
Tomorrow is a new beginning!

The great sannin was right in front of him. The reason everything went to shit the reason his sister died and the reason he became like this. Everything started with this Sannin.

Drogo's blood started to boil and intense emotions started to ripple through these eyes. Hate that was what he felt. The boy felt nothing else just hate. The purest and the raw form of hate yet he didn't make it appear on his face.

Using chakra string that he had attached to his sword he tugged hard as his sword flew towards him. Grabbing it by his left hand and bursting into the air he swung his sword hard towards Jiraya's neck.

Everyone was petrified at the scene that was before them. Their own classmate was about to kill the Sannin. How could he have the audacity to pull such a thing off?

"Papa!!" Mia shouted absolutely distressed at the situation. Her father was going to be attacked and she was just watching it.

"Jiraya-sensei" everyone else shouted in unison as well fear on their face as well.

However, Shino-sensei and the victim Jiraya in the case seemed very calm. Just as the sword approached his neck it stopped faintly touching neck as he felt cold steel.

"You need to control your anger boy. You might end up getting hurt in the future." Jiraya uttered in a calm voice.

"Don't ever interfere in my fights again. I won't be light-handed otherwise." Drogo ignored his advice as he spoke to him in an icy tone.

The reason why both teachers were calm was that they never felt a hint of killing intent from the boy when he swung his sword. Even Drogo knew better to attack the Sannin it his half beaten state and much less kill him. The whole ninja nation would be on his ass. For now, he couldn't do a thing to this Family but he was patient. He suffered 22 years and he would be an idiot to mess his chance up now.

"Do you really think you can beat me? I'm a sannin after all even if I've grown a bit old I still retain all my abilities" Jiraya smirked at the little kid much to his annoyance and his truth.

As they were talking a figure flew at breakneck speed "Bastard!" it said as a fist smashed into Drogo's face but all it did was turn his face to the right with a bruise on his face and possibly a dislocated jaw.

Everyone stared at the scene. The figure in question was Mia and the power she used was certainly enough to send people flying yet it only made the boy turn his face. Even Jiraya was shocked to see such a scene. While Mia with her wide opened eyes and anger on her face was holding her first which seemed to have suffered as well but still in her fighting posture.

Drogo's hand started raising up as Jiraya and got ready to attack if the boy did something foolish to his daughter. His hand went straight to his jaw and with a *Crack* it pooped back into its place. Causing others to shiver at such a feat. He made it look so easy and there was no sign of pain on his face.

Then he turned and looked back at the assailant putting his hands in his pocket he looked her straight in the eyes. Killing intent flooded the place and now Jiraya was really ready to subdue the kid if need be as was Shino and the rest of the kids. Even Mitsuki knew Drogo was pissed at this and sent his long arms underground in hopes to stop Drogo with whatever he was about to do.

Their fears however never came to fruition as he only spoke words which carried absolute pain behind it "Attack me again and I'll make sure you don't have an arm to punch again. Are we clear, Blondie?" slowly saying those words out as he let that sink in her promising absolute pain.

To Mia, it was as if she was looking at a wild beast who could never be tamed. The sheer power in his eyes as it looked to on her made her feel very uncomfortable. All she could do was a nod at his question to which he sneered and finally walked past her.

"This has gone boring. We'll have to fight some other time Mitsuki this was only part of my abilities. I hope I get to see your true power next time" raising his hand as if waving him they all watched his back disappear out of the entrance possibly going back to class.

"What a monstrous kid you got there Shino," Jiraya remarked. The boy was scary, to say the least, and his anger issues were a problem as well. Seemed to really hate everything.

"Shino-sensei do we really need him in our class. Why is Hokage allowing him to study with us? None of us likes him" Boruto finally remarked angered at the whole incident Drogo caused and seeing his friends scared. Even the girls wanted to do nothing with him anymore. He was handsome yes but delinquents were not their thing especially when someone was as dangerous as him.

Shino knew how they all felt and if he hadn't heard his story he'd probably go talk to Naruto right now to get this boy to leave. He was not in the right mind to be a ninja or perhaps he was but his mindset was that of a ninja before the peaceful times. Maybe he was right about everything but that only applied before the peaceful times yet the boy perhaps acted like this due to living in Isolation for a long time.

Getting up Shino sighed seeing all of his student's faces which showed unfriendliness towards the Jaw masked boy.

"That's enough Boruto. You don't know his story. While it may seem like he hates everything it's not the case. The boy is an Orphan who's a mother was a prostitute and his father an Uchiha. They married outside the village and when the boy was born his mother soon succumbed her old habits bringing different men home. While his father would take out all the anger on his son for years. Soon his mother ran off with someone else while his father more angered by it abused the kid and finally died when he was very young. He has trust issues and he's been living in Isolation and never had friends. He's not a bad kid. He's just seen things none of you ever have and he's been fighting alone." finally finished saying his peace.

He knew telling this to kids was not appropriate but if he wanted them to get along they needed to know that Drogo was not a bad kid he just had certain circumstances that led to such a personality. Just because he was different from others didn't mean he was bad.

That certainly did the trick as he saw his students have guilty faces. They couldn't relate to him but they felt guilty. Who could ever imagine their own parents abandoning him? Perhaps they were too early on judging their new classmate. Boruto seemed to be contemplating something as well.

Outside the building, Drogo smashed his fist in the wall. "Damn, motherfucker's really pissed me off". Drogo was pissed and half of it was on himself. When Boruto had talked about friends and all that it really stung him in the wrong place.

Bunch of kids that didn't even know the world outside were talking about Bond. Fuck bonds are what he wanted to say. All bonds ever brought was pain and only the bond between your brother and Sister was a true bond all others were fake. Even your own parents had fake bonds with you.

They knew nothing of the world outside these walls. The hokage and everyone thinks it's peaceful but they don't know the world as he did. There was still rape and pillage by missing-nins and bandits. Bastards being born and abandoned and those mothers that actually wanted to raise those bastards were treated like scum. The world inside these villages might seem happy but outside it was still the same ugly world the same dog eat dog world.

Him being pissed at himself was another reason why he got so riled up. He came to this Hidden village to blend in and to make friends. Learn new techniques. Everything he wanted to do was for the sake of him never being associated as Absolom when he starts his work outside. Being inside the village gave him Intel he needed and he didn't want to compromise that.

"What's a kid like you doing outside and not in his class?" a womanly voice spoke out and it really wasn't a good time for that.

"Fuck off!" Drogo muttered as he started walking towards the tree in the open field as the school was still being constructed.

This ticked the women off bad. She was as short-tempered as him if not more "What'd ya say brat? You wanna go at it?" throwing a senbon that sliced Drogo's cheeks as he halted his steps

"Bitch you really need to read the mood. I told ya to Fuck off!" he finally turned around to look at the women in question gauging her.

She had light brown, pupil-less eyes. Her hair violet styled in a short, spiky, fanned-ponytail. She wore a fitted mesh body suit that covered her from her neck down to her thighs. Over this, she wore a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards. In addition to the typical forehead protector, she also wore a small pendant that looks like a snake fang and a wristwatch.

The women could be said to be a bit chubby. Although not considered fat she certainly was not a slim beauty anymore.

Trying to walk towards her Drogo found himself being unable to move. As he looked down and saw snakes hindering his movements as they wrapped around his legs and torso.

"I'm really starting to hate this Orochimaru guy." He mumbled as he was impressed by snakes which seemed silent and fast.

"Now care to tell me what has a pipsqueak like you so angered about? You seem like a good looking lad, wouldn't wanna ruin that pretty face of yours" she licked a kunai while grinning.

"Why are women so annoying. Mind your own business Lady" without much effort Drogo ripped the snakes apart with his hand.

"Aren't we strong one?" she mocked at him

"This is my business, lad. I'm a teacher here and a student running around alone is not a good thing plus you seem really angered."

Slowly approaching him she looked in his eyes and said "So many emotions running through your eyes. Kids shouldn't be having such intense emotions" she tapped his forehead.

"My class just finished and I was going out to eat. Come on I'll show you a nice food place that can calm your nerves." before she could speak further the boy simply brush past her and completely ignored her

"Thanks but I like to be alone. Not really a person who prefers food to calm himself. See ya" with that he left her stranded but not before her voice echoed.

"If you ever in trouble kid, find me. I've got experience in dealing with broken kids."

"Annoying" he grumbled as he jumped on the roof and ran as fast as he could. He had no destination in mind and he didn't care. All that Drogo wanted was to calm his mind as too many thoughts were going crazy inside his head. Jiraya appearing really messed it up and if his reaction to him was that then what would he do if he sees Tsunade.

"I need an outlet. I need to punch and kick shit" he mumbled deciding to do exactly that he walked towards the training grounds that Sakura had shown him.

Appearing in an empty field he made himself 20 shadow clone Jutsu. A technique he had learned to copy and master from seeing Nagato and other Akatsuki frequently using. The reason he preferred this clone was because these were harder to vanish and more durable plus all the knowledge was retained back to him from them. Who better to learn from than yourself.

"Alright, all of you come at me. No need to hold back as well. Until I'm all out of Chakra keep on coming" Drogo told them to which they nodded.

So they started fighting while Drogo accompanied them using Taijutsu and ninjutsu and kenjutsu. He would really easily beat these clones if he could use his full power and he could even best Mitsuki if he had wanted to back then.

There were two reasons for him not doing it. First, he needed to learn Senjutsu or at least grasp a certain amount of knowledge of it. Secondly, He didn't want to show his Rinnegan and Tenseigan abilities. His other kekkai Genkai were hidden as well. Those were all abilities he would allow his Absolom side to use. Him using them now would give himself away.

Not wanting to become too strong and blending in he had to hide most of his abilities. In the village he was safe but outside he would have to fight stronger ninjas possible Jonin's and maybe even the Kages.

The fight progressed and his chakra levels were slowly but surely going down as his body was filled with bruises and dislocated bones who h he occasionally snapped in place.

Just like him his cloned were not one to show mercy when they came they came hard and made sure you suffered. This was what he liked and this was what helped keep him in shape.

As the last clone tried to slam him with a small lighting kunai it surprisingly went straight through his stomach but this allowed the original to grab the clone and use his other arm to swing his sword cutting him in half. *POOF* and the clone was gone.

Panting heavily he slumped down trying to catch his breath and recover his low chakra.

"Motherfucker! That hurt like hell. But pain like this is nothing to me anymore. God damn! That felt great I can think clearly again."

A figure approached behind him. "So this is where you've been?" a manly voice spoke

Judging from the chakra Drogo could easily distinguish who it was. "What brings the Mighty Hokage to my Humble self? What an honour it must be for me" such sarcastic remarks would really piss a person off but Naruto was not one of those.

"I heard what happened in the Academy today. You really were mean to people. You could try being nice to them." he gently chided him not really sounding angry at all and then looking at the state he was in he frowned.

"You seem to be in a messed up state kid. Never seen anyone train so roughly with their Clones as you did. Been going at it for hours and the sun's setting as well. Let's get you to check up at the hospital your right arm seems dislocated and you have internal bleeding" he rammed on

"Don't need you caring about me, Mr Hokage and I can take care of myself" saying that his left arm sapped his right arm back in place with a pop and then went on to glow green as he pressed it on his stab wound. Making Naruto's eyes widen.

"That's mystical palm jutsu. An A-level technique to think a boy like you knows it. Only those with great control over their chakra can do it. Where did you learn it from?" he questioned

"Learnt it on my journey" blandly replying to which the hokage frowned again.

"You seem to learn many things on your journey. Who was nice enough to teach you these things?"

"What's it gotta do with you? I don't see it as your business nor do I feel like answering your questions." annoyed by the constant questions he finally told him back

"I'm the Hokage of this village and it's my duty to take care of every person living here. That includes you and your problems. Now tell me why is it that you are so angry and why have you not told me the fact that you have a Byakugan as well?" He sat down next to the boy and looked up in the sky

Drogo was surprised when he heard that. 'Damn that women are good. I only wanted to show my Uchiha bloodline but to think she could be able to identify Hyuga Bloodline as well from it. Not that I can complain I've got so many bloodlines in me that even I don't know what I truly am."

"I wasn't trying to hide it you never asked so I never told ya" the boy grumbled

"These things are very important Drogo, You may think you can overlook it but we can't. You have Byakugan and Sharingan and eyes that mutated enough for us not to know. I've never heard of anyone that has such eyes. You may have all the abilities of both eyes and even more of your own. If I know you better I can help you better." Naruto told him what he felt.

"You still haven't told me why you were so angry back in the Academy?" he questioned him again raising his eyebrows

Drogo sense he won't leave and finally caved in "I was pissed cause Kids here think being a shinobi is a child's play. They think life outside these walls is fun and games, having Bonds would help them. Like it all means everything. They all are so happy and carefree it pisses me off. So I got angry"

*Sigh* he heard the Hokage give out a massive sigh and then placed his bandaged hand on his head making Drogo flinch for a bit but he decided not to throw his hand off. The faster he was done with him the faster he would leave.

"I really can't blame you. What your parents did to you and what you faced outside perhaps only you would know. What you said is not false kids these days do think it's all fun and games being a Shinobi. But is it really their fault and are they wrong to think like that? A long time ago Ninshu was made for people to help each other not fight each other." he ruffled his hair

"Us adults went through hell to make sure your generation stays safe and free of war. We try our best and those living inside this village feel the same. This is what we aim for and this is how Ninja's are meant to be"

Drogo listened intently but in his mind kept sneering. 'This is what you aim for? You may have peace inside the village but you nothing for people like me outside the village. Even as we speak some women is getting raped. Bastards like me are getting beaten up. This world is full of lies and brutality and the fact that you who are considered the strongest of them all are doing nothing about it is what pisses me off. The fact that Tsunade and Jiraiya have a happy life with what they did to me pisses me off. This is why I hate this world currently"

"You might have safe heaven inside these walls but what about outside? What about people like me? Not everyone is as lucky as me. They probably are dying as we speak struggling to survive and live. You might think it's good for them all to be happy about it but the world outside is not good at all. Everything is fucked. You who has the power to change things do nothing" Drogo snarled at him

Naruto, however, didn't seem to flinch at that but you could see the sadness in his eyes. "Even if I'm the strongest Shinobi I don't have the power to save everyone. I can try yes but I can't save those I can't get to that's how the world is like." he got up as he said that

"You might not be able to save those like me but I will that's why I came here so I can learn and go save those that none else wants to save" mumbled Drogo getting up as well ready to leave

Naruto raised his eyebrows in question "You are coming with me kid" he told him

"Damn can't you leave me alone. I'm fine I'll be going back Sakura-san" he tried to leave but his arm was grabbed by Naruto

"Finally willing to say Sakura-san" he smirked to which the boy shivered and said "She's fucking scary man. Her fists hit like hell" causing even Naruto to shiver "I know what you mean. Sakura-Chan can be scary at times"

Then he flung the boy over the shoulder. "Still Sakura-chan seemed to be working late in Hospital and Sarada has gone to eat with Chocho which leaves you and I told Sakura that you'll eat with my family. Besides my wife has Byakugan she can check up on yours"

"Oi I ain't hungry so put me down Old man" Drogo raged trying to get free form this evil creature clutches when his Stomach started growling much to his embarrassment.

"Your stomach never lies so let's go" with that they both vanished

The two figures then appeared in front of a house where Naruto finally dropped Drogo as he fell on his ass.

Getting up from the abrupt throw "Damn it old man you don't ever take no for an answer" he rubbed his ass

"You gotta behave now. My wife gets angry as Sakura-chan if you mess up the house" Naruto faintly said

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* He started knocking on the door and footsteps could be heard from the other side.

Finally, the door opened and stood on the other side was a tall woman with white featureless eyes. She had dark blue hair which reached down at her waist. She was wearing a light purple short-sleeved jacket, a long-sleeved white shirt with two pink coloured strips underneath it, light brown shorts and purple open-toed boots. Her breasts seemed to be massive as well. Overall she was a good looking woman.

"Ah Hinata I'm back and I brought some company for dinner today. Hope you don't mind?" Naruto said Rubbing the backside of his head to which the women shook her head gently.

"Its no problem honey I was told by Sakura-chan that Drogo-Kun would be coming over to eat" she replied back softly

Drogo Raised an eyebrow at the remark "Well at least your wife has more manners than you Hokage-san" he mocked causing him to get Naruto's fist on his head.

"What a violent Old man you are!" he raged causing Naruto to hit him again.

"You wanna go, Old man? Let's go right now!" he said to his face while Naruto felt the same way. As they began rolling up their sleeves ready for a fist fight when suddenly a pressure hit them both.

"Now Now we don't fight in the house. Is that clear?" they both looked back to the women who's skin near her eyes were showing veins.

'What a terrifying women. Why are all these women living in this village so Scary?' Drogo thought to himself as he gulped down

"Yes, Ma'am" both men nodded in the unison.

The women finally walked back inside to the living room leaving the two people to come in and take off their shows.

"Your wife's scary as hell man." the boy told the older man to which he nodded

Taking off their shows they both entered the living room where the kitchen was as well. Drogo had left his sword in the shoe area as well as he walked in.

Seeing two other small figures in the house. Drogo sighed it seemed he was right. Boruto really was the Hokage's son and seemed to be staring at him as well.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a shocked tone which did carry a hint of anger seeing how he remembered the incident this morning.

"Boruto be nice to him. He's our guest and is eating with us today" Naruto responded to his eldest child

"But he's a bad guy. Why can't he eat somewhere else? We don't need him here" he got up real close to Drogo making him uncomfortable.

"Look, man, I don't want to be in your house as well. Your dad forced me to come. If I knew you lived here I'd rather eat food from trash then at your house. I don't really like people like you." voiced out his thoughts.

This caused Boruto's face to go red and was about to retaliate when his mother spoke up "Boruto! That's enough he's our guest and your classmate. I've taught you better" which made him flinch and then calmed him down.

"Tch!" he went to go sit on the chair where the food was being served.

"Dad who is he" a childish voice spoke up and as Drogo looked at its origin he found a little girl. No older than 9 or 10. She was a mini-version of her mother.

She had dark blue hair that she wore with straight bangs and a hime-cut. She also had an ahoge on top of her hair which resembled the stem of a leaf. She had inherited her father's eyes which were blue and had whiskers on both cheeks.

She wore a collared, long-sleeved yellow shirt with an orange cross-hatch pattern that resembled a sunflower, red pumpkin shorts and was barefoot.

"Ah, Himawari this is Drogo and Drogo this is my youngest child and my only daughter, Himawari," Naruto explained picking her up as he placed a kiss on her cheek and then gently put her down.

"Hello nice to meet you" she spoke in a cheerful way

Drogo, however, was stunned. A little girl and Boruto's sister. Little kid sisters were his weakness. After he lost his own he knew how deeply he cared for his sister. Just like this little girl his sister was cheerful as well.

"Nice to meet you too Himawari." he smiled brightly which stunned both Boruto and Naruto. They knew exactly how Drogo was and to smile like that was like saying the Ninja world had truly attained true peace.

"T-this what are you playing at? Who are you and what have you done to Drogo?" Boruto stuttered as he pointed at him

"Shut it!" the boy chastised him under his breath.

As for Himawari, she found him interesting and honest. The kids could always tell those who were truly honest. She smiled at him and said "I like big Bro Drogo. Will you play with me?" she waved her little-stuffed doll

"I'd love to but we can do that after dinner." his smile didn't seem to vanish making him look completely different from the usual thug like Drogo who was always scowling and brooding.

"Wow, kids really have the power to change other kids" Naruto mumbled sitting on the chair where the food was being served while Hinata smiled at the new boy and his daughter getting along so well.

They soon sat on the dinner table with Boruto and Drogo next to each other much to their dismay while Himawari was on Boruto's left across the other side were both Naruto and Hinata as they all ate with occasional banter across the table.

After the dinner, Himawari asked to play with him but as he was about to Naruto stopped him much to Himawari's disappointment and told her to play with Boruto for a while as Drogo had something to do. She pouted before going over to Boruto who was on the couch playing video game.

Naruto brought him to another couch where he sat down and so did Hinata as they both looked over to him indicating him to take a seat on the chair to which he did.

"Drogo-kun, if it's not much, could you show me your Byakugan," Hinata asked and he nodded

If he could get help with his Byakugan and know how to fight with it he'd surely comply. Before he got sealed he knew the basic abilities it had but never incorporated Taijustu in it. There was much more to Byakugan techniques.

As he activated his eyes and the white Iris which had a black floral pattern inside spun three times and veins popped out from his sides like it did with Hinata but for him, it was only a few.

"These certainly are different from the Hyuga clan. They are much stronger then our eyes and this could be a mutation as well." Hinata remarked seeing his Bakugan which was completely different from her own clans.

"What abilities do you have?" Naruto asked

"I can see things all around me even behind my back, your chakra pathways are completely visible to me and I can even see the tenketsu in your body. I know where you mould your chakra from as well. Also, I can see far away places through walls and even the smallest detail is caught by my eyes. " he spurred out

Both the adults looked shocked at the revelation. He certainly had the Byakugan but how he described it was only those that trained their Byakugan constantly. That could take years while he was still a little kid. This meant his Byakugan was inherently stronger which was proven as they asked him a follow-up question. "How far can you see?"

He pondered for a bit before saying "Roughly Six miles" which was the truth as his eyes had become even stronger since his escape. They kept getting stronger slowly but the fight with Sakura and Mitsuki gave them a massive boost. Probably because he used his Byakugan a lot in both fights.

Now Hinata was truly shocked at this. She could only see 50 meters when she was his age and 13 miles when she was 18. Now however she could see a good 30 miles but the kid so young could see so far was truly a rare case.

"He's a genius, Honey!" Hinata murmured causing Drogo to smirk and Naruto to laugh nervously. Of course, he knew this kid was a genius. His fight in the Academy was proof enough and his ability to survive out there was even more impressive.

"We should send him to My dad and Hanabi to train. He has Hyuga blood in him and learning Gentle fist is a must for all the members" she told Naruto as he nodded while in the background it seemed Himawari and Boruto were in an argument which was heating up badly.

Suddenly, a ripping sound could be heard along with Himawari crying.

"Its just a stuffed toy Hime. It's no big deal, stop crying. It's so nasty as well I'll get you a new one." No matter what he said she wouldn't stop crying.

Hinata on seeing this was about to get up and scold Boruto for ruining his sister's doll and comfort her daughter but before she could Drogo had already gotten up.

Both Hinata and Naruto looked at him curiously as he approached the siblings. Before Boruto could even notice he was punched and fell down on the floor shouting "What the hell!" but Drogo simply ignored him

He picked up the dolls head which wsd ripped apart and the body next to it. Slowly approaching Himawari he got on his one knee and rubbed her head.

"It's alright little princess. I'll fix your doll for you. If you promise to stop crying I'll give you something pretty as well" both those things made her stop crying but she still sniffled looking him in the eyes.

"Really will my doll be alright?" she asked trying hard not to sniffle

Drogo just smiled and lovingly told her "Don't worry look I'll fix your doll right in front of you" waving his hands as very thin metal wires which looked like very thing strings appeared from his kunai pocket. These were strings that he had stolen from the shops to practice his Iron manipulation. Since they were small he imagined them as many particles and tried to control many at a time which he had been successful after a lot of tries. Controlling them was hard but him being a genius he was didn't take him much to learn all about it. A high-level IQ was certainly an edge only he had.

A few thing threads appeared and joined the head with the body stitching it back in place. The doll looked good as new.

Everyone in the room was surprised with how he made the strings obey so easily.

For Naruto, it seemed the kid still had many secrets he had yet to tell. Drogo knew of this and answered " Before you ask I've always been able to manipulate Iron. So whatever has Iron inside I can manipulate it" shutting further questions down.

"Oi that's my sister and you can't hit me like that." Boruto, however, was just angry at being punched and wanted to say something even if it didn't make sense.

"You're right she's your sister. If she was mine I'd have broken many of your bones for making her cry." he gave him the killer eye making Boruto shut up

Reaching up inside his pocket he brought out a very shiny crystal Comb. Himawari seeing this had her eyes twinkling "So petty" she mumbled even Hinata and Naruto shared the same sentiment but then saw How Drogo smiled but a very sad smile. A smile that possibly had many pains behind it.

Naruto would know this smile, after all, it was the same smile he had when he was always alone in his childhood.

"This used to be my sisters. I had bought this for her in a town once. She loved it and made me comb her hair with this. I hope you can take care of this. With me, it'll only be a relic but with you, it could shine once again." still maintaining his sad smile he gave her the comb and ruffled her hair.

Himawari, however, looked him straight in the eyes and said "I promise I'll take care if this Big Bro Drogo. If you miss your sister you can come to comb my hair" to which Drogo laughed lightly telling her he would be happy to.

Finally getting up he looked at Boruto straight in the eye and said " Don't ever make your siblings cry. They are the only people in the world that truly care about you. You won't know loss until they are gone. Take it from someone who says with experience" turning around to leave he was halted again.

"What happened to your sister?" Boruto mustered up the courage to ask

Without even turning back to look at him he said "Killed by the man who my mother ran away with. She took her final breath in my arms" almost choking when he said the last words he approached the couple who now had similar sad smiles on their faces.

"Thank you for the food. I'll show myself out." Bowing in front of them he went out grabbing his shoes and sword.

Back inside the house, the atmosphere had turned very awkward and only Himawari who was only a child was seen playing and not reading the situation.

"The boy seems to have faced a lot. His eyes seem tired at times" Naruto finally spoke up as he saw his Son running back to his room.

Hinata nodded as well "It seems he really cared more about his sister than his parents. Makes you wonder how bad his parents were for him to not feel a thing for them"

"Honey, he needs love. He's just like you back when you were a kid. If he isn't shown the right he might end up like Gaara did when he was young" she told him and he too knew that would be the case.

"I'll tell Sakura to be more gentle to him. I've also noticed he seems to flinch when someone touches him its especially the case when a woman touches him. Something horrible must've happened to him to fear someones touch that much."

Back in the Uchiha house Drogo took off his shoes and went upstairs. It seems Sakura was not back yet. Just as had was about to enter his room a voice called out.

"Drogo?" the women in question was Sarada who now was in her Night pyjamas standing outside her door nervously.

'Why does everyone want to talk to me that much? I've talked to more people coming here then my entire two lives combined' Running his hairs he looked at her

"Do you need something?" he asked in a frosty voice almost making her flinch

She finally gathered up her courage and bowed towards him "I'm sorry, every one of us thought you were a bad kid but we didn't know your story. I'm sorry we judged you and I'm sorry I judged you even tho we live together." she was not expecting him to reply she wasn't even expecting him to stay and listen to this but her eyes widened when he spoke up as well.

"It's fine. Damn, I need to apologise as well. I was too hard on you guys. I've got anger issues which I'll try to control from now on. How about we start fresh?" she however was frozen at the spot.

He apologised he actually apologised. Is he even Drogo? She kept thinking to herself nevertheless was happy to find his change.

Looking up she saw his hand being held towards her and unconsciously brought hers forward as well. They shook hands

"Friends?" Drogo smiled at her which she replied back "Friends" with her own smile a small blush.

"I'll see you tomorrow Sarada. Good night" with that he went in his room

Throwing himself on his bed he was extremely tired. His right hand when inside his zipped shirt and pulled out a locket which he opened.

"I miss you, Sister. I miss you so much" a small tear escaped his eyes as he gently caressed the picture him and his sister were in.

'Tomorrow Operation Blend in begins. The closer I am to all of them the more it would hurt when I destroy it all. For the betterment of the world, I will make sure the Ninja villages are destroyed. What is the point of being a strong village when you don't help the citizens outside your village? The future doesn't need Shinobi villages it needs a single leader to control the whole land. It needs laws to protect bastards and raped victims. It needs laws to protect them from these Shinobies.' Evil glint flowed through his eyes before it vanished and he closed his eyes.

Tomorrow was a new beginning!

Another chapter out. This is setting up towards Sarada arc and as the Story progress, you’ll know how Drogo has so many bloodlines. His hatred has not vanished doing worry. His plans run deep and him being sealed has made him very conscious of things. He would only follow with a plan he is 100% sure off.

If I don't post chapters the very next day it does not mean I'm quitting. It simply means I’ll be posting 2-3 days later. As ideas come in my mind I write stuff, it could be inconsistent

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