "You saw a blond child? That must be Absolom that should be him. What did you see what did they do"

"I-I can't explain it was too dark to see what they had done. But his voice was filled with hate he kept on screaming you betrayed me and as his voice faded he cursed them all. Whatever they did to him would be worse than death." the man muttered

Then it happened they saw Kisame break his shackles forming a water prison jutsu and making sharks that are him alive as his seal faded away. Everyone shocked at this revelation.

As the shinobi fourth war commenced, Madara Uchiha had been revived and went to fight the five Kages

Having obtained the Rinnegan and defying the Reanimation Jutsu to free himself he fought with the kages absolutely crushing them with only the Hokage remaining

"I won't let you win Madara" Tsunade gasped clenching her teeth and forcing out her chakra as much as she could from her seal that was unsealed now

"You can not defeat my granddaughter of Hashirama." he shot back blocking a chakra induced punch which sent him flying back but remained unharmed

"For this world, we won't let you win. Your ways are too evil"

"Hahahhaha says the child killer" which froze her to stop her fist mid-air

"H-how" failing to speak

"How I know you killed your own kids. Obito was there that night. He saw everything. How you killed your kids. A first going through their chest as the boy begged you to save his sister but you just turned around and ran"

Tsunade fell down no one was supposed to know that. It was her darkest secret. How could he know? To think others knew about that incident.

"But it was a pity you didn't kill the boy that day. No, he survived." he calmly said

Then she froze she couldn't think straight. He was alive if he was he. Why didn't he come to her? That was stupid why would he come to her after what she did to him and her daughter But if he didn't come here then where did he g- she seemed to have figured it out

"That's right it seems you figured it out by yourself. Absolom was your son, Tsunade. The famous 8-year-old boy was Kai Senju even without a heart the boy survived. And for one reason only to kill you Tsunade to one day destroy the village that you protect. Pity, tho the boy had too much power and we had to get rid of him. He died on the Akatsuki's hand the place he had come to trust. I've heard the went mad that day his hatred was stronger than anything they all witnessed. Cursing them all until his dying breath" this was much easier than simply killing Tsunade. He liked to destroy his opponents mentally as well make them give up

This was exactly what he did to her. The women looked as if she had aged considerably and lost life in her eyes. Before he came close and delivered the final blow to seal her fate

Finally, the last battle took place after defeating Kaguya between Sasuke and Naruto as they both lost an arm each panting heavily on the ground while Sakura ran to them trying to heal them both while tears coming down while Kakashi stood near them reminiscing of the past and finally able to unite the team again

"*cough* *cough* *cough*" a figure slowly approached them with an open chest and barely breathing stumbled near them before falling down

"Obito" Kakashi shouted which brought everyone's attention as he ran to his friend concerned about his health

"Sakura please heal him," he asked the pink haired girl

"*cough* *cough* no Kakashi I can feel it my times up and for the crimes I've committed I deserve this" he feebly spoke

"I know how you feel Obito. I will become Hokage and change the world. I'll bring the peace that everyone truly aimed for" Naruto said smiling which caused him to smile as others were coming out of the effect of Infinite Tsukuyomi

"I believe in you Naruto, I'm years too late but I believe in you but I want you to know something important" his voice carried seriousness and a hint of guilt

"8 years ago we met a boy a childlike Sasuke here full of hate and on a path of revenge" to which they all raised an eyebrow. Sasuke knew which boy he was talking about as did they all

"Years ago I was consumed by my own sense of justice and I failed to help another boy whos darkness even I couldn't fathom. I trained him yet, in the end, betrayed him to a fate far worse than death"

"What did you do to him and who is this child that I've heard every Akatsuki member speak of?" Sakura asked curious to know

Obito chuckled "I don't have much time but I'll tell you a story. A long time ago a woman was raped by a man with unknown origins under the influence of alcohol. The man left leaving the women pregnant. To this day we don't know who that man was. Then came the kids. Twins a boy and a girl."

Engrossed in the story they listened attentively trying to put pieces together to know who this mystery boy was they had heard for many years

"The boy was a very smart one. Too smart some would say. If you thought Itachi was a prodigy then you'd think that boy was a monster. He unlocked his chakra by himself at the age of two" making everyone eyes widened. Truly a person like that would be considered a monster.

"You seemed shocked at that but that was only the beginning. His mother absolutely despised him and his sister. How could she love them? They were born through a way she wished to never remember. What annoyed her further was the little girl who seemed very happy. You remind me of that little girl, Naruto. The girl was filled with life and just like you never gave up trying to please her mother trying hard to make her look at them."

"Her brother was different he never really cared about his mother. No, perhaps he did but he knew more than kids should know. He knew how he was born he knew his mother hated them and unlike his sister he didn't try to get her attention. His mother's apprentice took a liking to the kids even if she never showed it she helped the boy in taijutsu and he certainly did everything to be called a monster. At a young age of 5, he could easily be stronger than most genin and his chakra control was that of the best Jonin. His chakra reserves were equal to your or even greater than yours before that fateful day, Naruto" again surprised faces looked at him. Naruto had a tailed beast inside him what did the boy have to make him have that much chakra

"You see to the boy the only thing important to him was his sister. He didn't care about anything as long as she was safe and he was there for her. It was like you and Itachi. But you loved your parents as well Sasuke to him she was the only one he loved and would give his life for. A single day changed all his happiness into death and a road for revenge" guilt had been written on his face

"You see on their 8th birthday the women would drink herself to death. And it was the boy's duty to get her back to her room when her apprentice which I had sent to a different town to cure a plague had to do. As fate would have it her mother met an old white-haired friend of hers and went to make out in the forest as she was drunk. Sending the boy away to get water while she walked towards the forest."

"This allowed me an opportunity which destroyed the boy's life. Back then I wanted the boy for myself. What I saw was a weapon that I could use. I put his sister in a genjutsu and made her follow Tsunade. Catching them in action caused their, mother to slapped the little girl into a tree" tension began to increase as Sakura clenched her fists. Probably thinking how her own mother could hit her child

"That was when my plan started. The boy saw his sister getting slapped and lost it. He fought her and surprisingly even used the first gate of the eight gates. They fought but the woman was too strong for the boy. Angered at himself for making his sister suffered the boy shot back at her worst memory. He told her how it was her own fault that caused her to get raped. The women went mad and threw a very strong first at her while the boy's sister ran towards them. I knew the fist was enough to break any bones but not enough to kill them. That was when I made the biggest mistake of my life" head down in shame

"I used the genjutsu on the women and made sure her fist didn't stop. She punched with all her power and the fist went through his sister who tried to stop the fight by standing between her mother and the little boy" No, was what everyone said in their minds. Such horrible fate

"Thy boy still alive tho cried tears and then tears of blood begging his mother to save his sister but she just turned around and left. That day he awakened his eyes and another strength I don't know much about. Know that his eyes are much stronger than any dojustsu you've ever faced. Even Rinne-Sharingan or Kaguyas eyes didn't have that much potential. That day I heard him vow to the world how he'd destroy the shinobi nation. How he'd kill his mother as blood came out of his eyes while the hole in his chest was open. That day I saw someone who had the potential to reach a level of hate no Uchiha can ever reach"

"H-his mother how could she do that and how could go do that to kids. They were little kids" Tears trickling down Sakura's face

Sasuke clenched his fists he now knew what revenge would lead to and if what Obito said was true the boy lost one thing he held the most important to.

"W-what was the boy's name?" asked Naruto staring into Obito's eyes

"I guess it's time I reveal you who he was." tension filled the air. Finally, the mystery boy was being revealed

"Kai Senju that was his name" he slowly said making sure they heard it

"I-impossible that is impossible there is only one Senju alive right now and that's Lady Tsuna-" The pink haired women froze

"That's right the boy is Tsunade's child conceived through rape when she was drunk. The boy was hated by her and I'm the reason she killed him. His sister was called Mia Senju they were both her children. The white-haired man was Jiraya and Shizune was Tsunade apprentice"

Nothing no one said anything. This was too much the boy was the Hokage, son and was the one that joined Akatsuki

"W-what did you do to the boy where is he," Kakashi asked still processing

"How could Oba-chan do that. To her own kids. So what if he was a bastard. To think bastards would be treated like us Jinchuriki and he didn't have anyone to look after" The blond boy sniffled

"Naruto I was to blame for his sister's death. Tsunade had no control over it." guilty he said

"But he was treated like shit, kids are supposed to be loved by their parents and she treated him like that" his face full of rage

"Perhaps that was true we treat bastards as the scum of society when they never choose who to be born to. After the boy buried his sister I approached him that was my second mistake. I introduced him to Kiri rebels. I taught him jutsus and finally introducing him to Akatsuki. The boy was smart enough to know I was using him but as months went on he got closer to Konan and the rest. Perhaps only Konan was treated as his own family while he came to respect me as his sensei and Itachi became his idol" a sad smile appeared on his face

"He might have been redeemed by us if we had tried that day. All the boy wanted was love and a family. Which he came to see in us but he had too much potential so it was decided that we would seal him for good"

"What!" confusion written on everyone faces

"*Sigh* the boy never had a heart the day Tsunade destroyed his. He was basically unkillable or perhaps there was a way to kill him but we didn't have time. No, what we did to him was a fate far worse than death. All us members used our chakra to seal the boy in a different dimension where time goes very slowly. He can feel the years go by outside and see everything in that cave but inside his body ages very slowly. This is torture for adults much less a kid. His mind could witness things for twenty years while his body ages for possibly two to three. People go insane."

"I remember the day we sealed the look of horror on his face how he begged not to do it. Finally, his words turned to curses and that day we all felt true fear and hate. Aimed at all of us aimed at the world. That day we were sure there would be no redemption for him. If he escaped he will end the shinobi era" he told them everything he could

"How could you do that to a boy? Such suffering such pain and to live every day in Isolation as years go by. No person deserves such fate" Sakura really wanted to hit Obito right now

"Obito just what have you done to that kid. You made him into a monster" Kakashi looked into his eyes

Just then it happened *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* and then a chakra that they had never felt before. It was so heavy everyone that woke up from Tsukuyomi fell on their knees panting heavily and sweating. The malice and hate inside it and the killing intent sent shivers down their spine

Even those that had witnessed the enraged Nine tails on rampage were scared shitless

Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi started sweating as well and that's when they heard it

"OBITO!!!!!!!!!!!!" that single word was heard through the whole nation and it was filled with hate. As if the person wanted to rip that name to shreds to destroy it over and over again.

"So the last seal is finally fading away as well" a tired voice spoke out

"I guess it's my time. Don't worry Naruto the boy will not escape yet. It will take years before he can finally come out his location is unknown as he drifts from place to place"

"Please Naruto and Sasuke when you meet the boy show him there are good ninjas. Not everyone is bad. Make him feel loved and whatever you do don't tell Tsunade about this ever. Let her think he's dead. If she ever meets him there is no doubt he'd rip her to shreds." Obito finally closed his eyes. This was the end of the old generation

So two years passed as Naruto married Hinata

"Ah ah ah ah Harder Naruto-Kun harder" in a dim lit room two bodies intertwined with each other and the sound of flesh hitting flesh could be heard.

"Hinata I'm about to cum you're squeezing too tight" he muttered trying to catch his breath as she claimed his mouth

Tongue against tongue. Fighting for dominance and surprisingly the women had won going on to explore his mouth further

No longer being able to take it as their Moans got louder with one final thrust he burst his seed into her womb taking out his dick which had calmed down from the intense lovemaking they had been doing for an hour

Naruto rolled over to the side bringing Hinata closer to his chest as she weakly spoke

"Do you think I'll get pregnant, Naruto-Kun" with a face as red as a tomato

His face was the same. Not used to stuff like this failed to make sense of words and they both laughed

"I hope you do Hinata. Whether it be a girl or a boy I'm sure it'll be like you, ya know." smiling at each other the drifted off to sleep

Unknown to them they weren't the only ones drowning in the love carnage in hopes to have kids one day

A year later

A loud cry could be heard in the hospital and Hinata was on the bed screaming and sweating "Push Hinata push just a bit more you can do it" told the doctor

Crushing Naruto's hand due to intense pain she gave one final push and the baby came out

The doctor showed them a small cute baby which Hinata held in her arms and smiled softly at

Naruto stood besides her looking at his son he never thought he would have. He was a father now and his responsibility increased he had to be mature now

"What shall we name him, Hinata?" asked Naruto go which she slowly contemplated

"Boruto I'll name him Boruto in memory of Neji-neesan" touching the boys face softly she said As Naruto smiled

In another room was another blond women with a diamond mark on her head screaming while pushing and cursing at doctors

"Tsunade calm down it'll be fine" the white-haired man said which got his hands crushed

"Why don't you try to give birth and we'll see if you scream or not, Jiraya" all the doctors and Jiraya sweatdropped

Finally, the last push came and out came a little baby girl which had blond hair just like her mother and black eyes like her father Jiraya

"What will you name her Tsunade" Jiraya softly asked

Tsunade softly touched the child's face which reminded her of her last little girl which had the same face and same hair apart from the eyes that were grey.

"Mia I'll name her Mia Senju" a motherly gentle expression appeared on her face.

Day and months went by and a new generation of heroes was born and grew up to take on the new mantle

Twelve years had passed and the new shinobies were being brought up in a peaceful world

Far far away from any civilisation, a cave shook and cracks appeared inside it. *Boom* as another dimension appeared throwing what looked like a young boy out as he fell on his knees

"Finally, I'm out how long has it been five years, ten years or even more. It's been so long" the figure spoke in a cracked voice

The clothes he wore was a long black cloak with red clouds on. Eyes with rings, Tomoe and floral pattern while the left side of his face had a bone mask on.

"Akatsuki, Obito I'm coming. Tsunade I'm coming. The things you've done to me. I now am what you created. I will gladly deliver what you tried so hard to banish. A devil spawns to you Tsunade and A monster to the whole. World. This time I'll be your friend when I deliver the punishment. I'll be your neighbours, I'll be your brother, I'll be who you trust the most. No more trusting anyone. It's time I make my own rules. It's time I use people."

He got up dusting his clothes as he walked towards the entrance

"Drogo Starblaze lives on!"

So this is part 2 and longer than the first one. How’d you like the surprise at the end? Jiraya is alive and even has a daughter with Tsunade. She called her Mia. Damn wonder what Drogo would feel like when he meets her.

Let me know how you found it. There was a lot of talking in both chapter but that was essential. Wanted people to know about everything and how all the akatsuki felt.

Darkjokescreators' thoughts
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