
Two Decades of Hatred! (Part I)

In Amegakure back in Pains tower stood two figures. One with ringed eyes while other with blue hair and neutral expression

"Konan there is no reason to feel pain and being angry what's done is done," the ringed eyed man said

"Is there really no reason to feel pain Nagato? Are you sure about that? Then why is it painful. Nagato in all my life I've happily carried out everything you and Yahiko said. When you fought as a pacifist before Yahiko's death and now as aggressive I never questioned anything. But this is the first time I'm questioning if what we did today was right, Nagato? We took a boys freedom and basically condemned him to a fate worse than death." Konan spoke softly

"Konan the boy was a threat. I do realise he was a boy and I know how had felt. His eyes told us everything but he never wavered from his dream to burn down all the shinobies. A boy like that cannot be allowed to live not now not ever. The seal on our heads will ensure he stays like that even if all of our seals get destroyed unless Madara breaks his seal own seal the place he's trapped in won't have broken"

"Are you sure we did the right thing, Nagato. Condemning a boy to a fate where he slowly watches himself age yet can't move but can think. If he ever gets out of there that will be the end of shinobies. Perhaps before he could be redeemed now though nothing will get to him" closing her eyes she brought out her concern

"Only time will tell Konan only time will tell. If the boy ever escapes the era of shinobi as we know it might one day end forever. So we must make sure he never escapes. The seal on ys shall never break." pain told her

"I taught him about this world. I taught him the history of shinobies the different lands the different villages their strengths and their weaknesses. Right when I made him sat on my lap. He looked really happy reading about new things he never had the chance to. I just hope what you did today was right, Nagato. The will never trust a soul from this point on"

Someplace else not far away stood another figure with tired eyes looking out towards the sea

Did I make the right choice was it really the right choice? To throw a boy into a fate worse than death? But I had to Make the choice. Madara said the boy aimed to destroy the village I sought to protect with my life. The age I shinobi cannot be ended right now, boy. There are many good people alive in this world. You were born in the wrong era. Itachi kept thinking to himself as his sharingan started spinning madly

"Did you think what we did was right Itachi-san" a voice called out from behind

"I do not have the answer for that yet Kisame. I hope what we did was right. I have to believe that" Itachi told the now approaching figure

"The boy wasn't that bad Itachi-san. A good kid but perhaps having power like that can be your doom as well. He wanted to end all shinobies and we aim for something else. The could've been changed his ideals could've been changed but with what we've done now. We can only hope the seals on our head never break" Kisame told Itachi touching his forehead which had a small triangle tattoo type seal on it

"Only time will tell Kisame, for now, we have a mission to do. So let's go" getting up they both left towards a new place far from here

In another place deep inside a compound with man puppets in the making stood a young man with red hair and his body which looked like a puppet itself was busy fixing or making new things

"Sasori my man that boy was so creepy did you see him talk about how he'd end everything. A boy who's still sucking on her mother's breast sure knows how to boast. We should've kil-" before the blonde guy which a mouth on his hand could finish a senbon was sent flying towards him missing by an inch. On closer inspection, the senbon was dripping with some kind of liquid which the blond presumed to be poison

"Careful Deidara the boy had the strength to crush you. He may still be a boy but he made a name for himself outside and it's pretty famous compared to most of us. You've not lost someone close enough so you won't know the pain and his pain was not something anyone can really understand. The boy was troubled and after what we did to him there is no way he'll be sane enough to listen to reason should he escape. Be that as it may, I would appreciate you didn't bad mouth the squirt in front of me as he helped with chakra strings, puppets and poison." Sasori finished whatever work he had been up to and left

"Tch whatever not like I care what happens to him anyway" Deidara followed behind him

Back inside the cave where Drogo had been sealed. You could see 9 triangles like symbols

Which a naked eye could not see and only those with the symbol them could see.

A figure wearing a mask stood there. "Boy you might hate me but I don't care. The world doesn't need you and your power was too much to be used as is desired. For some reason, we can't kill you which I would have preferred over this but it still works. As long as I live I'll make sure you never step a foot in this world. You will grow old in that dimension and die although a bit slow but even I don't know if you can truly die. Will you live forever or will you live for centuries before dying. Only time will tell. For now be a good boy and never come back" Obito spoke and then vanished from the place not knowing every word that was being said was heard by the little boy.

The world carried on as the name of the boy became a legend to those underworld communities.

Six years went by and the heroes of the generation grew up

Far away in a cave stood a person with short red hair and a line of blood trickling down his mouth. Looking at his body that looked like a puppet had two swords cut deep inside his abdomen by two other puppets. His chest where the swords impaled him was bleeding as well

He was starting towards old women with grey hair and wrinkly face wearing traditional village elder clothes of Sand village. The old women were healing another young girl who looked in her teens and funny enough had pink hair

As the teen got healed she slowly got up gasping for air shakingly walking towards the red-haired man and punched him across his face hard enough for his puppet skin to crack. Her strength reminded him of a certain Boy a long time ago

"Just stop, this body knows no pain. You'll only hurt your fists if you hit me". The red-haired man said. Then snapping his head back to look at the pink haired girl "You women truly love doing useless things, don't you?. Even if someone of my own blood such as my grandma died right here, I wouldn't feel a thing." he said calmly as if the notion of dying never scared him

"I've killed people since a very young age be it young and old. Killed a hundred possibly thousands and she'd just be one of them it's much easier to be this way" he could see the young teen's fists clenching hard ready to deliver another punch or possible angered with what he had said.

"Just what do you consider human life to be!?" she bellowed loudly "What about family!?"

"Hey, is that really something a Shinobi's line?" the red hair shot back

"Why....? Why can you only think like that!?" the pink girl asked

"Sakura...Just stop" the voice of the old women finally came out

"But..." the lady is now known as Sakura retorted.

"The reason he thinks this way is due to the disturbing and false things we taught him in the Hidden Sand." the old women said in a tired voice

"Chiyo-baasama" Sakura spoke in concern as she looked concerned over the old woman's health.

"Have you ever had a body like mine, if you did you'd know what I mean. The body never decays and never dies if you need people around just make puppets but not just anyone. After all, a collection can only be something filled with precious things" the red-haired man known as Sasori said

"Just what are you really?" Sakura asked

"To put things straight I'm not a human nor am I a puppet as a puppet can't feel pain not can it die. No, I'm an incomplete version of something I tried to perfect it. I will die due to the living organs that kept me alive." he looked back at her

"But before dying I will tell you something take it as a reward for defeating me. You wanted to hear more about Orochimaru, right?" this caused the teen to widen her eyes

"Go to hidden grass in 10 days, be at the bridge between heaven and earth at noon"

"What do you mean," she asked

"One of Orochimaru's member is a spy of mine. He was to meet me there" suddenly he started coughing up a lot of blood and barely looked on his last breathes

"Finally there is one last thing. I've done a terrible thing in my past. A boy who joined us a long time ago we did something terrible to him. Now that I am dying the seal on my forehead will disappear and *cough* *cough* *cough* the first seal will break and *cough* *cough* he will escape" Sasori muttered true to his self the triangle seal on his forehead slowly started to fade away

"Who are you talking about a child who is this child," Sakura asked anxiously to think he had done something to even a child that joined them

"Absolom the bringer of chaos or at least that's what he went by when he was with us," he said his voice fading away slowly

Sakura's eyes widened. She had heard about the so-called Absolom. A kid no older than 10 possibly younger was one of the most famous members of Akatsuki due to his feats in Kiri and the fact that he was so young yet strong to battle a few Jonin. Even if he didn't win surviving a battle with a jonin was already considered something

"What have you done with him, you said he was a boy. He must be really young but no one has heard from him or even seen him in six years. What have you done with the boy" Sakura demanded

"The boy is innocent but when we betrayed him everything inside of him broke. If there comes a time where he is let out everything you love will die"

Still processing her thoughts Sakura asked "Where is he and what have you done with him"

"W-We *cough* *cough* *cough* sea-" without finishing his words his final breath left and he died. Sasori of the Hidden sand had finally died

Sakura troubled that she couldn't get the answer shook away her thoughts and made sure to let Hokage know about this

Far away inside a cave stood nine triangles and the cave suddenly shook tremors going far and wide as *CLING* was heard before one of the triangle symbols shattered

A few months later

In a deep crater laid a person or what looked like a person with hair coming out of all his body which looked like tendrils. His eyes emerald green while his whole body battered badly. The figure was none other than Kakuzu

"How could...I lose....to a bunch of kids?" he asked the approaching man who had white hair and stood a few steps away from his face

"Yea well...To someone who fought the first Hokage we must seem like kids to you, but in our eyes, you're just a decrepit old man." the white-haired man said whos face was covered with a blue mask from his neck all the way up to his nose ending just below his eyes

"That's why its time for you to die," the masked man said before charging his hand with lightning jutsu ready to deliver the final blow to Kakuzu's final heart "The next generation will always surpass the old one"

Kakuzu crooked his head upward looking at the man struggling to talk. "I guess this is my time to die then. Before you deliver the final blow remember this as I die the seal becomes weak and his chances for escaping will increase," he told the man

"Whos chances will increase" the masked man warily asked

"A boy that used to work with us a long time ago. You might have heard his name Absolom the bringer of chaos." Seeing the white-haired man widen his eyes

Who is this child that they fear so much? Sakura mentioned Sasori saying something about the boy as well what have they done to him and why do they fear him.

"Who is this child you talk about and what have you done to him" he looked back at kakuzu

"I cannot tell you more of it. I am bound by this seal on my forehead and its starting to fade which means I'm close to dying. Know this what we did to the boy if he ever escapes the shinobi era will come to an end sooner or later" saying his peace he waited for the final blow

Which Kakashi delivered struggling To decide.

A few miles away inside a forest you could see Hidan kakuzu's partner inside a ditch with his body parts scrambled under rocks

"Lord Jashin will punish you for this!" he screamed looking above at the figure with a ponytail looking back at him with eyes that showed no emotion but hate

"He'll bring His great vengeance down upon you, like in the scriptures" he snarled at the figure again

"You're bullshit doesn't scare me anymore." replied the ponytailed teen before taking out an explosive kunai. "You and I have different beliefs, I believe in the Will of Fire and your Jashin or whatever god doesn't exist anymore. I am the one bringing down the vengeance" saying that he threw the explosive kunai at the way as it blasted and rubble started to fill in the ditch Hidan was in

"Bastard...The Jashinist Script says He will smite you! Got it?! Hahahahahaha..... And I'll carry out his judgement" as more rubble fell on his body parts and few small ones on his face.

"My teeth are enough, I'll bite you to death motherfucker." he bellowed as the seal on his forehead began to fade

"Bastard killing me like this will weaken the seal. That devil will escape. That devil who even Jashin-sama hate will break out. The boy must not be let out. BASTARD!!!" rubble filled on the whole and no one could hear anything

He said a boy will escape. When who is that boy and to call a kid a devil. This man really had lost it. So that's what the seal was for it must be somehow connected to the boy he mentioned. The ponytailed person thought to himself

Later in time, six figures stood inside the Hokage room and behind the homage desk sat a blond woman with big breasts and a diamond tattoo mark on her forehead. Stood next to her was a woman in her twenties holding a small pig.

"Kakashi report on the mission," the Hokage said

The white-haired man who was now named as Kakashi came forward and spoke "Yes Hokage-sama. Naruto came up with a new move called Rasen shuriken mixing his Rasengan with wind nature while driving that in Kakuzus back which did the trick and he lost all by one heart." pausing for a minute letting the Hokage digest it all before continuing "I saw that his last heart remains and went down to finish it but before I could he told me some interesting thing. As Sakura had mentioned to you about Sasori talking about Absolom the bringer of death before dying to tell her something they had done" as he said that the tension in the room increased. The hokage seemed to understand as did the pink haired girl Sakura and the Ponytailed person as they looked calm while the rest of three people were confused

"Carry on Kakashi" the Hokage beckoned

Nodding his head he recounted " Kakuzu said that the boy worked with them a long time ago. What was interesting was that he said the seal on his forehead was connected to the boy. He said as the seal fades away the chances of him escaping will increase. Furthermore what troubled me was when he said after they did something to him if the boy escapes the shinobi era that they know will come to an end" everyone eyes widened at this comment. How could a child end a shinobi era it was hard to believe

"Shikamaru do you have something to add you didn't seem very surprised" Hokage beckoned to the ponytail guy who's name was Shikamaru

He came forward " As Kakashi-sensei said I too heard about this Absolom boy. When I buried Hidan in the pit he was screaming the seal will fade away and he will escape. That Jashin hates the boy. What was interesting was his voice that told me he was very scared of the boy. Whatever they have done to the boy they either regret their actions or fear him of what he'll do when he escapes"

Nodding her head the Hokage allowed them to leave before taking out a stash of alcohol that she kept. Her mind wondering off

Who is this kid that they talk about that they regret? Whatever they did to that kid we must help the child if we ever come across him. Absalom the bringer of chaos. They said he had blond hair just like him. Just like my boy. Jerking awake so that she couldn't remember her past she downed a cup of alcohol. Its been 7 years since then seven long years she sighed. Just as she saw a white-haired and oliy bandana man enter to which she smiled

Deep inside the cave, two more Triangles broke apart leaving behind only six and the cave shook again giving out tremors which felt far and wide across the whole shinobi Nation.

At the same time a few days later in an old Uchiha hideout stood two identical figures one considerably older than the other.

As the older one took a step forward his mouth flowing with blood towards the younger boy. The younger one flinched and slowly backed away

As kept backing away a wall behind him halted his movement and he stared at the older figure with wide eyes and a fear-stricken expression.

The older man with blood still flowing from him covered in large orange aura slowly stumbled towards the younger boy. "Sasu...ke..." he said as his mind rugged deep into bis older memories

The much younger version of the boy he was stumbling towards stood with a smile and said "Brother!" again and again, in different scenarios Smiling in each one. Then his mind drifted to a more recent one a few years ago

A young boy with a blond hair and a bone type mask on his left cheek who barely smiled but always looked happy in his company "Brother Itachi. Your Genjutsu is so cool your little brother would really be proud to have a brother like you" he smiled and him "Wish I had a brother. Never considered having one before I met you" the blond boy said

"You can call me a Brother little Drogo. The Akatsuki is your family now" I told him and he had a smile on

I could still hear his screams that day we sealed him. How lonely he must be felt. How betrayed he felt. I cannot atone for those sins in this life but at least I can help a similar child, my own brother. Forgive me little Drogo.

Coming out of his thoughts he slowly raised his index and middle finger and stumbling towards his brother. Who was gasping for air now and looked mortified

"Sorry, Sasuke....But this is it...and forgive me for the sins I committed against you Drogo. This is goodbye" Itachi smiled as he tapped his fingers on his brothers head and finally fell down with his eyes closed and breathing stopped falling backwards which was soon followed by his brother as he fell unconscious

The teen known as Sasuke later woke up in a dark room which looked to be inside a cave as his lower torso was covered in bandages.

"Seems like you've woken up finally. Itachi's brother Sasuke" a masked figure appeared with only single eye being shown

"Who are you" the teen shot back

"Me I'm like you like Itachi. One of the last members of the Uchiha clan" the masked figure said as his single eyes that were being shown turned into sharingan which in turn activated Sasuke's sharingan and black flames shrouded the masked man

As half of his body turned into flames he screamed stumbling back in the shadows after a good minute the voice died down and he came out of the shadow his body completely find as nothing happened

"As expected of Itachi Uchiha to think he'd plant Amaterasu in you to use against me" he spoke to the teen

"Who are you," the teen asked again shocked by the revelation that his brother could pull such a thing off.

"I am the other person who helped Itachi Massacre the Uchiha clan. I'm Madara Uchiha" the masked man stated

Which followed with him telling Sasuke Itachi's whole story about how he killed his clan for him and the whole village and was still a spy until his death.

"Lies all lies Itachi was a criminal and a murderer who killed and joined the Akatsuki" Sasuke's voice spoke out with a hint of desperation

"You're alive aren't you? He killed his brethren his teammates his lover his father his mother all for the sake of the village and you Sasuke Uchiha. To him, you were more important than anything in this world" Madara told him coming closer and crouching near him

Sasuke looked absolute shell-shocked by this revelation. He didn't know how to feel. All his life he considered him the enemy who killed everyone yet now he was doing it all to protect him. Guilt, fear and confusion were all that shrouded him. Then he remembered something else before Itachi died and asked Madara

"Before dying, Itachi mentioned a name. Drogo he said and asked for his forgiveness. Who was he to him?" the black haired teen mentioned

He saw Madara flinch badly before he collected himself. "Oh him, I've not heard that name in almost 6 years now. You might have heard of him. Absalom the bringer of chaos"

Stunned by the name Sasuke was sure he heard before in the Bingo books. Absalom was a very popular and dangerous boy side years ago famous for fighting the Jonin Zabuza alone at the age of eight and surviving. Later on, he went on many missions with the Akatsuki and was easily remembered by people due to his young age and exceptional skills even if they were not on par with most other members he had this aura around him that made him be remembered by all.

But rumours about him stopped 5 years ago when no one saw him for some time believing that he died. His name was never removed from the Bingo books though

"What was the relationship with my brother and Absolom? He stopped appearing six years ago" Sasuke demanded an answer

"*chuckle* the boy had relationships with all of us especially with your brother, me and Konan. He looked up to your brother a lot. He was taught many Genjutsu by your brother and in some sense, you could consider him your brother's successor. As for me well I brought him into Akatsuki and trained him an was his sensei. Everything he learnt was mostly from me. Which beings Konan who he considered to be his big sister. The boy at a very young age had his twin sister killed by someone really close to him and just like you followed a path of revenge. But unlike you, his hatred is much stronger than anyone in this world could imagine. Konan took him in as a little brother and the boy was simply ecstatic about it" bringing out old memories

"Sadly tho his views for the world were too corrupted and the power he held was too great for him and in the end, all us members had to kill him and played a big part in his demise. Your brother and Konan were the most shaken by this and to this day regret it. Old wounds never heal its better to move on" Madara told everything to Sasuke of course not everything he said was the truth. No one needed to know that the boy never died but instead sealed forever until he himself dies.

For Sasuke, it was hard to process no matter how much a boy was corrupted it never gave anyone the right to kill such a young person. But he threw this thought in the back of his mind too focused on his new hatred towards Konoha

Deep inside a cave, another triangle broke down. With five remaining the whole shinobi nation shook again

And so a full year passed since Sasori incident new enemies arrived and defeated. Not without sacrifice though. As the village hidden in leaves was completely destroyed as bodies laid everywhere

A few miles outside the village inside a massive tree that looked to be made out of paper stood three people. A blond haired whos head was spiky, blue-haired women and a very skinny looking man with red hairs and massive black rods coming from his back

"Unlike my master, I can't write books. Thus the sequel will be decided on how I live my life! No matter what pain may come, I'll go on. That's who Naruto is!" the blond teen loudly said towards the red-haired man whose eyes widened before closing it

"As a student of the same master, we should be able to understand each other. That's what I said earlier. That was meant to be a joke.... You are a mysterious person." the frail man said as his female comrade looked at him with concern

"You remind me of myself," he said

"Nagato.." the blue-haired women spoke in concern

"I wasn't able to believe in Jiraya. No, I wasn't able to believe in myself. However...I believe you can walk a different path and achieve a different future" Nagato spoke out

Bringing out his hands from the machinery he looked up "I will believe in you Uzamaki Naruto" before forming a hand seal which made both Naruto and Konan widen their eyes. Konan more so because she knew what he was doing "Outer Path: Samsara of heavenly life technique"

"Nagato you...." the women's voice which sounded desperate echoed

"Konan, it's alright. I've made a new choice a choice I had given up on" he stated with his hands shaking while forming a seal

"What technique is this" Naruto asked eyeing Nagato

Konan looked down for a brief moment heifer turning towards the blond boy "The bearer of Rinnegan can use all techniques of the six bodies of pain and is said to exist outside the realms of life and death. Nagato's ocular power is a technique that governs life and death. The seventh pain" she stated looking back at him in pain and concern as Nagato struggled to complete the jutsu

If he uses the technique of this level with the amount of chakra he has now, Nagato will... She could not finish that sentence but it pretty much explained what would happen to him

He's willing to go that far for this boy the child of mystery. Looking back at him and his blond hair reminded her of another certain boy a very young one who always had a smile on bid face when he was with her and in turn, caused her to smile. Drogo perhaps this boy could've saved you as well from that pain you've always suffered. I failed you at that I betrayed you. If you were here you'd be about this boys age now all grown up. That was her most painful memory apart from the death of Yahiko

As she kept thinking outside in the village indie a massive crater appeared a massive white face that opened his mouth wide throwing green long needles all over the village to those who had died to give them their life back

The villagers were all coming back to life slowly. Those who died were hugged as they woke up not knowing how this happened they savoured the moment. Loved ones hugging each other and crying simply ecstatic to see them alive.

Back inside the tree, Nagato had his hair turned completely white and his already shrivelled body was even weaker. He looked as if he would die at any moment.

"What....whats going on" Naruto demanded on seeing Nagatos appearance while Konan tried hard not to show tears

A small snail looking, creature, appeared on Naruto's shoulder "The villagers seemed to be coming back to life" it told him

"This time I'll save the ones I killed in Konoha. It's the least I could do to atone my sins" Nagato feebly stated while Naruto started at him in shock "You...."

His hands falling down and gasping for breath "War brings death, wounds and pain to both sides. There's nothing harder than to accept the death of a loved one and so we convince ourselves they cannot die. Epically your generation who does not know war, you look for meaning in death but there is only pain and hatred which you do not understand, that consumes you. People die like trash and everlasting hatred is what consumes you forever. That is war" with his head bent down and blood trickling down Nagato told him

"Naruto this is what you'll have to fight against. My time has come to an end but as I leave I would like to request something from you" Nagato feebly asked to which Naruto nods

"Seven years ago a boy came to us to join the Akatsuki. He was only 8 when we met him" he said while Konan's eyes widened "Nagato you...." she softly said.

"I've never forgotten about him Konan. No, I must apologise to you. You considered him as your own brother you taught him about this world and I could see you both truly cared about each other. To make you betray him must really be painful" konan's eyes filled with tears as she controlled herself

"Naruto 7 years ago we did something horrible to a boy and the mark on our forehead is supposed to be connected to him. I cannot say much as the seal does not allow us to say anything and will only fade away when we die. I only know is that if you ever meet that boy show him love show him the world truly isn't rotten that there are good people. The boy was filled with resentment and hatred because his twin sister was killed by his own family but after considered us his family we betrayed him. If the boy ever comes back to this Nation he will be your worst enemy if given time to grow. The age of shinobi will end by his hands" he told Naruto as much as he could and the seal on his forehead slowly fading away

"The boy who is he and where can I find him. I promise to help him with anything" Naruto spoke gently as he could see the pain Nagato endured to which he shook his head

"The seal forbids me from telling you anything it was meant to be a secret. To know the truth you will have to ask Madara Uchiha. Naruto I truly believe you can...." with his final words said he closed his eyes as the paper tree began to break away

Konan and Naruto stood with two bodies as Konan wrapped Nagato's as Yahiko's body with her paper

"Will you be taking his body as well?" Naruto asked looking at Yahiko

"Tendou Pain was based on Yahiko's body," Konan said completing the paper wrap and making them float.

"So that's Yahiko" Naruto surprised to know then asked something unexpected. "Who is the boy Nagato told me to protect. You seemed to be shedding tears for him and I've heard of him from every member of Akatsuki that have died so far."

Looking up at the sky and remembering the painful past "I cannot say his real name due to the seal nor can I say shat happened to him. His codename was Absolom which you've heard of no doubt" Naruto nodded at that " He was a young boy your age if he was still here. We met him 7 years ago when Madara brought him to us. Madara was his sensei and the boy you could tell through his eyes was full of hate towards the person who killed his twin sister. I cannot tell you the person named as the seal doesn't allow me but know this it was his own mother that killed his sister, her own daughter. He would have died as well that day if not for being lucky" she said as Naruto's eyes widened loss for words "How could a mother kill her kids? Is there a mother in this world like that. How could she do it to her own family" he clenched his fists hard

"I don't know and I never asked him. Her name was enough to release a massive amount of killing intent and malice-filled chakra erupt from him. The boy was broken but it changed when he joined us. Perhaps it was me as I saw my and Nagatos younger self in him when he lost Yahiko. I became closer to him. The boy despite his faults was good in nature. Simply lacking love that he never received from anyone. Perhaps his sister was the only one who gave him love and losing her broke everything inside him" she closed her eyes and tears trickled down

"If I knew he was to be betrayed like we did after he came to love me as his sister I would never have gotten close to him. Madara his own teacher thought of him as an anomaly and wanted to get rid of him so we betrayed him. His words when he saw us betraying him were so painful to hear. The boy I saw that day completely broke and perhaps there will be no redemption for him or for us. That day was our biggest regret we members carry. That is all I can tell you" wiping her tears away she looked back at Naruto who himself was crying hearing the story

"Naruto if you ever find him make him feel loved. The boy has lost everything so I ask you to help him. He has suffered too much in this life and before. Save that child that like you saved Nagato, please." she requested him

"I promise I'll do whatever it takes to save that boy. I won't disappoint my sensei and my senior student." he spoke seriously to which Konan finally smiled

Deep inside the cave far away from any sort of human life another triangle broke the fifth one. With only four remaining. The tremors were felt again stronger than the last time.

Part 1 of the massive chapter I wrote. I wanted to make sure Drogo is remembered and gave the main people hints of who he was. Since many things happened I had to make two chapters which tbh are both long

Darkjokescreators' thoughts
Next chapter